Should Hillary Clinton enter the race for President in 2020? Recent polling shows that Hillary is actually more popular than many of the current candidates running now. A simple question. The democrats were polling me.
Please no. If she hadn't entered the race in 2016 we wouldn't have our current Toddler-in-Chief. That aside, I wouldn't want her for the same reasons I didn't and don't want Trump. She is a corrupt narcissistic(though to a lesser degree than Trump) liar.
I can see the promo at the DNC now... "from out of the ashes....... extinguishing the fires from the scorched earth democratic primaries... a leader arises.... pant suit clad, and thigh high goose steppin boots spit shined to perfection...... the queen returns..."
god I hope not. However, right about now there's probably a few MAGA hat wearers that think perhaps they should have voted the other way.
It would be like 1956, Adlai Stevenson vs Eisenhower all over again. And we know how well that worked for the Democrats. Moi Voted: Yes. heh heh
The Comedy Gold on display with another Hilla run would be priceless! Although I seriously doubt she will run - heck, the drunken old cellulite-filled reprobate can barely WALK - it would be good for millions of laughs!
Hillary in the race in 2020? That would be the entertainment of the year, without any doubt. Like throwing a dried-up, disintegrating turd in a Democrat Party punchbowl that was already filled with month-old URINE.... Of COURSE she should run again!
I am going with a YES.. but my reasoning process is downright strange. I am thinking that the potential ARTISTIC VALUE of Hillary mounting another Presidential campaign is actually quite huge!!!! We Canadians might just be able to do something with this: The George Canyon is running in Central - Nova, N. S., Canada....
No way. She should just go home and spend some time with her grand kid. Every time she opens her mouth, it sounds like sour grapes. What the Democrats need in my opinion is a fresh young face. Not some tired old has been. But it seems to me what the Democrats want is some old foggie who's been around forever. This isn't exclusive to Hillary, it also includes Sanders, Warren and Biden. Surely there's someone that isn't 70 years old somewhere in the democratic party that would make a good president. You know, a fresh young face like Obama was, like Bill Clinton was at the time, also Jimmy Carter.
Approval ratings: Hillary: 36% Biden: 46% Warren: 43% Bernie: 44% Trump: 44%
Well, it was from a democrat email, so who knows where they got the information from. Maybe internal polling.