Much hoo-ha about this Jihadi bride, who left the UK to join ISIS in 2015, being allowed back into the country now she's had a baby and wants to come back to the civilised world, even though she doesn't regret gouing in the first place: I will admit to being conflicted over this. What about when the next angry "British" Muslim male terrorist tries to get back in, screaming "racists!!!" at anyone who'll listen? Will he be denied too, or was this done because she's a mild-mannered, if addled, girl, who isn't going to be screaming about "Islamaphobia" at every opportunity - an accusation the abject cowards of the British establishment fear more than anything else?
Under the 1981 British Nationality Act, a person can be deprived of their citizenship if the home secretary is satisfied it would be "conducive to the public good" and they would not become stateless as a result. But she would become stateless so there is nothing that can be done.
So what happens? I won't deny some sympathy for her, born a female Muslim in Bethnal Green (Jeeez what a life hand to be dealt), upbringing not her fault, was a kid when she left. But then, she's entirely unrepentant as an adult. God help me if I'm going weak on Islam.
They already have enough Muslim Fruitcakes running around Britain, so keep her out, she'll be one less problem to deal with.
She showed no remorse or sympathy for attacks in England. Touch shi* , you made your bed, now sleep in it.