Should Israel crown Donald J. Trump as Moshiach ben Ephrayim?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by DennisTate, Apr 22, 2021.


Should Israel crown Donald J. Trump as their constitutional monarch?

  1. Yes

    8 vote(s)
  2. No

    10 vote(s)
  3. Well...... he would probably do that too for one shekel per year and he will do a lot for them...

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yes... recovering from the economic aspects of COVID 19 makes doing this worthwhile...

    0 vote(s)
  5. No.... Rabbi Alon Anava would be better.....

    0 vote(s)
  6. No... there is somebody else!

    0 vote(s)
  7. other... please explain in a reply....

    3 vote(s)
  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Sure.... and ONE QUADRILLION!

    The nice even number that seven hundred and ten trillion rounds off to! (Seven hundred and ten trillion is the number for the worldwide Derivatives markets back in 2014 as given back then by CIA economist Jim Rickards).

    Could you explain where you got the number 88?
    Last edited: May 27, 2021
  2. Tejas

    Tejas Banned

    Feb 3, 2021
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    Wishful thinking

    Last edited: May 27, 2021
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  3. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I was told many years ago that somehow or another the number eight meant "new beginnings."

    One of the most obvious verifications of that principle is that the eighth millennium may begin with something along the line of:

    "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea." (Revelation 21:1)
  4. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Dennis, Stop, please just stop. You're better than this
    Sallyally and DennisTate like this.
  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    If I am terribly in error my apologies but.......

    if a USA third party were to form over the coming weeks and months.... .........

    and if Ms. Tulsi Gabbard and Mr. Andrew Yang were to look it over seriously ........

    they might just be able to put forward a proposal or two or three that is so good that President Donald J. Trump as the nineteenth President of the USA and / or.... The Cyrus Monarch of Israel.......

    ... might just coopt several of their proposals, (including a possible unconditional but taxable B.M.I)?.

    Should Tulsi Gabbard and Andrew Yang begin a whole new party?

    Last edited: May 27, 2021
  6. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    I'm sorry, I didn't really pay attention. That's a good idea. I like Yang. He's one of the few pundits who seems to avoid moralizing and just puts forth good ideas wherever they may be coming from. A good example of that is the Guaranteed income. Most pols look on that as a kind of third rail because lots of people on both sides view giving people money for nothing as unholy, but he has examined future trends and come to the conclusion that it is inevitable and will help lots of people so we might as well get started.
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  7. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    An online friend of mine named Sigmund Ivarsson promoted what he termed The Petra Project. I believe that this project could give Mr. Donald J. Trump as some sort of constitutional monarch in Israel an opening gambit that would be win - win - win - win - win - win for all Israelis whether they are Jews, Muslim, Christian or Atheists.

    This project would also be win - win - win - win for all Jordanians and all Palestinians. It is a nine meter wide tunnel going from near Tel Aviv to somewhere in the Jordan River Valley. As the tunnel goes down roughly 1200 feet it could perhaps be in the shape of an upside down menorah, branch into seven smaller tunnels..... and have up to twenty or more hydro-electric generation facilities along its length.

    Once the roughly one point five million cubic meters of sea water has arrived in the Jordan River Valley annually it can largely be desalinated and would boost agriculture in that entire area.

    So..... a Donald J. Trump volunteerism hour.... and / or volunteerism dollar and / or volunteerism shekel....... could be looked at as a "prop" in a proposed reality film series starring President Trump as himself.... and all nine million Israelis as themselves!

    So.... an unconditional Basic Minimum Income for life in a taxable currency with President Trump's face and signature on the note......
    could be used to largely finance and initiate what could become a truly massive project that increases economic activity in Israel and in all of her neighbouring nations.

    Sigmund Ivarsson's Petra Project for Israel, Jordan and The Palestinians.
    Official Residence of Palestinian Ambassador to Japan (Tokyo)

    Sigmund Ivarsson (guest)

    Last edited: May 29, 2021
  8. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    I try respond to Pastor Tate when I can because beneath all that holy dialogue is a very unassuming, plain ordinary kind man and I like to show respect my dialogue to him so he knows I read him and appreciate he reads a lot of estoretic mystical concepts many are afraid to discuss or would say are nutz.

    However Pasor Tate would know I myself being one of those nutzo Jews reject conventional literal definitions much like ghnostic christians and modernists of all kinds do. We do not read certain passages literally.

    So for example the term "messiah: we define as the potential in ANY human to save the world by engaging in positive actions through free will choice. We also believe a term like "Satan" is not a creature but the propensity in any human to do evil and injure.

    We don't like using the word "God"comes from "Ghuta" a term for a Sun God in Hiduism which we have nothing against but we do not see God as a sun but a paradoxical concept where nothing was and yet was everything that has been, is and could be and so is everything but nothing and behind any human description,

    We approximate like science that it set forth energy from itself intended to multiply infinitely so each source of energy could experience what its like to exist and to fuel journey thefre would need to be an infinite energy system where negative and positive would clash with one another to generate the movement of thought to create the existence to fuel this energy into constantly moving this existence with thought and while it moves by each thought constantly mutates in meaning.

    We do not know if there is only one of these paradoxes behind all that we think there is, or many. We don't even claim to know for sre the paradox's inherent features. What we do share with the Pastor is the appreciation there is something much bigger than an our own selves, that our decisions can set of infinite ripple effects of positive and negative impact on all other life forms and so we need to respect this connection and remain humble to the greater source that we come from but not in a enslaved way but enlightened way.

    We also agree that each religion sets out codes for positive behaviour which basically can me summarized as just do something good and do not expect anything back for doing that. That simple and yet that complex.

    We do not get caught up in whose definition is better or worse, we look for the common lessons of peace, tolerance, respect so that for exampe I could sit with Pastor Tate and not necessarily follow his beliefs but find commonality with many and bond on the ones we both fundamentally agree on which we Jews call Teekam Olem and Pastor would probably explain through many gospels of Jesus teaching others to share, be kind because those lessons are the same.

    We also respect nature and the sanctity of its delicate balance and how easy it is to destroy it by being human and being out of touch with our spiritual selves designed to be aware of nature and not harm it.

    So carry on dear Pastor but Trump, no way Dennis, no way.

    What we only know is Trump is a human and he proved to be an unstable, vain, selfish, corrupt, negative, mean-spirited, hateful, greedy, abusive, materialistic creature with no positive vision to offer anyone.

    To choose or even think Trump is some kind of example of getting the best out of life, no I do not think so. I think Trump was and remains a symptom of a greater malaise, spiritual imbalance and collective depressive illness prevalent with many who have lost hope in a positive future.

    But then I am just one person. With one opinion and someone who would sweep Pastor Tent's church steps and help repair it, but would not pray in it as I am more comfortable alone with nature where no human talks and the lesson comes from the flow of the water or the movement of the wind or birds.
    Last edited: May 29, 2021
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  9. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Your reply is brilliant and extremely helpful in this whole discussion.

    Just this morning I was reminded of an experience by an online friend of mine who feels that in something like a near death experience he met Messiah the Passover Lamb who gave him a Roman style handshake. Rather than simply clasping him hand to hand..... they each grabbed each others forearm all the way to the elbow.........

    As I prayed about that image in my mind I specifically asked The Spirit of Moshiach stored in Gan Eden to take me by my right hand in that manner...... and thus greatly increase divine control over my life.

    Your response reminds me of the theory that Moshiach ben Ephrayim is quite possibly a different individual than the final Cyrus type.

    It is interesting that some Jewish scholars and mystics already associate President Trump with "Cyrus" but not necessarily with "Moshiach ben Ephrayim."

    There are massive advantages to thinking of the final Cyrus as being a separate person from Moshiach ben Ephrayim..........

    Death.... you have given me a lot to think about!!!!!

    My Rosh ha Shanah apology to you all

    Theoretically..... I could write up something like an audition for the role of a possible "Moshiach ben Ephrayim and / or Elijah" who attempts to divert negative attention away from the truly famous Cyrus type....... and instead.... brings positive attention to him and to all nine million Israelis at this critical time in history.

    But there is also a descendant of the Patriarch Yosef / Joseph through his youngest son Ephrayim who also could on any day receive the soul of Moshiach and then set up Moshiach ben David in many important ways.
    Last edited: May 29, 2021
  10. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    Lol not me, your inner soul which drives you.

    By the way Pastor. I would never ever do this with another human. But if you would like to pray for me and forgive my mistakes I would feel it and appreciate it. Thanks (oh I can hear it without words)
    DennisTate likes this.
  11. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Heavenly Father, Ancient of Days.... and Ancient of Days Ruach ha Kodesh / Holy Spirit ......... in the name of Messiah the Passover Lamb Messiah Yeshua -Jesus..... I Dennis Tate, volunteer Yom Kippur goat number.... ?????..(I am really not sure of my number and I suspect that "Death" would know more about my actual name Gematria than I do.... but whatever my number is).......... I decree total forgiveness of any debt or guilt between Death and myself...... . in all of our past lives.............. and I decree a totally new beginning between Death and myself....... for all of the fulfillments of Ezekiel chapter thirty seven that are in front of us over infinite time.... and infinite time lines in the future!!!!!!!

    In the name of Messiah Yeshua - Jesus who I believe fulfilled Isaiah fifty three..... (in order to save all of His volunteer Yom Kippur goats)....... I pray.... Amen!!!!!!

    I made my offer just after Yom Kippur 1990 and on Yom Kippur 1991 my Israeli friend Mordecai Spiro followed the steps of a Yom Kippur goat through the Valley of the sons of Hinnom....... and even stranger things than that happened since 1990!
    Death likes this.
  12. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Somewhere around 1993 to 1995 my third wife and my present wife..... had an usual dream........

    so this would be three to five years after my unusual offer........

    She woke up from sleep, (her soon to be ex-husband was beside her)....... and a demon was in the doorway whose eyes were red and his tongue was black........

    and he reminded her of the character Leprechaun in the movie by that name......

    or perhaps of Gimli in Lords of the Rings.......

    anyway.... he said to her...... "My name is Azazel Baalzebub............... don't forget what I am about to tell you........... I am going to take him away from you".... (I assume that meant her soon to be ex-husband who divorced her due to all the temptations offered by Quito, Ecuador, (not to mention Guayaquil)!

    She said that he had armour on that reminded her of the characters in Ninja Turtles.......

    anyway...... he walked out into her living room and sat down in her armchair and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed............

    this would be about three years or so after a member of the Nephilim who looked like Pan had hit me with the question of........"What doest thou here Elijah"...... when I was close to suicide because I was determined to go find Azazel in hell........... carry him if necessary to my own throne.... and then go back down into this war zone that is somewhat "heavenly".... sort of...... in some important ways.........

    In four dimensional space - time we cannot fully embrace the meaning of......

    "In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old." (Isaiah 63:9)

    ... we cannot fully do something of a Vulcan Mind Meld with YHWH... who truly.......
    is afflicted in all the afflicted of this eight billion...and also many cattle...and owls.... and rabbits.....and Exalted Scientists..... who design some sadistic studies for all of these creatures........!

    Does the earth environment have any advantages over "heaven?"

    Last edited: May 29, 2021
  13. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Could Latter day Saints loyal to President Trump convince Mitt Romney to DONATE his rendition of a White Horse President 2012 to 2020 reality plus semi-reality science fiction film project that connects to Unified Field Theory of Modern World Problems?

    When the Constitution “Hangs by a Thread” – The White Horse Prophecy in Modern Mormonism


    Are there any possible risks involved in people stepping forth?????????

    Obviously.... .yes!
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2021
  14. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    Lol yah lost me Pastor. If you are saying someone predicted Trump would try violate constitutional laws and stay in power yes he did. Many predicted it from when he first ran and said he would never peacefully accept a vote he lost.

    His personality then demonstrated someone with a narcissistic anti social personality with clear delusional patterns of paranoia and persecution. In fact numerous psychiatrists profiling his behaviour and words came to the same conclusiuon he was mentall ill to the point of it impacting on his limitations to control his emotions and dettach his feelings from the decisions requiring he make objective decisions.

    More troublesome was he showed class signs of someone with a particular neuological disorder-his motor coordination difficulty in holding a water glass in one hand, a slurred tongue, a pronounced deterioration in choice of vocabulary when speaking compared to 5 years before he took office, confusion as to where he was to the point he got of Air Force One and walked by his limousine in a daze only to come back and not offer to see if his wife's door was open or she got in,

    He could not read. It was sell known he had dyslexia making reading an improper almost impossible and his short term memory was so defective he could not remember the name of his wife or children or cabinet members standing next to him.

    We have had people in power with the decision to blow up with trye mental instability. Hitler took so many shots of amphetamines he destroyed his liver, kidneys and brain. Stalin was a class delusional paranoid sociopath.

    A drunken out of control General in Russia during the 67 war with Israel ordered a nuclear missile strike on Israel only to be short circuited by American intelligence getting to Russian military to cut him off when he gave the signal.

    We had a Russian military failure claiming the US was attacking Russia that could have triggered the end of the world but a sane, every day Russian in a military uniform ignored his computer and called off retaliatiory attack trusting his instinct there was a malfunction.

    I guess we will never know how close we've come to detsruction from asteroids, terrorists, idiot politicians and maybe its good we are not told all the details.

    So with that I say, Pastor, the world has always hung by a sliver. The difference between a human who can control his primal instinct to control and instead transfer it creating things positive to honour the sanctity and preciousness of life (what you also call God) is so minute and one of the reasons some people created religion. To asist them turn from the primal

    The story you refer to will have many symbols of people championing light over dark. Their names will change, their warnings will change but its the same story and that is we humans are one minute meg second from self destruction all the time but as well, we arejust equally close and able to create miracles of life starting with helping someone, giving birth, sharing, telling someone it will be ok and they can believe in the good in them to prevail.

    As for Mit Romney, he was an interesting politician. He was rejected by the strong evangelical Christian Lobby from the Republican nomination because of being a Mormon but his comments during the Foreign Policy debate with Obama proved 100% correct. He also for someone feared to be too religious when he was Governor of Massachussets was quite progressive and formed coalitions with left and right politicians with ease and of course he was the first and strongest Republican to call out Trump and for that showed his class and decency.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2021
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  15. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    As you know I like to give some credit to somebody when I feel that it is due.

    In 1998 near death experiencer William Deagle M. D. wrote a book about what he had been shown during his brush with death. It was called "Clay and Iron" and I read it in 1999.

    Dr. William Deagle was shown about a full fledged "Mark of the Beast" that could conceivably begin in 2008 but..... it depended on a certain person with a mentality somewhat like ancient Queen Jezebel to rise to power.

    Although I vehemently disagreed with much of what President Obama stood for I believe that he was to at least some degree....( at least some of the time.)..... led by the right hand as mentioned in Isaiah chapter forty five...... and he was instrumental in preventing a Mark of the Beast fulfillment from being put into action from 2008 to 2016 in the USA?!

    President Obama delayed and delayed, Iridium System Mark of the Beast

    I believe firmly that time can branch off in an essentially infinite number of very different directions based on our decisions.... (and especially the decisions of the people who rise to great power and influence).

    I do believe that Rabbi Jonathan Cahn does a good job of explaining how this could have worked out......
    but decisions were made that delayed and delayed and delayed what could have been a horrible series of events in America and the whole world.

    The Paradigm | Jonathan Cahn | Grace Church

    •Jun 11, 2018

    The "Mark of the Beast" has been delayed for the moment.... but not permanently stopped..... it still hangs over our heads in many ways.

    Last edited: Jun 2, 2021
  16. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    We agree I just call it by different names. What you call the "Mark of the Beast" I call another name but its the same concept so its sematics.

    Also you know from my perspective I strongly agree with this statement: "I believe firmly that time can branch off in an essentially infinite number of very different directions based on our decisions.... (and especially the decisions of the people who rise to great power and influence).."

    There could be an infinite no. of destinities depending on our decisions. Some people can't fathom that.

    I like the concept I am sure you have heard one version of the cross is to destinies that eventually intersect-one we think was pre-destined and set for us, the other the destiny we created by diverging from our pre-planned destinies we sat and set out before we were born.

    I am sure you have heard many others. But yah Pastor you connected there. The possibility of the different directions based on our decisions would be infinite wouldn't it. Just the whole movement from what was/is/could be to each of us and our journies is infinite in possibility and mutation and it forms kabillions of constellations of destinities intersecting, clashing, merging, running parallel, being powered by one another or cancelled neutralized by one another or even extinguished?

    I personally believe no thing but the thing behind all things that paradox behind it all could extinguish-I think the rest of us can injure, temporarily delay, divert, challenge other energy but never extinguish it-for example if some man kills another man I believe he does not kill the man, he releases his energy from his physical capsule and then that man who did that murder after he leaves his physical capsule has a complex set of universal laws he/she must rebalance if they are to continue evolving.

    This thing you call Beast Pastor I have seen it in people's eyes. I have smelled it at the same time. I can sense it. The temperature in the room can be different, i.e., suddenly get cold. Yes it can sometimes smell like sulphur, rotten eggs or rotten flesh, vomit, urine, and it can cause one's hair to go on end, make one's eyes blur, increase the heart beat, paralyze one, have involuntarily move. For me it confronted and tried to ridicule with a stupid sneer in its face-it tried to make a mockery of the very feeling I was connected to a greater purpose that cares-its essence is to ridicule the idea there is anything but one's self and one's self interests and ego to feed. Ity humiliates, belittles, mocks the innocence and the fragility, simplicity and sanctity of life-it wants to crush and maim and it can have a hissing sound to it at times yes but often I have seen it come in the form of a friendly face and gentle light. What gives it a way is a slight sneer of contempt every time and it can not stand me Pastor. Man that is evident. Lol. I mean I know I get on peoples' nerves but man this thing, this concept, man it reviles me. It hisses and recoils if it gets too close. When I look at it just makes me feel a surge of energy and as that surge grows, it shrinks, it literally melts. I don't yell. As it gets closer I start laughing louder and louder out it realizing its completely and utterly empowered by our own energy creating it. The joke is on us. I laugh and laugh at my hatred of myself and it vanishes. It only can exist if I loath myself. Make sense? Anyone else would consider this thread response BIZARRRRRRRO NUTZO Kabama. Not you. The Pastor of Space. I know you know it. To sense all those possible dimensions I know you know it has many names and forms of dark energy.

    I have seen it in soldiers, certain mad-men, people with certain afflictions, not to be confused with rabies or sick animals or psychiatric illnesses. I saw one man paralyzed by it in court. He could just stand there and barely breath. He had killed people violently and yet under the lice, the skin lessions, the hissing, the bulging rotating eyes, the swearing, the dry mouth licking, he smell, there was still something in there Pastor I swear to you other than evil and I got a glimpse of it when it started back, I was the only one it did not spit at. I was there to prosecute it and of all the people you think it would lask out at it would be me. Anyone but me. Its lawyer, he Judge, not me. It looked for a glimpse like a dying wolf full of disease pleading to be shot.

    Man I have heard ancient Greek, Armaic, Latin. I don't speak them but I can identify them. I have seen certain skin lesions come and go defying dermitology in minutes. Red marks, boils, stars. There is a lot science still needs to figure out. The power of our minds and their connection to our bodies and what they can make the bodies manifest we do not know. We do not know even 20% of the brain's functions and chemicals.

    Its there-its in all homo sapiens. Whether we learn to control and if need be cleanse ourselves or shed it all I know is-it is up to the individual to do that. It requires an individual to choose freely to say NO.

    Beast. I call it any of us who chooses evil. But yes Pastor I have seen what some call paranormal things particularly at the site of murders, in certain places where horrid violence and depravity occurred.

    Soldiers can feel it. They are marching and they can just feel they came on a slaughter site I have seen them feel it.

    I was in Estonia and Russia and it happened twice. I felt the dead and later was told by locals they were areas where people were slaughtered by both Nazis and Russians.

    I wish I could not feel that stuff but I do. As I get older it makes me hold soldiers in great respect as well as theiur paramedics and the witnesses who chose to continue and not give in to this mockery and went on to peaceful lives.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2021
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  17. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    In your own way you are writing at a level up there and perhaps even beyond that of AboveAlpha......
    who introduced me to an amazing series of ideas as he posted on politicalforum. AboveAlpha and I both really liked Mr. Mitt Romney and we did not easily give up on what we felt was the amazing potential that he had.......

    Here is one of the only Evangelical Christians to stick up for Mr. Mitt Romney. I saw this back in 2012, if I remember correctly....... and I never forgot about the idea introduced here:

    Joyner Hopes Romney will Fulfill the 'White Horse Prophecy'

    •Oct 5, 2012

    I actually rambled and rambled and rambled on the general idea over here:

    The White Horse President prophecy and saving the USA constitution and dollar.

    This guy Rick Joyner is so sensitive to the Holy Spirit that about a year or so ago he warned America and Canada's political right that one of the greatest dangers for the next decade would be that we could so easily go off to far toward the political right.............

    It is not difficult to imagine how bad that could potentially get.........

    One of the locations on earth where a semi- reality science fiction film series... plus a reality film series.... set partly in an alternative universe 2012 to 2020 would be in Israel........

    but it is kind of amazing how a recent series named The Chosen looks like it was filmed in Israel but it was actually filmed in Texas and Utah:

    If several Jewish scholars or Mystics were to meet with some faculty members of Brigham Young University in Jerusalem they could easily collaborate to begin a series that could be used to address a shocking number of modern world problems and issues.

    Here is the discussion where AboveAlpha began to introduce many of us to Multiverse Theory (that I immediately felt could fit with Ezekiel chapter thirty seven.......... except not merely one fulfillment.... but a potentially infinite number of fulfillments over eternity in the future..... beginning from any point in time from Adam and Eve in Gan Eden until now)?!

    Off the Chart Universal and Multiversal Models.

    Last edited: Jun 2, 2021
  18. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    During his near death experiencer Christian Andreason met Dr. Albert Einstein and what you refer to is one of the phenomena that they discussed.
  19. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Your two sentences that I bolded and turned RED are some of the most insightful comments that I have ever gotten on this forum during the nearly nine years that I have been addicted to this forum!

    By the way.... thank you for praying for me because I know that I know that I connected with my Creator / The G-d of Abraham yesterday evening in a truly special way!

    Now I am about to give you a concept that you might rather like considering......
    because this could turn out to be a lot of fun?

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn :
    Now let's contrast this with some statements by near death experiencer Dr. Bruce Fraser MacDonald that is him seeing Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus teaching his inner circle of disciples some time between twenty eight C. E. to 31 C.E.

    ..... A Thomas background.html A Thomas samples.html


    Your nomination for Nobel Prize in Literature?

    Last edited: Jun 4, 2021
  20. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Donald Trump has never done anything for free and/or for anyone other than himself? Why do you think he would entertain such an idea?
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  21. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Back in 1988 Dr. Jesse Duplantis began to pray differently after he had an unusual heavenly experience from which he wrote the book "Close Encounters of the God Kind." His friend Kevin Zadai was shown during his near death experience that our prayers can send out a SHOCK WAVE that will destroy the kingdom of Satan......... by 1990 the shock wave from Dr. Jesse's new way of praying.................. reached Nova Scotia, Canada!

    Jesse Duplantis - RARE Interview About His Trip to Heaven

    •Aug 11, 2020
  22. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Because if this is handled with wisdom it will set in motion a real estate boom in rural USA, (TRUMP COUNTRY)?!

    But this is merely the opening gambit.......
    what happens by mid-game will shock all of us........
    myself included!

    The Worgl Austria Great Depression Experiment and a real estate boom in rural America?

    In my opinion the BOOM in real estate prices in Rural America in no way implies any sort of decrease, (other than relative), in real estate prices in urban or suburban America???????????

  23. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Trump doesn't do things for anybody but himself and he's already proven that he doesn't care if the country crashes and burns.
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  24. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Personally.... I am of the opinion that Biden and Harris have deliberately set out to divide the USA... .and conquer her.... but I admit that I am biased...........

    I am one of those silly people who consider Latter day Saints to be "Christians" and right up there in their power levels with my wife's people.... Pentecostals and Charismatic Catholics!

  25. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    IIRC, he has a contact page on his website. Did you or are you going to send him your idea?
    DennisTate likes this.

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