I'm beginning to get that. That's too bad. - - - Updated - - - Of course I never did. That was part of her spin. Apparently, I missed that somehow.
I said most people didn't discuss their sex lives.. He said it was important for medical purposes.. I asked if he was a doctor......
Why can't you understand that someone can learn about another culture of a country w/o having to actually live there simply by research and first hand knowledge/experiences from those who have? Reports from WHO and Amnesty International are 2 sources that tried for decades to get them to top the FGM torture on young girls and failed. I remember one time you called honor killings a 'bigoted joke'. Well, I bet the young girls who had their lives snuffed out b/c they 'disgraced' their father didn't think it was a 'joke'...... No one cares how many times you met someone - it doesn't make you right about your fairy tales of Saudi Arabia and their treatment of females. It's all out there, Margot - tons of the TRUTH about SA. You better get used to it.......
I know you never asked her about her sex life. That's why I fell across my keyboard howling w/laughter......
And I never once asked you about your sex life. So whether or not I am a doctor is irrelevant. It was just you spinning a point once again. Should we go back and quote you again? BTW- your sex life and sexuality are two completely different things. Sexuality simply means who you are attracted to. I should not have to be afraid to say I'm gay if someone of the opposite sex hits on me in a club. I should also not have to be afraid if I hold my boyfriend's hand in public.
Why don't you go to some of the ex-pat websites for Saudi Arabia and tell those Americans who lived and worked there for 20-30-40 years what an expert you are on Saudi Arabia???
Yes they do practice FGM: http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/femalecircumcision/femalecirc_1.shtml - - - Updated - - - Why don't you provide sources for your claims? You're the one making them. Back them up. We have.
You seem to think.. according to your post.. that discussing your sex life was important.. Not among people who are well brought up.
Discussing your sexuality is not the same as discussing your sex life. Apparently, you can't grasp the difference between the two. And mature adults can have conversations about all kinds of subjects, and should be able to without fear of the law. And do you really think holding hands is having sex or something?
Really, you will have to document that one. Particularly the number of American meaningless deaths during the term in office. And you can't use ongoing civilian deaths in Iraq and Afganistan caused by Bush's phony invasions.
Nope.. No FGM in KSA.. ARAMCO originally doctors set up healthcare for women and there are extensive records over a period of 40 years.. Do you want the names of those physicians? Its pretty dry reading but it goes on and on and on ... record keeping over a period between 1940 and 1975.
Zacarias Moussaoui has a history of lying. Even bin Laden said Moussaoui had no knowledge of Moussaoui.
ROFL! I read Reuters, they apparently don't. Remember Benghazi? Reuters had the full truth on the international front page on Sept 12th in the morning. It took our CIA 11 more days to finally notify the president that he was making a fool out of himself.
http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/09/13/us-libya-ambassador-assault-idUSBRE88C02Q20120913 Scroll down about 2/3 of the way where it talks about the safe house and Capt Fathi al-Obeidi. The keywords are: "lying in wait". There was never any talk of a video. The Rogers report confirms it.
Same false meme... But people with brains and possess the rare abilitity to use them know that Saudi Arabia funds terrorism. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/aug/31/combat-terror-end-support-saudi-arabia-dictatorships-fundamentalism
Insults? Hummm...very telling. Saudi Arabia is no more a friend to the USA than Soviet Russia. What utter nonsense.
Why did this thread get flushed down here to the cesspool? Let me guess, something akin to this, eh, mods?: