Bashir seems to have taken a dose of his own medicine. By being such an idiot toward Palin he defecated in his own mouth. He is now a slave to his own gulp.
This is true. Where would they be without it? Slavery was an obvious mistake for this country. I blame my ancestors.
The main aspect of slavery is The slave is owned by his master The slight difference from bonded servitude
Debt isn't "given" to future generations. National debt doesn't function that way. You've been listening to too much GOP bullcrap.
I regard Palin highly - above Lucille Ball and Phyllis Diller, but still well below Sarah Silverman and Carol Burnett. Her desperate search for her place in show biz reminds me of Blix, Kay, and Duelfer's search for DubyaMD - or, perchance, Ponce de León's Fountain of Youth hunt. She's like Richard Belzer's Munch in tv crime drama. You just don't know where the zany will pop up next, and that's half the fun! One of her recent tweet encyclicals reviled the Pope for his take on the gospel message. That's as mirthsome as Lady Gaga teaching Bill Belichick about football! She cracks me up.
I expect you would know better than anyone. - - - Updated - - - Indeed! Debt IS slavery. Why should Palin disavow her comments?
Yosh - There's some posters where you just waste your time with a response. Some because they've been pwned so often it isn't funny, sometimes because it's obvious they think they're much more intelligent than they really are, and others because they never actually debate but just slip in a one-liner and go off into the night. Sometimes it's all of the above.
You are right. I plead guilty to wasting my time in that instance and pledge to do better in the future.
It is always slavery? Slavery is rather absolute: you're either a slave or you're not. Debt is not quite as absolute: you may owe a little or a lot. When I got a school loan, I didn't feel like a slave. I felt like somebody who was in debt and had to pay it back with interest. The USA uses the Federal Reserve, so borrowed money will always fund the government.
Here she is pretending to know how the Federal reserve works. Comic gold. [video=youtube;1RuhdLYgToY][/video]
You are just being an apologist. You are bankrupting your children and grandchildren. You have been reading too much Daily Kos and Mother Jones. Trillions upon trillions of debt is not sustainable. - - - Updated - - - LOL at you thinking you know how the federal reserve works. You think trillion dollar deficits every year are sustainable and a good thing.
Since you wasted bandwidth with that quote would you, can you explain what you find so offensive about it?
Blonds the world over who have been characterized as "ditzy" are grateful. Thanks to Lady SaPa and Bats Bachmann, a follicle fallacy is finished!
Says who? When is our debt due? Please tell me. I am dying to know. Children and Grandchildren don't "pay back debt." That is Fox News crap. National debt is an accounting measure for the number of outstanding treasury bills. You can invest in U.S. or foreign debt as an investment vehicle. It is more of a count than a functional quantity that must be paid back at some day of reckoning. It is functionally different from debt of a currency user like you, your business, or your state. We have had debt since the country was founded and it has never been unsustainable. It never will be. We control our own debt. We have run deficits almost EVERY YEAR for over 200 year. Federal sovereign governments do not require balanced budgets. This isn't even an American statement. All the other sovereign governments have massive debt too. You flat out can't comprehend what you clearly don't understand. Please, tell me when our government will become insolvent.
Showing your ignorance, I am a Southern white and statement made no such connection nor was it aimed at Southern whites anymore than northern whites. Are you trying to insinuate that Southern whites are inheriently racist and still walk under the banner of segregation and slavery?
Me>> Are you trying to insinuate that Southern whites are inheriently racist and still walk under the banner of segregation and slavery? What utter ignorance, we got rid of the segregationist Democrats long ago.
I am. I don't like the South. I admit it. I don't try to hide my personal prejudice unlike some people on here who say blacks are inferior but won't admit that they are racist.
They are racist. My dad and grandfather live down here. I'm down here right now for the holiday. I've done business in the South many times. I don't need to be followed in any more stores, or continuously questioned on how I'm in the career position I am in.
So you said it yourself. You'll ALWAYS be a slave as guaranteed by the consitution itself. You can default on a personal loan. We're not discussing a deficit. Every business borrows money short term. We're discussing 17 trillions dollars in debt, borrowed on your behalf that you're constitutionally on the hook for, AKA a slave to the almighty federal government, while the politicians enrich themselves on your chains.