I think the poll is simple enough to speak for itself. I think it's about time the U.S. takes some responsibility and handle the consequences of their actions. The chickens come home to roost? I mean, why should only Europeans suffer the consequences of American actions? America starts wars and "stirs the hornet nest" and then Europe has to deal with millions of Muslim refugees, TERRORISTS and savages? Syria, Afghanistan... where does it stop?
We should accept all of those who worked for the U.S. during the past 20 years. We should not accept any others.
Hell yes That's what we are. There's not a single American citizen who doesn't have a forefather that was a refugee.
Check out some of the hateful posts on this very topic. I really don't understand the mindset of people who think it's okay to destroy other people and then just walk away. There are quite a few bigots here that think this country is ONLY for them. And, sadly, Trump made them come out the woodwork.
We should accept those who have been thoroughly vetted, so that we know as surely as humanly possible that we aren't importing 'sleeper' terrorists. How many are there? Who the hell knows? These Libocrat morons under Geriatric Joe don't even know how many American citizens are still stuck over there.....
Actually, the country IS for Americans and Americans decide who gets to come here. Do you think we don't have a choice about accepting newcomers?
Are you okay with giving up your rights to travel freely anywhere in the world? The reason we don't know exactly how many are there is because the US doesn't keep track of Americans' travels stateside or abroad.
I lived my entire adult life reporting my international travels to one or more U. S. Government agencies, and it never caused me the slightest problem! I was never told that I could NOT travel in most places that were not forbidden to all American citizens until China launched this virus thing on all of us (when you have a TS security clearance, some things can be handled differently). Now? Thanks ultimately to the fugging Chinese, I can't even go to Europe again anytime in the foreseeable future....
In what way have you been reporting international travels? I know we have to have passports but it's been a minute since I've traveled outside the country. I know that Americans have been given warnings about traveling in Mexico unaccompanied and of the tension in North Korea but they aren't prevented from traveling to those countries. Are you saying that something more than a passport is required? If so, what is it? And, how would <whatever that is> have helped US military locate and usher Americans in Afghanistan safely to the airport?
Never mind... I probably never should have even gone into this topic based on my own individual circumstances because they were not typical before I retired, and now I no longer have a clearance. Let's just say that for the large majority of people that you are right and I'm not. I don't really want to go into all the fine-meshed minutiae.... But, it's nonetheless true -- the way things are today, thanks to this 'virus', I can't even go back to Europe, and, if you're an American citizen, departing from an American airport, neither can you.... Thanks, China!
Your statement, "There's not a single American citizen who doesn't have a forefather that was a refugee." It's simply false. I don't and no doubt millions of other Americans don't.
Good catch and yes, my mistake. There's not a citizen of the United States that's not a refugee or the off spring of a refugee and that also applies to the 'so called' native Americans which is wrong because they're also refugees.
We need to take ALL of them from there who want to come here. If it's millions we'll just have to deport some Trumpers to make room. These people fought FOR this country rather than tried to overthrow it and they risked their lives to help us right a grievous wrong. We OWE them
Calling American Indians "refugees" renders your entire argument pointless. That's one step away from saying that if you don't live in Olduvai Gorge, you're a refugee. I honestly don't know what it is about this topic that makes people lose all reason.
The only thing I argue is the fact that everyone (key word is 'everyone') living in the United States is the offspring of an immigrant or is an immigrant themselves. I don't think I've lost 'all reasoning'.
I don't understand what you mean by 'my point'. If you do any research at all you'll find that the American Indian came from a foreign country. It doesn't send me in a nose dive when I hear someone refer to them as Native Americans but I do recognize that title is erroneous. Sorry if that causes you a any heartburn.