I was thinking about this the other day. Most men do this (probably most of you won't admit it), but when two guys met they they square up each other, do a quick evaluation and decided if they could beat the other guy in a fight. Even in the most friendly interactions it happens. It's a subconscious thing. Happens fast, we don't even know we do it. But deep down you know if you would be likely to win a fight. Im guessing because there is always a threat of violence in a man's world. As in if lines are crossed, stop becoming respectful, boundaries are broken, violence is likely to occur. That's why we do evaluate. A lot of the time it also shapes the interaction. How we treat each other as men, respect given in the interaction e.t.c. Trans confuses me. Especially trans men (women who now look like men). Am I supposed to view them the same? And square them up the same as I would any other man and be open to violence ? Or do I treat them differently to men and still treat them as women in regards in the sense of its never okay to commit acts of violence against them. I struggle with the concept. Does that make me transfobic?
Start with this: Would you "square" them up, determining if you could take them in a fight? If you would, then you already treat people equal. Besides, most transmen are passing, and are rarely recognized as such, save maybe early in their transition. I disagree with your sizing up assessment, as far as how often it is done. I do know I make that assessment based on how I see a person acting, and I don't exclude woman, because I have first hand seen many woman who were far stronger than they looked. But no one I know makes that assessment when they meet someone in general, yet alone other men, the first time.
"Most transmen are passing". Maybe with 50 layers of makeup in a carefully photoshopped picture with lots of filters. In real life? Not a chance. The people they meet are just going along so they don't get screeched at. Oh men do size each other up. I see your point about leftist men though. As far as any woman taking a man, ask the worlds best female boxer what happened to her, or the female olympic soccer team. This is what happens when most of the world you inhabit is built on delusion. You start believing the nonsense.
Anything other than absolutely believing all trans people are the sex they identify with is transphobic so essentially if you believe in biology you're transphobic because biology is transphobic. You should start taking it as a compliment because it's a good thing and it's not a bad thing. I'm called transphobic because I'm a man that won't date women that really really want to be men and I won't see them as men. I already came out of the closet I'm not going back in. As current person that is really female but identifies as male it would probably appreciate this because they want to be seen as men.
The pictures you presented are bodybuilders and bodybuilders aren't strong they just have a lot of mass. Mass doesn't equal strength the women I would be concerned about are rock climbers or bellet dancers they're the ones with the strength. Notice they don't look like bodybuilders when they do those things.
You do realize that we are talking trans men here, as in FtM, not transwomen, right? Most transmen don't wear makeup any more than most cis men do. And trans men have a much higher rate of passing than transwomen do, although both have a higher rate than opponents wish to believe. In a world where we are having cis women and cis girls getting accused of being trans, I really don't put a lot of faith in opponent's claims of who can and can't pass. Oh a lot do, to be sure, just not as many is the OP, or you it seems, thinks. Many of us don't start with the worry of whether the other is going to do something physical. I, at the least, have learned to look for the behaviors that will tell me that, so I don't have to start from a position of suspicion. Since we are talking about the general population and not athletes, there are plenty of women who can take down men. Not all men, obviously. However, even among male body builders, there are many who don't know how to fight, and as such can be taken down by "lesser" men and women. I fully agree. We've had to work hard to dispel the illusion that women are property and the minorities are not equal, and the races can't intermarry without God raining His wrath down upon us, among so many other things.
The thing that always tips me off about trans men is how tall they are they're the average height of women so pretty obvious that they're not men also often they have a very feminine facial shape. The funny thing that happens when you say they're not passing is they'll always pull the same gas lighting move how do you know. Every guy you meet could actually really be a woman but no. They think the only thing that makes up sex is the clothes you wear.
Yeah sure. I'm not aware of women getting called men. I'm sure it's an epidemic though. Uh huh. No, there aren't plenty of women that can take down men. That's the delusion talking. Please explain where women are property, other than from cultures typically desired by democrats for immigration. We also feel minorities are equal under the law. That's why we don't believe in racial quotas, dumbing down test scores, segregated graduations/college housing/meetings/trainings, not caring about the skin color of criminals, etc like democrats do.
Even in Thailand you might mistake a kathoey from a distance, but as soon as you interact with one somehow it's very obvious.
we're sexually dimorphic species one of the first things about people you learn to recognize is there sex. So yeah I don't believe this because it's preposterous. I've only heard of that happening once and it was involving children before secondary sexual characteristics develop.
I've never been to Thailand but something the previous poster was right about is that a trans man is a woman that wants to be seen as a man. This is harder to pull off in my opinion because I'm attracted to men and so it's pretty obvious when person I'm attracted to do isn't a man.
Yeah I don't really care about how they draw their maps in imaginary land. That must be confusing. I've always wondered who transgenders were going to date other than other transgenders and bisexuals.
It's really bizarre to me how trans men are really interested in gay men these are straight women and because they were tomboys they were talked into cutting the breasts off I don't know what's wrong with the tomboy that's perfectly fine. And there's plenty of guys in the world that like them. It all seems so 1950s gender matters so much sort of philosophy to me and I grew up in the '80s where I became a postmodernist with regard to this.
Everything leftists do is bizarre and not really worth the effort of trying to figure out because it will just be something different, but equally stupid, in 5 years.
Are you that sheltered that you are unaware of trans men? Elliot Page and Elliot Fletcher who are actors. Patricio Manuel, boxer and 3 for 3 so far. Harrison Brown, Ice Hockey. Chaz Bono, for goodness sake, who has been more than passable for years. Michael Hughes is widely known for posting restroom mirror pics of him in a woman's restroom (where you want him since he was born female). The delusion is thinking that the can't. It's also delusion thinking it's a line and not a bell curve. If you are that ignorant of history, I can't help you. You strike me as the kind of person who would have told Galileo that he was delusional for thinking the earth went around the sun, if you had lived in that time.
Yep in my gym body builders used to come in often. They weren't very good, had a problem with closing their guard and their movement weren't great. Fairly easy to pick apart. Although if they stick at it they did get good over time.
So is it okay to hit trans men? Please don't go into it's not ethical to hit anyone either. That would be strawman. I'm a guy and will hit other guys if certain boundaries are crossed , certain levels of aggression are shown. It's genuinely how a man's world operates.
I would be worried about doing that. First transmen are women. As much as they tell you that they're not they're absolutely are. I've been on fist fight in my entire life it was when I was in the 7th grade. I was always much bigger than all the other boys taller more Stout. I talked about fighting but I never done it and I didn't know how easy it was to hurt somebody. I took a few punches to the Head that didn't hurt that much. The other boy I was fighting was not as big as me but it is a pretty large boy. Then he punched me in the ear and that triggered something in me and I gave one good strong punch right his stomach it wasn't full power and he doubled over fell to the floor. The fight was over I swung my first once. And I found it kind of scary how easy it was to hurt somebody. So I never hit anyone again after that. I certainly wouldn't hit a woman even if they really want to be a man. I can kill a person doing that.
Chaz Bono is not passible. He shorter than women. And there's something off about his face. Buck Angel is passable
IDK but actually don't even think about squaring up with anybody unless the squaring up is already going down so your underlying struggle may actually go a little deeper....
Square up is probably the wrong word. Just a quick subconscious evaluation of other men. Age, muscle mass, size, athleticism, perceived ability to fight. E.t.c. We all do it. Any man who doesn't is a lier. Even weak nerdy passive men do it. See it all the time. They would interact with different males completely different due to them assessing the ability of the other guy to fight. Say in a bar. The would treat a big muscle bound man that could obviously destroy them in a fight completely different to a man that's on their level in an ability to fight. They would let certain things slide with a stranger that could kick their ass. Say if he bumped into the them accidentally,( or not), they would let it slide in most cases and wouldn't , or if they did address it address it with caution, politeness ahd respect. On the flip side if a guy they persevere has less physical ability to fight. They will be more direct, address it in a more confrontational and direct way. Why? Because in a man's world their is Lasts threat of violence. If the rock bumped into you in a bar Vs if pee wee Herman. Even though there would be exactly the same perceived slight against you. Your response , reaction would be completely different. Based on the other males ability to fight.
Still don't do it. I haven't been in a fight since college nor thought about being one really. Sorry I am just not wired that way.
No we all don't. As I said, I do make that evaluation if there is signs of aggressiveness, either directed towards me or just in general. But not in just seeing another man when out and about, or meeting them. I do believe that you are imposing and projecting your own aggressive nature onto all men This situation is a hell of a lot different from the meeting another man as you described it in the OP. There is a potential for aggression on the other person's part. So yes, I'm doing an instant assessment. If I had the Rock bump into me into the bar, I'd be immediately asking him if he wants to join our D&D game (you do realize that he is a geek like that, as is Vin Diesel, right?), and if Pee Wee Herman bumped into me, I'd be screaming, "OMG! A ZOMBIE!" Again, I agree because this is a situation in where aggression is a high possibility. But your OP has it as if all men, even in a business situation or climbing on the bus and seeing the driver is a male, instantly start evaluating if they could beat the other in a fight.