That's pretty funny. Pull yer head outta the conspiracy theories and smell the fresh air for a change.
It's only funny for those who can't smell the bullshit and piece together all the facts. What facts you say? EXACTLY!
Yeah, follow the science they say. Do you bother to look for the deaths and injuries caused by the pseudoscience, or just follow the leader in the "it's safe and effective" Conga line? How Many People Have Been Killed by the Covid Vaccine? Almost a year old the article, so guess what that means? The numbers have increased since. TRUST AND FOLLOW THE PSEUDOSCIENCE!
Dude, are you serious here? This has been investigated, probed, inspected, and reinvestigated over and over and over. What you're claiming simply isn't real. I'm sorry, but it's time for you folks to wake up and smell the coffee.
Investigated by whom, hand-picked sock puppets? You don't even post any of these said "investigations". Also, I thought that medical sciences is peer-reviewed and open to debate. Did that happen when the plandemic was in full throttle? No. Anyone who opposed or questions official narratives were shut down, silenced and discredited. So how can it be fair to state that "medical sciences is peer-reviewed and open to debate" happened? It didn't. Tell me then, why did Pfizer want to suppress the release of an 800,000-page document for 75 years, hiding something are they? You bet your pseudoscience they were. Oh, and what was contained in a portion of these documents I hear you say, glad you asked. Here you go. Here's a bonus for you. Leaked top-secret Pfizer document shows COVID-19 vaccine is FAR MORE DANGEROUS than the world knows Knock yourself out, you're welcome.
CDC and similar agencies all over the word. Come on, man. It just isn't real and you wishing it was won't change that.
What world of fantasy do you live in? The CDC is corrupt to the core along with WHO. WAKE MAN! CDC and WHO Corrupt Financial Entanglements with the Vaccine Industry
Is that because you're covering your ears and closing your eyes whilst chanting la, la, la, la, la? Oh, it's real. The boogeyman exists in every government.
It's clear you lack the ability to connect dots, even when given to you. Do you know who Klaus Schwab is? What has he got to with anything? If you watch the very short video, he'll explain it to you. Not that difficult to click a button and listen.
Agreed there is a vaccine compensation scene same as anywhere but suing the government, well….. what it would require is to prove there are more cases at this severity. I mean how can anyone predict adverse outcomes of the incidence is less than one in 30 million?
Whatever floats your boat. For the rest of us, well I don’t need to indulge in conspiracy theories and tell myself how much “better” I am for being able to “connect dots” that do not exist.
You are correct, there are no conspiracy theories. But there are a lot of conspiracies though. Far too difficult for you to comprehend, that's why there are no dots to connect. Because you've still got your compliance believe the lies blindfold on.
You too have got your blindfold on, as above does. That's why you don't, can't and won't see the stats because all you see is "death from covid".
Comparing covid vaccines to Nazi Germany suggests you don't understand much about the vaccines or Nazis.
You've been shown plenty of facts but choose to ignore them. I wonder why the sudden rise in miscarriages, stillbirths and babies born with deformities lately, climate change perhaps?