HUMANIST ADMONITIONS IN POLITICAL POEMS DR, DR. MD & PH. D. HONORARY PRINCE OF DERBENT M. ERDOGAN SURAT/PROF. MES SOLZHENITSY (SEE IN GOOGLE) LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, New KEMALISM of FETHULLAH GULEN is something to make the reconciliation Stalinism with Islam, like despot thought, to have liberalism wiped the slate clean. To leave you in a blind alley like KEMALISM of the Red Generals did over the Evil, and through the cocktail of Lenins, Ataturks and Maos full atheist ideology. We Pro-West Turkish and Kurdish Muslims tell you AKP, MHP and CHPs tricks: Everything in Turkish Republics History is nothing but a stand up show of big Turks, To deceive the Liberal World! In the years of the World War II CHP exiled Jews and Christians to sub-arctic climate The first and only evidence that is supplied to you for the time being, within the terms Of the AKP type KEMALIST/Islamist butcher imam of FETHULLAH GULENs Deprived of all humanist conscience dares to offer New Concentration Camps for Jews and Christians forever! How could one Islamist Butcher dare to say this? Because FETHULLAH GULEN feels himself powerful enough To defy all heathen people seemingly defending tolerance and dialoguge though! MÜSLÜMAN OLMAYANLAR İÇİN GETTOLAR YAPILMALI! YENİ ŞAFAK YAZARININ ÖNERİSİ ŞAŞIRTTI! Yeni Şafak yazarı Hayrettin Karaman'ın Tahammül mü hoş görmek mi başlıklı köşe yazısı tepkilere neden oldu. Yeni Şafak yazarı Prof. Dr. Hayrettin Karaman dün yayımlanan Tahammül mü hoş görmek mi başlıklı köşe yazısında Müslüman gibi yaşamayanlar için özel bölgeler yapılmasından söz etti. Bu yazısı da yazdığı gün çok tepki çekti. THE BUTCHER IMAM OF F.GULEN/YENI SAFAK GAZETTE RUN BY AKP: TURKISH REPUBLIC MUST FORCE JUDEO-CHRISTIANS TO LIVE IN GHETTOS Two centuries of Westernisation efforts were some episodes of THE GREAT SHOW, And Turkey Vultures Red Generals under the command of KOC Family of The heights administrating the Presidium/Turkish Soviet Which betrayed the USA at the beginning of IRAQ in War/Decree-1st March, in it! But American Marines and their allies could manage to water the barren soils Ruined by the brother of FETHULLAH GULEN and Turkish Red Generals The astonish history of Americans evoked here is the history of European, yep, The European Civilisation History which shows us that you can trust only us Pro-European Turkish and Kurdish Muslims! Yet In any event, We cannot help you for were not organized like open or secret KEMALIST GANG Perhaps we may be useful in discovering your sworn enemies achievements: Bang! The rule of future action of ours will be pointing that the BETRAYALS of Vulture Ladies and Gentlemen Remember: Turkish Soviet-the Vulture is a weak creature. YOURS/PROF. MES SOLZHENITSY
Do they have a choice? When religion of the government runs a country, the religion is the power of the country and the citizens are obedient to religion as a government. That's how they did it back in 300AD. that is what religious government is all about.
PROF. MES SOLZHENITSY (BLESS THE HOLLY MISSION FROM ALEXANDER S. TO M. E. SURAT) TURNED INTO AN INTERNATIONAL FIGURE AND NOW TALKS TO THE WORLDS INTELLECTUALS American Liberty Radio-EU Forums-Global Security prof. mes solzhennitsy (see in google) Messrs; No good news for you: Yesterday terrorist PKK Kurds too cursed the USA and its allies! Demirtaş: Davutoğlu ABD temsilcisi - Haber 7ş...18 saat önce Demirtaş, Davutoğlu'nun Suriye'ye Dışişleri Bakanlığının yanı sıra ABD temsilcisi olarak da gittiğini söyledi. BDP'li Selahattin Demirtaş ... Now what do you want to do? Leave yourselves to the bloody hands of Turkish Soviet to be annihilated like several thousand Jews, Greeks, and even Armenians lived once in Istanbul or to struggle against the black propaganda written by The Unique Turkey as secret KEMALIST felon FETHULLAH GULEN pronounces it. Unique Turkey comes to the meaning of enmity to be in attacking permanently on the Judeo-Christians and Semitic People. If there were no Unique Turkey there would have been no such enormous Anti-American Propaganda in Turkey. Today the Head Quarter controlling generalized Anti-Americanism in Turkey is in a transitional phase and the Red Generals and Red Judges are changing their positions with the militants of F. GULEN GANG! You see: If there were no Unique Turkey no Anti-American Propaganda-generalized in unbelievably enormous dimensions-could be! Actually there is two ways before you: To leave your liberal mission in and around the Eurasia or to delete the secret KEMALIST new name of the chief of the UNIQUE TURKEY! In light of the Pro-West Muslims job it is our responsibility to warn you about the bloody plot induced paramilitary success samples of FETHULLAH GULENs fake tolerance tricks intolerableness. If you wouldnt like to hear the most drastic warnings of Pro-West Turkish and Kurdish Muslims you should be losing not only what is tolerable things in any case but the intolerable: I mean FETHULLAH GULEN!s Gang militants knows the name of Taliban butchers who murdered many American Marines, and NATO soldiers in Afghanistan and in Iraq. The security calls you to pull yourself together, and to give the start to defend yourself before the devilish eyes of FETHULLAH GULEN-which seemingly could foresee your dramatic end in Turkey, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Syria, also, there: promising F. GULENs zombies, Turkish Red Generals, PKK Kurds, MHP Turkish racists under the umbrella of the Unique Turkey which presidium is KOC Holding! We warn you instead of your snoring! Aren't you waking up here because of soporific hints moulded in fake tolerance and dialogue of F.GULEN? No, you cannot be unable to choose reasonable measures, although some of you may not love being pre-emptive and perhaps they dont love it because of F. GULENs lovable packages under his eye-lids, and because of the aura of thoughts that surrendering to F. GULEN should be more reasonable! Hey! Do you like disorder in and around Turkey? You know we Pro-West Turkish and Kurdish Muslims have nothing to make our voices, even not a radio station. There is a peril concentrated knock at your door. You are in silence, and we too except for these message/articles of mine. After PKK Kurds threat there is a louder knock. Shall you ever be like the creature paralyzed already? Nonsense! Where is the European and Semitic response? Yours/SOLZHI-THE SPOKESMAN OF PRO EUROPEAN CIVILISATON TURKISH AND KURDISH MUSLIMS
HUMANIST ADMONITIONS IN POLITICAL POEMS DR, DR. MD & PH. D. HONORARY PRINCE OF DERBENT M. ERDOGAN SURAT/PROF. MES SOLZHENITSY (SEE IN GOOGLE) LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, What I mean to say is, F. GULEN is a sheer Showman: Really? Any hints? Look! The proofs below are in the original and highly most trustable documents. He also the most dangerous chief of horror of the World still selling clandestinely The African Kids kidneys to the Iranian Revolution Guards: Only One kidney for one million Euros as it has been narrated in The Hun-HUNE Africa is the home continent of both of Indo-European and Semitic People, and we, Must have one eye on him when his gang are helping the breast feeding Mommy In miserable holes that cannot be controlled. While F. GULENS servant F. KORU gives out Star Gazette gratis* in Macro-Market! F. GULEN IS ENORMOUSLY RICH YET HE MAKES SHOW OF DEMANDING DONATION!* Remember: F. GULENS butcher pen HILMI YAVUZ wanted our Naipaul beheaded Once during the World Writers Seminary in Istanbul...what an indecency: bloody bold What's that? How could Turkish Red and Green KEMALIST/Fascists dare to do it? Because Turkish Soviets writers from Green Fascist NASUHI GUNGOR** To the Red KEMALISTAYDIN DOGANs right hand: Anti-American swindler HAKAN CELIK*** raised the official banner of the sworn enemies of America Pen in one hand the better to blacken Americans from Bush to Obama! ** F. GULENs BANDIT NASUHI GUNGOR SWEARS PRESIDENT OBAMA! Forgive us-The Pro Liberty Turkish and Kurdish Muslims for hurrying to take measure Against the most cute, most dangerous GREEN KEMALIST/Stalinist terror Chief second to the KOCs Red General now sat down in a corner of SILIVRI Jail, Pressing their hands to their face-IRANOPHILE and CHINOPHILE They were just about to lick their phlegmatic enmity spit before F. GULEN would Take the new KEMALIST-secret and two faced-regimes harnesses from the old Turkish Soviets presidium-KOC HOLDING While PKK terrorists shouted Anti-American slogans from the distant mountains ring To exert all Anti-Symmetric strength nourished especially by ILKER BASBUG And other Red Generals in the past Hey Europeans-including Russians- and Americans you see why we all to haste! ***AYDIN DOGANs vagabond swears all Judeo Christians! YOURS/PROF. MES SOLZHENITSY
PROF. MES SOLZHENITSY (BLESS THE HOLLY MISSION FROM ALEXANDER S. TO M. E. SURAT) TURNED INTO AN INTERNATIONAL FIGURE AND NOW TALKS TO THE WORLDS INTELLECTUALS American Liberty Radio-EU Forums-Global Security prof. mes solzhennitsy (see in google) Messrs; Turkish Soviets-led by the KOC Holding as the presidium- two big terrorist and Anti American Forces: KEMALIST/Stalinist Red Generals and Islamist/Stalinist F.GULEN type Gang's butchers along side with the fake journalists and scholars who are able to swindle you overall personal friendship, through-seemingly-good manners in fact matching to professional fraudulent! In these sultry days of August all Turkish Soviets doors of traditional hard Anti-American Campaign are left ajar, and after some of the pimp Anti-Democracy Red Turkish generals-but not those biggest ones/ILKER BASBUG or YASAR BUYUKANIT-have been eliminated the newest pimp activity against the USA and its allies was born nothing, and Im sure you have nothing to hinder them-Islamist/Stalinist Turkish Al-Qaeda hordes militants. The KEMALIST/Stalinist Turkish Reds were accustomed to produce ignorant, bigot, would be scholars through the scientific tricks to train all of the Turkish Youth as the sworn enemies of Americans. Today the most detestable swindler of all times called FETHULLAH GULEN is on the same way as you can understand from the incredible insulting words of a GULENIST pseudo scholar over the headlights of semi official gazette of PM ERDOGAN! YESTERDAY IN THE STAR GAZETTE OF T. ERDOGAN AN IGNOBLE ANTI AMERICAN SON OF (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)-FAMOUS GULENIST PROF. AHMET KAVAS FROM ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY CURSED THE JUDEO-CHRISTANS. HE REMARKED THAT TURKS ARE HUMAN BUT ALL CHRISTIANS ARE ABOMINABLE BEASTS! Who will save The USA and its allies? And the turmoil in Turkish Foreign Policies, deep down, scarcely visible; Judeo-Christians look-especially-in Africa like a living dried leaf-work, a bouquet that is harshly treated and would like to tumble down by the New Ottomans. Today in my home, having been shamed of the THREAT of Turkish Secret Racist Party AKPs leader: Turks should break the hands-of Americans hidden in the words skilfully-yes the hands intending to make operation in South Eastern Turkey. You see: PKK Terrorists assist puppet PM-the puppet of big KEMALIST generals and their secret friend F. GULEN-change the score with a genius goal! How he looked from the distance, seated at the throne of the Caliphs promising bloody days after RAMADAN! Stooped, half reclining even on the gilded platform of IFTAR, the abominable profile of his face having got the dirtiest mouth of the world vomiting clandestinely vengeance against the America and its Jewish and Gulf Arab allies; his face almost being full of wrinkles (not really old); entirely indifferent to the liberty inducing surroundings, indecent, and without shame. His dangling thoughts were being made by KEMALIST/Stalinist Red Generals, and by contrasting to the ERGENEKON scads act play make it easier to trace the delicate enmity against Judeo-Christians in his one thousand and one face feature! As to the opposition Parties MHP, CHP, and BDP they live in the dirty Anti-American pond full of dirt mental juices provided with KEMALISM-the ridiculous copy of Leninism. Today all he had to do is make collaboration with our Pro-West Turkish and Kurdish Muslims despised by Red Despots and exploited by Fake Liberal Leaders, and international swindlers like FETHULLAH GULEN! Yours/SOLZHI-THE SPOKESMAN OF PRO EUROPEAN CIVILISATON TURKISH AND KURDISH MUSLIMS
HUMANIST ADMONITIONS IN POLITICAL POEMS DR, DR. MD & PH. D. HONORARY PRINCE OF DERBENT M. ERDOGAN SURAT/PROF. MES SOLZHENITSY (SEE IN GOOGLE) LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, HERE YOU ARE MY VITAL IMPORTANCE APHORISMS: First of all we must hinder the red Stalinist China and Green Stalinist F. GULENs Gang under the command of KOC plots to ambush you in Somali! Making a good cooperation with PKK terrorists the newest Turkish Green Stalinist/KEMALIST Army-after the Red Stalinist one-frightened on purpose innocent Kurdish farmers with its F16 Aircrafts, and push them away from their fields away.* (*Because RAHMI KOC wants to add Kirkuk to The North Cyprus-The Pseudo Republic of the Turkish Cypriots.) The former chiefs of the Turkish General Staff had been Anti-European Red Generals controlled by KOC Family which recently have appointed its very secret Islamic Charlatan FETHULLAHs jackals as hyper prosecutors like MEHMET BERK** after HEZBOLLAHs super lawyer BEKIR BERK, and made the new Turkish commanders to be accommodated to the Green Stalinist way of oppression over both Pro-European Turkish and Kurdish Muslims! ** The KEMALIST/Stalinist ignoble sports swindler AZIZ YILDIRIM was interrogated and arrested by M. BERK** yet YILDIRIMs cruel boss ALI KOC couldnt be touched by BERK! Dirty from the point of KEMALIST/Stalinist idea but half innocent-because his boss is KOC- in FENERBAHCE case AZIZ YILDIRIM wrote a letter to F. Type President A. GUL in vain! Aziz Yıldırım'dan Çankaya'ya mektup: Benden daha ünlü o isim kim ... - Önbellek 2 gün önce Aziz Yıldırım, mektupta Cumhurbaşkanı Gül'e Sayın Savcı benden daha ünlü bir kişiyi alacağını söylemiştir. Bu kişi kimdir ve neden hala ... After intimidating all Turkish People over the FENERBAHCE Case actually red ideology induced Sports Team directly handled by ALI KOC-F. GULENs New Vulture* organized terror attacks against the innocent Israeli People including siblings, and bombed British Counsel in Afghanistan where the Turkish Green/KEMALIST would like to see only F. GULENs Schools! Americans and Russians: We Pro-Liberty Turkish & Kurdish Muslims warn you again: if you want to live in and around the Eurasia you and your allies have to control new despots of Turkish Soviet/The Vulture* or the green stewards of Vultures Presidium i.e. KOC Holding could hit you as they hit Israel yesterday! You must collaborate to control Vulture viz. the terrorist states new despots i.e. F. GULEN Gangs Militants, otherwise, they know how to make you to kneel before them! YOURS/PROF. MES SOLZHENITSY
PROF. MES SOLZHENITSY (BLESS THE HOLLY MISSION FROM ALEXANDER S. TO M. E. SURAT) TURNED INTO AN INTERNATIONAL FIGURE AND NOW TALKS TO THE WORLDS INTELLECTUALS American Liberty Radio-EU Forums-Global Security prof. mes solzhennitsy (see in google) Messrs; Two persons have made such hardly repairable faults in the road going towards the European Civilisation. Mr. A. BILICI-one of the authors of F. GULEN cursed The Europeans mightily, struck several sparks from the point of his pen, for a moment was on the point of falling upon all Judeo Christians, but at once regained its balance, confessed that he felt shame and then a new wave of anger made him carried out by his own enthusiasm scribbled neither rapidly nor slowly on the page of the ZAMAN Gazette, which turned almost into an Anti-European hit... The PM TTAYYIP ERDOGAN-maybe under the influence of F. GULENs gang man- cursed also all Judeo-Christians whom he thought of had been the imperialists very eager to exploit African rich sources especially of SOMALI, shouted several names addressing to consecrated RAMADAN dinner guests; some Pro-West Turkish or Kurdish Muslim came out in response, but when they immediately perceived that the PM was not the same person as the man before the general elections who would be seemed as the friend of Judeo Christians! A short interval elapsed before some of them thought what to do; they requested me to report those apparent moral-or rather amoral-attacks on the Americans and their allies after the vile swindler-F. GULENs Gang members had made severe hits to demote the prestige of global American Democracy for a long time recently, and obviously having affected PM, failing to catch sight of European Civilisation again. In the meantime we Pro-West Turkish and Kurdish Muslims understood that the new Anti-American Gang appeared after the ERGENEKON GANG had disappeared that abominable a la mode Anti Americanism had already reached the outermost boundaries of the political life of well organized Green and Red KEMALISTs without being halted. It accommodated the butchers of FETHULLAH GULEN as well as the PM TAYYIP ERDOGAN-influenced by the butchers- to the life of the political red and green street selling hatred against the USA, and even against Germany and Russia. Whoa! Now where do they think they are running off to? Iran, China, North Korea or Syria and Libya clandestinely! 'Hıristiyan terörü!' ZAMAN GAZETESİ Abdülhamit Bilici Açıkçası başlıkta terör gibi vahşet ile bir dinin adını yan yana koymak hiç hoşuma gitmedi. Aksine çok zorlandım ve üzüldüm. Biz birileri gibi Somali'yi sömürge olarak görmüyoruz ... ...4 saat önce Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Hakkari'nin Çukurca ilçesinde. ... Biz birileri gibi Somali'yi sömürge olarak görmüyoruz. Başbakan Erdoğan ... Actually they held on to Anti USA Campaigns for some time in the middle of KEMALIST road, thinking that the Global Liberalism's owner would soon be along after the runaway. It has meaning but is weak; its blood flows thin by PKK terrorists, even its too far from the heart. There are still some pretty scenes in Turkeys political Agenda but we should stop the indecent Anti-American policies of Turkish red, jet black and green Fascists. Yesterday the Prime Minister appeared to us for the first time before you fell asleep in the broad day light; we have an impression of Anti-American Jackals stepping out of liberal thought, which was turned into the red or green Stalinist KEMALISM in turn in the History of Turkish Republic , jumping across you and down from liberty, and then embraced by Iran, China, and the like. Yours/SOLZHI-THE SPOKESMAN OF PRO EUROPEAN CIVILISATON TURKISH AND KURDISH MUSLIMS
ATTENTION PLEASE: FULL DOC WITH PHOTOS ATTACHED! HUMANIST ADMONITIONS IN POLITICAL POEMS DR, DR. MD & PH. D. HONORARY PRINCE OF DERBENT M. ERDOGAN SURAT/PROF. MES SOLZHENITSY (SEE IN GOOGLE) LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, APHORISMS TELL YOU HOW THE USA HAS BEEN WOUNDED TO DEATH AND HOW THE EU AND RUSSIANS WILL BE WOUNDED BY TURKISH SOVIET! You must think only of how I could quickly make you well informed about the plots of terror backing states like North Korea, Iran, Syria and Turkey, for Pro West Muslims know almost everything that I shall now note down about it is simply a piece of alertness on my part, for I won't let you ignore any of it, or am content that you shall see it. But I am really not a trifling accessory to inform you as long as I pierce into the depths, and therefore what I say of terror applies as well to ignorant diplomats who cannot get new agitations planned for the new season of Anti-American/Anti-Semitic campaign run by semi-official serial-Wolfs Valley!** ** THE CHIEF CARACTER OF THE SERIAL IS PRAISED BY F. GULENS GANG! İşte Zaman'ın yeni reklam filminin kamera arkasından ilk görüntüler Polat Alemdar, yeni imajıyla geliyor Polat Alemdar, yeni imajıyla geliyor14.09.2011Kurtlar Vadisi Pusu, 6. sezona da damgasını vurmaya hazırlanıyor. Polat'ın sakallı imajıyla göründüğü yeni bölümün fragmanı internette 2 milyon kişi tarafından izlendi. **************************************************************************************************************** Im awake while you snore. I observe Turkish Mass Media rigidly lest my eyes lose the plots designed by all military and civil/official or semi official organisations into which Pro-West Muslims looking. We render noble and non-selfish intentions in loving The Holy American democracy; the colour of the noble ones liberal world and try not to let it is washed away by overt or hidden Islamic Terror! We invite Eastern and Western European People (including Russians) to take part in Anti-Islamic/KEMALIST(BAATHIST schemes, at the same time we are careful not to forget to awaken the insignificant little diplomats among you one can draw out of every side street by Turkish-especially female-personnel working at your embassies. TURKEY GETS READY TO HIT AMERICANS IN THE MEDITERRANIAN SEA AFTER GULPING ISRAEL! THE TERRORIST ACTION UNDER THE ROOF OF EUROPEAN PARLIEMENT BY PKK MILITANTS AND TURKISH OFFICERS***! Haaretz: Özür dilemeyen İsrail, dört yaşındaki çocuk gibi Arap dünyasına seslendi: Reformları ertelemeyin Yıldızdan yayılan radyasyon fırtınası bir gezegeni yok etti Dünya 'Arap Baharı' turunu konuşuyor Türkiye önayak oldu dünya Somali'yi hatırladı Mısır için hangi Türkiye modeli? PKK yandaşlarından Avrupa Konseyi'ne baskın13.09.2011 - 18:01 ***Turkish Officers helped PKK terrorists! Terör örgütü PKK yandaşları, Strasbourg'da Avrupa Konseyi binasına baskın düzenledi. Yaklaşık 60 kişilik bir grup Türkiye'nin de üyesi olduğu Avrupa Konseyi'nin Agora isimli ek binasına zorla girdi. Güvenliği aşan grup, binanın ana girişinde 1 saattir oturma eylemine devam ediyor. Konsey'e bağlı Avrupa İşkenceyi Önleme Komitesi'nin (CPT) de bulunduğu binaya zorla giren göstericiler, terör örgütü elebaşı Abdullah Öcalan'ın, avukatlarıyla 48 gündür görüştürülmediği gerekçesiyle bu eylemi düzenlediklerini belirtti. Terör örgütü lehine slogan atan grup, Konsey yetkililerine "Gerekirse bir gün boyunca burada oturacağız. Öcalan'ın serbest bırakılması için kilit kurum burası." açıklamasını yaptı. PKK sempatizanları, Avrupa Konseyi binasının girişindeki güvenlik görevlilerini yaşadıkları arbede sonrası içeri girdi. Yetersiz sayıdaki güvenlik personeli eylemcilere oturma eylemi esnasında müdahale etmedi. 40 dakika sonra gelen polis ise henüz binadan içeri girmedi. Eylemci grup, Fransızca ve Kürtçe olarak "Yaşasın Kürdistan", "Türkiye Defol", "Öcalan'a özgürlük" sloganları attı. Avrupa Konseyi çalışanları büyük tedirginlik yaşarken, ana girişin eylemciler tarafından kapatılması nedeniyle çalışanlar odalarını terk edemiyor. Avrupa Konseyi'nin 2008'de tamamlanan Agora ek binasına 550 kişi çalışıyor. Strasbourg'daki PKK sempatizanları 9 Eylül cuma günü de aynı binanın önünde bir gösteri düzenlemişti. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** You seem being devoid of the information that the greatest opponent of PM is paid by HIM!!! YOURS/PROF. MES SOLZHENITSY ________________________________________ LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AS YOU SEE BELOW IM ONE OF THE AUTHORS OF ISLAMIC MEDIA IN TURKEY! INSTEAD I WARN THE USA IN MY ARTICLE DATED 12th SEPTEMBER 2011 (YESTERDAY) THAT TAYYIP ERDOGAN ORGANIZES A HUGE ANTI AMERICAN CAMPAIGN IN TURKEY, IN EGYPT, IN GAZA STRIP ETC. TO TRAIN THOUSAND AND THOUSAND SUICIDE BOMBER CANDIDATES TO BE READY TO MAKE INNOCENT AMERICAN PEOPLE TO LIVE NEW 9/11 DOOMSDAYS! ALL OPPOSITION PARTIES AND ALL TURKISH MEDIA FROM KEMALIST ONES TO ISLAMIST ORGANS HELP PM'S CRIME! STOP THAT IGNOBLE MAN WHO COULDNT DENY MY PROOFS AGAINST HIM INE THE MEDIA ORGANS FED BY HIM. HE ALSO IS AFRAID OF ME LEST HE SHOULD LOSE SOME PRO-WEST ISLAMIST VOTES IF HE WOULD DARE TO TOUCH ME. REITERATING MY WARNING READ-AFTER HAVING GOT IT TRAN SLATED TO YOUR LANGUAGES- MY ARTICLE BELOW STOP THIS MAN OF FULL EVIL AGAINST THE USA AND ITS ALLIES! Mustafa Erdoğan Sürat Yazarın diğer yazıları Toplam: 44 yazı + SAĞLIK YAZILARIMA BAŞLARKEN + TÜRKİYEDE ŞU ANDA BULUNMAYAN VEY -ERDOĞAN VE MİLLİYETÇİ PSİKOLOJİ HER İKİSİ DE ATIŞMA ÖTESİNDE- EŞ MİLLİYETÇİLER BAŞBAKAN AÇIKLIYOR: AKDENİZ BİR TÜRK GÖLÜDÜR! KILIÇDAROĞLU RİCA EDİYOR: SAVAŞ GEMİLERİNİ İSRAİLE GÖNDER! Türkiyenin en önde gelen iki siyasetçisini, direkt psikanalize gerek kalmadan, mülakatlarını inceleyen bir hekim gözüyle incelememe izin veriniz lütfen
This so called "prof. mes solzhenitsy" is trolling. He can't even speak Turkish - And don't answer to the questions asked by the members of this forum. Moderators please attention.
PROF. MES SOLZHENITSY (BLESS THE HOLLY MISSION FROM ALEXANDER S. TO M. E. SURAT) TURNED INTO AN INTERNATIONAL FIGURE AND NOW TALKS TO THE WORLDS INTELLECTUALS American Liberty Radio-EU Forums-Global Security prof. mes solzhennitsy (see in google) Messrs; You were not astonished nor stirred a hair while Turkish Red and Green Stalinists-from soldiers to journalists-have lynched innocent Jews! Because the sheer fraudulent leaders viz. KEMALIST RAHMI KOC ET AL and Islamist FETHULLAH GULEN, ABDULLAH GUL, and TAYYIP ERDOGAN had mesmerized you before. When theyd attack and destroyed the American 6th Armada in the Mediterranean Sea you shouldnt give any reaction. Turkish News Soviet got rid of the carcass of so called Ataturks principles and found a new symbol for it F.GULENs dialogue and tolerance instructions to make all your brains, eyes, arms, and legs benumbed! Turkish Soviet which could not be survived after the Ottoman Empire had been toppled down if The Russians-the naive, generous heroes of European Stock yet instead of the great aid over American dollars and Russian Rubbles you are nothing but bedbugs for Turkish Soviet to be eradicated because they are not in need of your helps any more. They-The Red Generals like YASAR BUYUKANIT and The Gang of FETHULLAH GULEN are selling the kids of little African Children to Iranian Aristocrats as you see below: Tam donanımlı ambulanslar Mogadişu sokaklarında 17.09.2011 11.30 THE MOST EFFICENT FBI AGENTS MUST BE SENT THERE TO SEARCH HIDDEN MATERIAL! Türkiye'den Somali'ye gönderilen yardımlar arasında yer alan ambulanslar Mogadişu'da hizmet vermeye başladı. ************************************************************************ All this is going together with my TAYYIP ERDOGANs avarice regarding to the natural sources including Libyan Petrol. (See the doc. below!) As to the GULF Arabs who had suffered through the horrible nightmares under the rule of OTTOMAN PASHAS they shall be the next to Israelites, Kurds, and Libyans to be slightly threatened, or even beaten to death for the sake of TAYYIP ERDOGANs avarice. If the Gulf Arabs cannot awake right down at the right time and wont be able to ally with their cousins-Hebrews they all be moaning under the boots of Turkish Soviets Soldiers Libya'nın petrolü Libyalılarındır 17.09.2011 TAYYIP ERDOGAN LOVES PETROL SO MUCH THAT HE THREATENS EUROPEANS IN LIBYA! Başbakan Tayyip Erdoğan, Mısır ve Tunus'tan sonra Arap Baharı turunun üçüncü ve son durağı Libya'yı ziyaret etti. ************************************************************************* A lot of people in the Middle East are ready to homage to the EMPEROR OF THE MIDDLE EAST-TAYYIP ERDOGAN. Hey, the leaders of The Gulf Arabs, in the future, none shall console you, though I may be sad to death; that is, your sadness will have to do only with yourselves, but as such itll be inconsolable. I call you to shake hands with your cousins-the Hebrews. Have I talked a lot? Yes! Yet I know a lot about the coming days too. Especially about how Turkish Soviet got its way in it job as a venomous fish swimming around you swiftly-so much swiftly that even the USA is not able to see its plots against the presence of America in and around the Eurasia! Dünya : Ortadoğu'nun yeni imparatoru Tayyip Erdoğan THE NEW EMPEROR OF THE MIDDLE EAST-TAYYIP Yours/SOLZHI-THE SPOKESMAN OF PRO EUROPEAN CIVILISATON TURKISH AND KURDISH MUSLIMS