If you're crazy enough to ride around on a motorcycle and get yourself killed, I guess that's your business alone (unless you have a family). Other than that, I don't know the risks that motorcycles pose to other vehicles on the road but I've heard truck and bus drivers say that those things ought to be banned, just because they are so hard to see. They've also said that about small cars like VW bugs.
FALSE ! Lots of things already are, and more things are banned every day. Look up the US Congressional Record It's all there. Same thing on state and local levels. Here in Tampa, FL, they just banned panhandling. I opposed that ban.
Police officers are more likely to die doing their job than I am working at McDonalds. Should we ban police officers because they might be killed? Of course not. If you choose to do a job, you know how dangerous that job is, and you take responsibility for it.
Baseball has it's dangers. The worst one you didn't mention. Pitchers standing only 60 feet away from hard hit line drives and usually off balance after delivering a pitch. In all, though baseball's dangers are practically zero compared to auto racing. There's no comparison there.
They do have many screwed up ideas. I'm a conservative. I find their views on Islamization, immigration, and affirmative action particularly disturbing and hypocritical.
Police officers are a necessity. As are other dangerous jobs (coal miners, firefighters, US military). Auto racing isn't a necessity.
No it's not, they could other kinds of work, and that's an absurd way to try to excuse a deadly "sport". Putting somebody's paycheck or stockholder shares above the children of auto drivers. Wow !
Do you normally insult people who differ from your opinion? I main goal here is supposed to be to debate, not personally insult others.
What about the children of jockeys? What about the children of firefighters or cops? Do those children not matter so much because their father is doing something you consider 'necessary'?
You live in Tampa that explains much with the liberal newspapers you have there. What makes you think people should be allowed to bother others by begging.
Conservative? I have my doubts on that. You may be conservative in some areas but to ban racing is not conservative.
I based my assumption purely upon your statements. I even asked you to clarify your criteria for what sports should be banned- and all you said was that auto racing had too many deaths- and should be zero- like baseball. ergo- either you are singling out auto racing for some other reason, or you just haven't gotten around to banning every sport that has had a single death in the last 90 years. Holy authoritarian Batman. So in closing- the answer is no. Adults can chose to make adult decisions. Even stupid ones. Governments can regulate or ban such activities....but when they are clearly very, very popular- such as auto racing is....people find ways to indulge anyway. Ken Burns did a very nice documentary about the Prohibition if you would like to know more.
Should I say that all conservatives are screwed up because of your opinions? As a liberal, I say the idea of banning auto racing is as stupid as banning drinking alcohol or banning smoking marijuana. As a liberal, I say that the idea of banning behavior of consenting adults is wrong- and just bad policy. And as a liberal, I say criminalize behavior that endangers others- such as driving while under the influence and intoxicated/high. I think lots of peoples priorities are screwed up. I just don't assume all Conservatives or Liberals believe the same thing.
When the time comes that YOU find yourself broke, then you'll know. And they aren't bothering me one bit. They just stand at medians of large intersections. If you don't want them to confront you, you could even keep your windows rolled up. There's a couple of guys who played the guitar outside K-Mart and supermarkets . They were good Mississippi Delta Blues guitarists. We lost some good live music when they went away.
Strange way you think. All the kids matter, fool. But the necessity jobs have to get done. The non-necessity ones don't. Get it ?
No, you did not, because I didn't say anything about what I care about the safety of other sports - you brought that up. As for "banning every sport that has had a single death in the last 90 years", again your words not mine. You are a wise guy who trys to put words in other people mouths. You're not worth talking to. Oh the answer is no, is it ? I don't know what you are answering no to, and I care even less. Please don't tell me. LOL.
At this point, I honestly don't care what you think. I find your perspective to be shallow, and I don't value your opinion much.
I was homeless in the late 1980's for a couple of months. I did not beg for money. Those that beg for money want beer and cigarettes not food.