America could do worse than preferential voting - of course you would still have to winnow the field somewhat before election day
I like the way Alaska has done their voting. All candidates regardless of party are listed on the primary ballot. The top 4 finishers are placed on the ballot for election day. Then ranked voting takes place. There’s no republican nor democratic primaries in Alaska. That is for every office other than the presidency which Alaska has separate primaries for republicans and democrats. Alaska’s system worked very well for senator and representative in 2022.
I have been saying for a year that he would be replaced around Feb (which did not happen). I think it can still happen, and I think the new candidate should be Manchin. Trump, a convicted criminal, should be replaced by Nikki Haley They are more into holding citizens in an authoritarian headlock, like DeSantis does. And no, Tammy Duckworth is not a socialist.
We need to think 8 years into the future, because most people including the ones in the State Dept and Whitehouse and Pentagon are at least 8 years behind in their thinking. And the CIA. They told the Biden administration that Russia would not react to the huge army we grew in Ukraine or to placing long range missiles there. And Jake Sullivan the Nat. Security Advisor issued that statement. And if Russia moved in forces they would be out within 45 days, after all Russia has only 4% of the GDP of the US plus NATO. And they were wrong about that too. We need a President who is fully up- to-date, and intelligent if possible. RFK is the best available.
Wes Moore might be the strongest candidate on that list, unless he totally screws up that bridge repair.
After last night's debate, I'm sure Biden is going to be replaced. I bet the DNC is talking about it right now. Poor Joe. He has earned a nice retirement; bless his heart.
The most intelligent, capable, experienced, and circumspect of the Democrats today is a liberal senator from the Upper Midwest (Minnesota) -- Amy Klobuchar. As a Conservative and an unaffiliated Independent I selfishly hope she does not (NOT) run, but, in truth, she and those few remaining Democrats like her, are the best that the 'Crats have to offer us -- the Democrats who aren't already thoroughly contaminated with America-hating "wokism".
This is madness. Amy Klobuchar got trounced in the Democratic primary. She will not be anything more than what she is now. Biden is the nominee. It is not changing. Get over it.
I'm not Democrat.....but I'm jumping in. I voted Kamala Harris. She should be the go to candidate. Obviously the Democrats put her in power for DEI reasons more then capability reasons but that is too bad. Not much discussion going on about KH. The media doesn't promote her. The democrat party ignores her. The right mocks her. The mainstream media should be going after the democrats for ignoring the most logical choice, who also happens to be a minority and black. But most of the media is the Democrat party propaganda machine---so they follow the leaders on this one.
Kamala Harris is okay. However, she is a weaker candidate than Biden. Perfect VP though. I ask the fellow Democrats out there... if Hillary lost to felon, what makes you think a black woman with less experience will beat him?
most Americans who aren't leftists see Trump as being a successful president, rather than tagged with the bogus felon conviction dishonest democrats smeared him with. Harris is both stupid and worthless as a VP.
she was a year behind me at Yale. Class of 1982: one of my brothers was in her class., I was very active in the Political Union. I ran Ed Clark's campaign in 1980 for Yale/New Haven. One of my suite mates-later acting AG and a supreme court clerk-he was running the Reagan campaign. Amy Klobuchar was not someone who I recall had any involvement either in campus politics or national campaigns. I later read she had interned for Mondale one summer but I don't recall her having any activity pushing Carter-Mondale in the 1980 election. She was a pretty strong student according to my brother. She's far too left for my tastes though
A certain segment will build excitement for Kamala. The mainstream media can re-invent her like they've done with Biden. People aren't going to turn out for Biden. Really....choosing an old white obviously senile man over the black woman who is VP and designated next in line -- is REALLY bad optics for your base. Your minorities and women will NOT be happy about that. I hope they keep Biden...but the more I think about this...its going to be KH.
Oh, I do agree that, yes, Klobuchar is an Upper-Midwest liberal. And in states like Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, etc., they've got some real DOOZIES (Ilhan Omar, Tammy Baldwin, Rashida Tlaib, et al) . But her "liberalism" is of a more traditional variety that had its roots in agrarian America 90 years ago -- the old-time "Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor" faction that supported FDR during the depression is perhaps a good example of that kind of "liberalism". Deep down, they tend to be pragmatists instead of political idealogues.... The overall point I was making is that, as I've said, in an area where Democrats are mostly unquestioning rank-and-file "wokesters" today, she stands out as having a record that bespeaks a balanced, intelligent, seasoned decision-maker who is SMART! If Democrats had any sense, they'd be looking at Klobuchar instead of the worst kind of political dreck, like Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer.
Thank you, and I do agree that being anti-2nd Amendment is not a desirable thing in any politician. To her credit, though, Klobuchar has a long record of being conspicuously supportive of the police and "tough on crime". She has been marginally supportive of the 2nd Amendment itself, but with solid opposition to gun crime, 'bump-stocks', etc. Truth? More than anyone else today, I'd love to see Republican Senator Tom Cotton elected as President of the United States. If the Republicans ever wake up (I quit the 'Pub party in 2017 for being a spinless pack of RINO's), they might nominate a man of Sen. Cotton's quality, but until then it's just another miserable election of "the lesser of two evils". So sick to death of that, but it's been that way nearly all my long life....