Senator Bob Graham and 9/11

Discussion in '9/11' started by Bob0627, Apr 11, 2016.

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  1. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Where did I say that? I'm merely pointing out that the OCT in itself is not a discussion, it's a government invention. Must be a reading comprehension problem or paranoia or both.

    Bob, it's part of my id in case simple reading is a problem for you too. At least it's my real name, is your real name Shinebox?

    It's not mine it belongs to the US government, you know the acronym starts with "O" which stands for OFFICIAL and other than that, it is utterly ridiculous, that we agree on. But no one is stopping from discussing the ridiculous OCT, certainly not I. You and I and every poster in this section discuss it frequently, it is what this section is for. I still view it as not just ridiculous but also a criminal fraud. Most of your posts indicate you believe it's reality though, did you suddenly change your mind?
  2. Shinebox

    Shinebox Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    paranoia? ... really? ... other than your 28 redacted pages, you still have nothing ... not a shred of evidence of a government coverup, controlled demos, missing planes, nada, zip, nothing ... You're just a shill for the truther movement ...
  3. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Well it's either that or a reading comprehension failure or both.

    You're absolutely correct, I have no evidence whatsoever for you, I've been telling you that for ages now but you keep repeating it for some unknown reason. I don't own any redacted pages either, another one of your delusions perhaps? The evidence of the US government coverup of 9/11 resides with the US government itself. Senator Bob Graham, who was an integral part of the US government, admitted the Bush administration covered up 9/11 and the redacted 28 pages is the evidence he presents. The fact that they're totally redacted is evidence by itself anyway with or without Bob Graham.

    There is also a slew of other evidence of a government coverup of 9/11, this one is an admission by the 9/11 Commission, their website admits they are covering up 9/11.

    There is approximately 570 cubic feet of textual records. A large percentage of the Commission's records are national security classified files.

    Since all that evidence is deliberately being withheld from the public, it amounts to a clear coverup.

    Then there's the recent discovery of 27 boxes (approximately 10,000 pages of documents) that the FBI deliberately withheld from Congress and the 9/11 Commission and lied when they said they gave them everything they had. These are still classified (i.e. being covered up). This is a coverup by the FBI, an agency of the US government.

    Then there's an unknown amount of data/evidence that NIST refuses to publicly release despite FOIA requests, citing that the release would "jeopardize public safety". This is a coverup by NIST, another agency of the US government.

    And then there's the deliberate destruction of 9/11 evidence authorized by the US government that anyone who's done any research is fully aware of. That's a direct coverup and a crime in itself perpetrated by the US government.

    So you see, the US government itself admits to a massive coverup everywhere you look. It's something that no matter how much you want to deny is absolute fact supported by the US government itself and the EVIDENCE speaks for itself.

    But I certainly don't own any of it despite your silly claims. If I did, I would publicly release it as soon as I could.

    Nope I don't have any of that either, I already told you, not even UFOs, gremlins or tooth fairies. I've never had anything to do with controlled demolitions or missing planes. Perhaps you don't believe me? That's ok, you believe the OCT is fact, so much for your beliefs.

    There is no such thing. Are you a shill for the LIAR movement or just in denial or maybe both? One either believes the OCT fairy tale or one does not, those are the only two choices. When one believes it and defends it daily, one is a shill for the US government, it is after all the entity that created it, owns it and promotes it through its shills. When one doesn't believe it, one can't be a shill for anything, that makes no sense.
  4. Blues63

    Blues63 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 18, 2014
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    No, it was crap.
    Whale to? Now there's no cred at all. I'm, not playing dumb and it is clear that you are only aware of one side of the story. See Millette and Mohr, then get back to me when you've read the material. Your boobtoob collection doesn't impress me much. Maybe it is you who is playing dumb here? You seem to only know half the story, and it's the dumb half from 9/11 truth, which are just fairy tales spoon fed to idiots.

    Yeah, yeah, the usual anti-intellectual drek from the masses. 'It's 'my' academic material now is it? LOLOL. Listen, Idiots always despise academia. You're just another vociferous and uneducated lay person who hates academia because it destroys your fantasies. I can't take such an infantile attitude seriously, and will always dismiss it without any thought as you guys never provide evidence for these ridiculous claims, and you just put crap like this out there because of your own limitations.
  5. Blues63

    Blues63 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 18, 2014
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    Utter boosh*t. I've caught you lying again.
  6. Blues63

    Blues63 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 18, 2014
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    9/11 truth throw blame around willy-nilly without evidence. They libel individuals and institutions without evidence. Their whole platform is a pack of lies, and 9/11 truthers are being manipulated by very clever con men (Gage; Bollyn; Fetzer, Jones, Ventura etc.). Of course, they're too stupid to realise that they are the victims of their own ignorance.
  7. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    They do. Both sides of the issue are operating from positions of ignorance. I wish somebody would give me a $25 million budget and total subpoena power. Nobody will ask for it. Nobody will get it.
  8. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Well given that the only ones who really know what happened are those who planned and executed 9/11, that would be true for everyone else. What everyone else has are pieces of the puzzle. What the US government is peddling is what it wants everyone to believe (propaganda). And what those outside the US government who haven't bought what the US government is peddling have is a lot of evidence and information that contradicts and/or makes no sense with regard to what the US government is peddling and thousands of unanswered questions as well.

    There are only 2 sides of the issue, those who bought the propaganda and those who didn't. For those who bought it, they shouldn't have any questions on the subject, which begs the question, why are they here (other than to troll those who haven't bought it)? It should be end of discussion for them. For those who didn't buy it, many do want to discuss the multitude of issues (which also includes many possibilities and probabilities) surrounding 9/11 and who can blame them? But you see they are constantly being trolled and attacked by trolls just because they haven't bought the propaganda.
  9. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    White House to make decision on 9/11 report by June: Bob Graham

    The White House will likely make a decision by June on whether it will release some classified material withheld from the public 9/11 Commission Report, a former U.S. senator who co-chaired the congressional inquiry into the attacks said on Sunday.

    The withheld section of the official report on the 2001 attacks is central to a dispute over whether Americans should be able to sue the Saudi Arabian government for damages. The Office of the U.S. Director of National Intelligence is reviewing the material to see whether it can be declassified.

    Former Sen. Bob Graham, a Florida Democrat, has been pressing for the release of the information and said that it may shed light on the financial backers for 19 hijackers who killed nearly 3,000 people on Sept 11, 2001.

    Graham told NBC's Meet the Press that he believed that some of the withheld classified material could soon be released.

    "The president’s staff at least has said that they will make a decision by June, and I hope that decision is to honor the American people and make it available," Graham said.

    Read the rest ...

    I would be shocked if the decision is to declassify the 28 pages, the Saudis threatened the US economy and they have Obama in their back pocket. There's some stink going on here that as usual, The People are not privy to, it isn't just about 28 pages.
  10. SamSkwamch

    SamSkwamch Banned

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Someone needs to show this to the senator:
    Flashback 2011 - "9-11 Cop Who Arrested Dancing Israelis Speaks"

    In the first ever interview of its kind, Dave Gahary speaks with the police officer responsible for arresting the "Dancing Israelis" on September 11, 2001, who were caught filming and celebrating while the WTC burned and people died. Sgt. Scott DeCarlo reveals the details of that day, details the Zionist-controlled mainstream media conveniently overlooked. DeCarlo has promised that this is his first and last interview on the subject, in the hopes of quelling ongoing interest in his role that horrible day....

    And this:
    Flashback 2002 - "ABC News - Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?"
  11. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Yeah I'd like to send him a ton of material as well. However, my guess is the former Senator would not be interested at this moment. He has his own current agenda and it's connected to declassifying the 28 pages. Regardless of the real purpose, it brings 9/11 back to the limelight where it should have never left. One thing always leads to another, let's see how this plays out.
  12. Blues63

    Blues63 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 18, 2014
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    "Da Jooz I tells ya! Da Jooz!!!!"

  13. Blues63

    Blues63 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 18, 2014
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    Regarding the 28 redacted pages, yes. As to 9/11, no, the empirical evidence supports the accepted version, and the protests from 9/11 truth are unfounded. One has to remember that 9/11 truth is a loose group that is politically motivated-the actual 'truth' has no place in 9/11 truth, for they are not interested. It's all about hating the government and 9/11 is just a convenient event. If it wasn't 9/11 it would be something else (i.e. Oklahoma, Boston, Sandy Hook, Aurora, you know what I mean). There are no really serious truthers left, and the remainder often bray on about nukes and no-planes, and then they wonder why rational individuals think they're bat-(*)(*)(*)(*) crazy. Amazing.

    I wish the 28 pages would be released as this garbage is a distraction from pressing contemporary issues.

    9/11 truth would need evidence to build a prima facie case first. In 15 years 9/11 truth have proven they are unable to do so. That speaks volumes regarding the nature of their so-called 'evidence' and their lack of a coherent narrative. 9/11 truth have been asking for it, but the problem is they can't pony up with the evidence the system requires. Another problem is that the con men running the truther show don't actually want a new investigation, as their meal ticket will be cancelled-it's best to keep things obscure, so the money keeps rolling in. This tactic is passed onto their minions who staff message boards like this. Note how one can never pin a truther down to a narrative. There is a reason for that, and it's not just because they're JAQing off (just asking questions).
    If people aren't happy with the pre-existing reports, they should lobby their representatives.
  14. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Too late for me. My contention is there could be tons of evidence that never made it into the report in the first place. The gov could release everything it hasn't already destroyed and it still wouldn't be satisfactory in a real investigation.
  15. SamSkwamch

    SamSkwamch Banned

    Mar 19, 2016
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  16. Blues63

    Blues63 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 18, 2014
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    Scratch a truther-find an anti-Semite.
  17. Shinebox

    Shinebox Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    this couldn't have been pulled off by uneducated cave dwelling Arabs ...
  18. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    (from post #79)
    You're response was classic drivel. You didn't address any of the actual issues I'd raised in post #65.

    You're not going to take in any viewers who actually look at the info with that tactic. You might take in a few who don't look at it though; there's not much I can do about that I suppose.
  19. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    9/11 Commission Did Not Exonerate Saudis
    By Kristen Breitweiser (one of the Jersey Girls)

    Excerpt ....

    Americans are not used to reading investigative pieces of journalism. We like to tweet and text in small bites. But here’s the thing. Sometimes, the most important things can’t be explained in 15 bites or less. Sometimes, it takes more space and time. And so I ask everyone who is reading this blog to please read it in its entirety — especially the bold parts. And, if you care about our country, if you care about peace, and keeping American lives safe from terrorists, pay attention to what is being said here — and never forget it.

    The time has come to clarify some inaccuracies and misleading statements being made in the media regarding the 28 pages, the 9/11 attacks, the investigation of the 9/11 attacks, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). In doing so, perhaps the American public will come to understand the importance of passing JASTA (Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act) and releasing the 28 pages in their entirety.

    The 9/11 Commission’s mandate was to not replicate, but rather to expand upon the investigation of the JICI. The JICI was the Joint Intelligence Committee’s Inquiry into the 9/11 attacks, headed by Senator Bob Graham and Congressman Porter Goss. The JICI is where the 28 pages originated. Furthermore, the JICI made a finding of fact and final recommendation that further investigation into the role of KSA and the 9/11 attacks needed to be done, immediately. Therefore, the 9/11 Commission should have carried out this further investigation of the KSA and 9/11. But, they did not. It is only the 9/11 families and intrepid journalists who have continued to investigate the Saudi role for the past twelve years.

    As reported and documented in The New York Time’s national security correspondent Philip Shenon’s book, “The Commission,” Staff Director of the 9/11 Commission, Phil Zelikow, actively worked against any thorough investigation into the KSA and its role in the 9/11 attacks.


    Thus, when a person says the 9/11 Commission, “found no evidence linking the Saudis,” be wary of the cute context of the words. The 9/11 commission “found no evidence” because they were either never allowed to look for any evidence or whatever evidence they did find was conveniently written out of the final report, compliments of Phil Zelikow.

    Read the entire article ...

    Note: I used my own highlights that were and were not highlighted in the article.
  20. Blues63

    Blues63 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 18, 2014
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    You didn't 'raise' any points. You posted stupid videos.

    I don't care. If you can't debate without posting stupid videos, then there's nothing to discuss. Post me some credible material, not crap from Boobtoob (I know it's the truther university, but it's sh*t).

    You tube videos are notoriously unreliable and the crap vids you posted were no different. They all contained lies in the first minute, therefore I treated them for the garbage they are.

    Explain your point without stupid videos full of lies thanks.
  21. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Response to post #95...

    Here's post #65 for the viewers who haven't seen the info.

    Info is info and it doesn't matter if someone on a video says it or I say it. Actually, it does matter because the people in the videos I posted are scientists and I'm a layman.

    Your tactics here would get you laughed out of the debating hall. When you're checkmated, you say something lame and then do the victory dance and try to bury the part of the debate in which you're checkmated. That's a classic sophist tactic. I can see why Bob says he's going to discontinue debating with you.
  22. Blues63

    Blues63 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 18, 2014
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    Actually it does matter for one cannot check the sources as the medium does not allow for a bibliography.

    Says the guy who can't even articulate a point. What a joke!

    I'm sure you see it that way, and I don't give a toss. You even used Chomsky and he has publicly stated that 9/11 truth are crazy and merely distract from real issues. Other articles you posted were vapid op-ed pieces that didn't actually address anything specific, and merely supported your confirmation bias. It was all pretty lame stuff and what exactly is your point here?

    He never started. Christ! Bob doesn't 'debate', nor do you. You drop video spam and he rants on NIST. WTF?

    You posted a massive gish gallop of junk and expect me to write a 2500 word essay in response? Just articulate your points for a change instead of making people watch videos and guess what you're on about. FFS! How hard is it?

    Also, answer this for me, why I should I take those videos and articles seriously when they all contained lies and strong evidence of partiality via omissions and misrepresentations? Hmmm? I can spot them a mile away. Shall I go through one for you? You pick one, any one, I don't care and I'll go through it for you. Those on propaganda were themselves, propaganda. Do you want me to demonstrate how the use of persuasive language got you on board without having to provide you with evidence, merely because you're pre-disposed to accepting this sort of thing?
  23. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Fixed your post for accuracy. I actually don't "debate" anyone on the subject of 9/11. I discuss, there is a difference.
  24. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    I thought her name was in the video.
    (00:16 time mark)

    I was mistaken. Here's who she is.
    Steen-McIntyre joined the team in 1966 as a graduate student, at the request of project geologist Harold E. (Hal) Malde.

    I think she's in a position to know what she's talking about.

    This video has the name of the person making the allegations.
    Global Nuclear Coverup an interview with Leuren Moret

    You've got no excuse on that one.

    I think the point is well articulated. You're just playing dumb.

    One disinfo tactic that can be added to this list... saying that if the truther doesn't summarize the info in a video, it's not there. That's so lame that they didn't even bother to put it on the list. A serious truth seeker will look at info and comment on it whether the poster summarizes it or not. My point is that official sources can't be trusted.

    Truthers seem to think that Chomsky sold out.

    The Shame of Noam Chomsky & left gatekeepers: Zwicker (#3

    I think some government thugs paid him a visit and made him an offer he couldn't refuse. He's no moron. He knows the evidence shows that 9/11 was an inside job.

    How about the summary of proof of controlled demolition that starts at the 4:27:48 time mark of this video?

    September 11 -- The New Pearl Harbor (FULL)
  25. Shinebox

    Shinebox Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    How many more times are you going to source your Pearl Harbor "bible" which is fill of lies, omissions and distortions? ...

    I'm surprised you didn't include your signature that the evidence of an inside job is "crushing" ,,,

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