Apparently we were lied to when the left told us they were full of nuance. Let's see if I can explain this to you. She was using what is known as a "metaphor" in which working for an extended period of time to pay off the debt that is owed could be considered a form of slavery as one is not truly free until the debt is paid. As a helpful reminder to the historically-challenged, there have been many forms of slavery over the centuries, race-based being only one of them. Indeed, going into slavery in order to pay off a debt is well known, well to most of us, apparently. Heck, I just paid off my car and I most certainly felt a sense of freedom when I finally got my Pink slip; I was no longer working to pay them off.
Which person works to only pay off some debt? An indentured servant. What debt are Americans paying off if 25% of their money goes to governments. Certainly not the National Debt. They are paying their part in the running of governments over their lifetime. Most Americans do not give all of their wages to the government every day for any period of time. You could have paid off your car loan faster if you have given all of your wages to the loan.
Personal debt varies per case. Some over extend, others don't. In either case, it's their own choice. They choose to indenture themselves to another for a specific period of time, usually with the wherewithal to pay it all back. It's not that nobody will be paying back the national debt, but instead, we will reach a point when nobody can pay it back. It is a good system for those who die before the Ponzi scheme unravels.
Oh good grief! WHERE do you get this psychobabble from? Your sheer, undiluted hatred & bitterness for Palin is so obvious, but can't you try to...... never mind! You wouldn't understand...... That woman sure has hit a nerve really deep in you
Well, if you and Sarah signed a piece of paper then you are indenture servants. Boy, I would never do that.
If it works for you not having a house, whatever. But like I said, at least you finally understood her point.
Some do not CHOOSE to be in debt no matter how many phony attributes the right may bring up. Yes, wishing for bad things is an ATTRIBUTE of the right.
I don't know what phony attributes you are talking about. And recognizing the obvious bad of a thing is not equivalent to wishing for bad.
As always, Mrs. Palin is correct and the empty, exploding heads fail to understand her comparison. It probably requires deeper thinking than that of which they're capable.
Today he's not? Well, when did he change his mind? Did he ever figure out when the U.S. Constitution was written? Well, if not - a 5th grader can tell him.....
IMO: Only a world class idiot would never compare our national debt to slavery. Financial slavery is still slavery....and btw, thanks to this administration, our poor financial situation is historical... First down grade of US credit-- EVER-- largest debt EVER and it will have doubled on OWEblamer's watch due to OWEblamer policies.
this statement shows the level of failure of the right when it comes to defending the noise machine.....stupid ridiculous and childish.
I wasn't aware that Sarah Palin has equated government debt to slavery. But then, I don't pay attention to the ravings of crackpots, except for occasional entertainment. It's an odd thing for her to be saying considering her record. As Mayor of Wasilla, she took a town that had no long term debt at all, and buried it under $20 million in bond debt for a community athletic center, in a town with no public water and no paved streets. $20 million is a big lift for a town of less than 10,000 people. So, I guess she knows a little about what she's talking about here!
They don't care about Obama lying, playing the largest scam on us and destroying our health care etc But Palin is the most important thing in their lives I lived In Alaska for seventeen years until six years ago, Palin was my want to know about it and Palin you can ask
I know you don't mean to be dim about this topic. I just think you are fixated on trying to make everything about race. The word, "slavery" can apply to a host of topics not related to race at all. Also, and I'm sure you are not slow to figure out, Sarah Palin was not making an historical reference. To try to make that leap is disingenuous and lacks intellectual honesty. You made this assertion, "They are two different historical events and have no connotation to one another in the least and any comparison makes one look even more like a world class idiot." Um, how do I say this without sounding like a put down, or that I am questioning your character. I think it is you who brought up the comparison where it did not apply. So, by your own estimation, and using your own words, not mine, " . . . one look even more like a world class idiot." Sorry for having to point this out for you.
Debt is slavery when individuals hold it (you really need to read about Solon and Sisachthia legislation) . National debt is not slavery because nations can not be confiscated or foreclosed .
Of course she does it was a correct a salient point. Bashir should be fired. Perhaps the idiots are those who do not see the correlation.