If you care about guns, why aren’t your Republican representatives passing common sense, 2nd Amendment compliant gun safety legislation?
Nice try. Republicans and Democrats of that time are the opposite of what they are today. Republicans, find some better talking points.
oh I need a laugh what sort of laws are those. nothing democrats propose has any relevance to common sense public safety Democrat gun laws are nothing but facades that allow Democrats to pretend they are doing something without upsetting one of their major constituencies-violet criminals and those who spawn them, while harassing honest gun owners. give me a cliff note version of your understanding of the second amendment so I can see what you think is second amendment compliant
wrong-democrats continue to push racist attitudes such as assuming blacks aren't smart enough to compete against whites or Asians without affirmative action lowering of standards.
Not my job to make them for you. Call your Republican representatives. Why aren’t they doing anything?
they are doing plenty. like cracking down on criminals. And not passing moronic gun bans. You talked about 2nd Amendment compliant common sense gun safety laws-and now you pretend you cannot come up with any pretty weak
Yes. DEMOCRAT LBJ signed the CRA of 1964. And you still don’t get why Republicans can’t even get 20% of the black vote.
what was the old saying-Massa Lincoln freed us but Massa Roosevelt's(or Johnson) gonna feed us? And what was the result 1) prior to LBJ "Great Society" program, black rates of illegitimacy were actually lower than whites=Now its 75% of so 2) one out of three black males over the age of 35 has a FELONY record. 3) black males commit about HALF the murders-about 6% of the population 4) black drop out rates are far higher than whites and even worse compared to Asians Yeah Democrats are doing a great job for Blacks
Here he goes again- more talking points. Folks, Republicans have NO POLICY. He refuses to name ONE transformational legislation from a Republican administration.
The democrats aren’t going to win South Carolina in the general election. The goal should be a candidate that can deliver swing or battleground states. Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina and Minnesota. The other states are pretty much set in stone as to who or which party is going to win them. Independents are the election deciders, not neither party’s base. Party strength is pretty even today, not like it was 10-20 years ago with the democrats have a good advantage of 5 points or more in party affiliation. They no longer have the larger party base. If Gallup is correct or fairly accurate, they list the party base or those who identify or affiliate with the major parties as 27% republican, 25% democrat, 45% independent. What interest me is in 2006 independents made up 30% of the electorate, today they’re at 45%. Given another 10 years independents will probably make up a majority while each major party dips below 25%.
Australian NFA https://www.abf.gov.au/importing-ex... Agreement (NFA,for the ownership of firearms. in 1996 we had the largest mass shooting to date in the world. The record stood for years. The number of shooting with more than four people dead since then? Four, just four. Two were family/ suicides, one was a rampage and the final one the death toll included 3 perpetrators
Here we average 55% voter turnout in the presidential election years, 40% for the congressional midterms and for local election not held in those even years, voter turnout is much less. 2020 was an extremely high voter turnout for the U.S. 62% using VAP. That was the highest voter turnout since 1960 when 63%. We also had a low voter turnout of 49% in 1996. The lowest since 1924. A lot of folks aren’t interested in politics, then there are those who dislike both major party candidates. Such as in 2016 and also this year. 49% of all Americans would replace both Biden and Trump on the ballot if they could. That’s not keep one and replace the other, it’s replace both. https://www.pewresearch.org/politic...are-broadly-critical-of-both-biden-and-trump/ Both Trump and Biden are seen negatively by around 60% of all Americans. Yet they’re the major party nominees.
this is the USA. silly Australian laws don't work here and are unconstitutional. The guy had 10 million two planes and a year to plot his massacre saying a stupid gun ban wold work is hilarious
You are conflating things here. The Democratic party nominee is decided by South Carolina, because it is the first state where the majority of primary voters are not white. The winner of South Carolina wins the primary. Obama, then Clinton, now Biden. Kelly and Beshear are good red-state governors. However, they are not known in the black community. They will not win the primary unless that changes. Gretchen Whitmer and Josh Shapiro ARE swing-state governors from states with significant non-white populations. "Big Gretch" is already hugely popular in the black community. Swing state politicians are not a requirement to win the nominee, so it is a bit weird to suggest it. Look at the last few presidents - Clinton (Arkansas), Bush (Texas), Obama (Illinois), Felon (New York), Biden (Delaware). Where are the swing states?? "Independents" are just non-partisan identifying base voters. Almost all independents (>90% IIRC) always vote for the same party in each election. They are not "swing" voters (those don't exist). Independents aren't deciding between Democrats and Republicans. They are deciding between voting, not voting, and third party.
We have about 90-95% turnout - a few who would rather pay the fine than vote and then there are those like me who slept through the election (I was on night duty). It does mean though we don’t have to spend money on “getting out the vote”
really-I don't think you understand what his planning allowed. but you ignore my question-what law would have prevented a guy who can easily fly out of the USA and has ten million dollars in assets.
If one doesn’t win in the general, no matter how diverse, that simply means that candidate won’t govern. Which is probably why we have Trump vs. Biden today. Even if around half of all Americans don’t want neither one. Which simply means our long held tradition of having each party choose their nominee is broken. As for independents, there are three categories, those who lean democratic, those who lean republican and those with no leans. There’s a big difference in how the leans vote vs. the party base. Those who identify with each major party will vote for their party’s candidate 93% of the time. But those who lean toward either major party, the percentage drops to around 75%. Hence you can have independents going for Biden 54-41, 5% voting third party in 2020, independents going for Trump in 2016 46-42 with 12% voting third party against both. Here’s how independents voted since 2000. 2000 independents voted for G.W. Bush 47-46 over Gore, independents voted for Republican congressional candidates 49-47 over Democratic congressional candidates. 2002 independents voted for Republican congressional candidates 51-45 over Democratic congressional candidates. 2004 independents voted for Kerry by a 49-48 margin over G.W. Bush. Independents voted for Republican congressional candidates by a 50-46 margin over Democratic congressional candidates. 2006 independents voted Democratic by a margin of 57-39 over Republicans with 4% voting third party. 2008 independents voted for Obama by a 52-44 margin over McCain. Independents voted 52-45 for Democratic congressional candidates. 2010 independents voted 56-37 Republican over Democrat with 7% voting third party. 2012 independents voted for Romney by a 51-48 margin, close to a wash. Obama won the election 51-47. Independents voted 50-49 for Republican congressional candidates. 2014 independents voted 54-42 for Republican congressional candidates. 2016 Independents voted for Trump 46-42 with 12% voting third party. In congressional election independents voted Republican 51-47. 2018 Independents voted for the Democratic congressional candidates by a 54-44 margin with 4% voting third party. 2020 Independents voted for Biden 54-41 with 5% voting third party. In Congressional elections independents voted Democratic 49-48. 2022 Independents voted for Democratic congressional candidates by a 49-47 margin. You’ve had some wild swings and some very close elections. Most of the wildest swing occurred in the midterms. After Bush/Gore and Bush/Kerry where there were buy one-point swings, Obama won independents by 8 points in 2008, but lost them by 3 points in 2012. A 11-point swing. Trump won independents by 4 points in 2016 and lost them by 13 points in 2020, a 17-point swing. Midterms, what stands out is in 2006 the democrats won independents by 18 points, yet in 2010, the democrats lost independents by 19 points, a swing of 37 points