I've never fired a S&W, but I did a trigger job as described by http://sp101trigger.com/ along with Wolff springs and shims and ended up with a very nice feel - 9 lbs DA and 3 lbs SA.
Ha ha, good choice. The number one tool in our state though, is a compass. Many more people die from exposure every year from getting lost. Our state has so much foliage, a gun is secondary.
There was an incident from my home state a few years ago; a tourist from NY came to visit and went wandering off in the mountains. He disappeared and was ultimately found dead from exposure. Seems he had taken a backpack, no water or warm clothing, but he had his laptop. He died sitting next to a stream in a valley, and had his laptop open struggling to get a signal to check his GPS coordinates... and never thought to hike to the top of the hill nearby which would have given him 4G and shown him where he was in relation to the road.... which was all of a quarter mile further on.
Sad story but it tells you how poorly prepared many of us are when we depend upon electronics; it comes down to the basics .
Yeah, I resisted even getting a smartphone until my wife demanded it. I prefer being able to do things myself, and to know what I'm doing whatever environment I'm in. I joke that all I need is a good sharp knife and a compass and you could drop me just about anywhere and I could survive.
What do you mean? The 2A is 'necessary for the security of a free state' just as water is necessary for life. Its not the only necessity in either case, if thats what you're referring to...
Not all threats are person on person violence. You cant defend against identity fraud with a gun, for example... What are you getting at?
You bring up an interesting point as far as survivability is concerned. A good accurate .22 pistol to go with that knife and compass may actually be the best of all. 50 extra rounds in a tiny box and you’re more likely to dine on squirrel then carrying a 9 mm. You can always use the smart phone to sight in the .22.
The 2A is not affected what so ever by increased federal regulation. Law abiding citizens of age and with no mental disqualifying history are totally unaffected, and only minimally Inconvenience. It takes me 20 minutes of my time and $20 to renew my permit once every four years. I then have a valid photo ID with MORE validity then a driving license and even a pass port in most cases. I have walking proof applying for the many jobs that now require background checks. The 2A is totally unaffected because ALL RIGHTS are REGULATED and not absolute. Repeating the same disingenuous tripe is boring and irrelevant. Requiring a federalize state issued permit to process, purchase and buy ammo would simplify the practice of the 2A for all law abiding citizens and could make purchase of guns and ammo for the qualified as easy as going through check out line at a grocery store. You need to qualify for ALL your rights. This permit process could easily lead to a nation wide, reciprocity system that could make us all safer by our own choice. Your unfounded remarks just get in the way of we legal gun owners being able to carry a firearm nation wide safety, Legally and without interference from local governments. These Incessant untrue claims get in the way of my ability to practice MY rights guaranteed by the 2A.
That the right wing loves to whine about taxes for social services for the poor; but have no problem throwing money at our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
How do I qualify for my 1st, 4th and 5th Amendment rights. I need to make sure I have my permit from the government when it's time to be free from unreasonable search and seizure.
The press does not have unlimited access;it’s highly regulated. You do not have the right to assemble in many public areas with groups beyond a number without a permit. You do not have the right to totally free speech when they are subject to libel laws. All have been challenged and up held and you are regulated. The forth and fifth amendments are highly regulatory. It’s up to the courts to decide what is reasonable and yes, they can search your home and persons under certain conditons. Once done, You must show up in court with legal representation to recover your legal rights to no longer be the subject to Govt. Search and seizure. . No rights are absolute, they are all subject to your status . and most often, your ability to pay for it. The homeless and desititute are constantly having their rights violated because they lack resources to address the situation. And no, anyone does not have the “right” to process any firearm, any place for any reason.
The bottom line line is, all your rights are subject to regulation when they interfere with the rights of others. That’s why none can be absolute.
Unlicensed, unregistered firearms ownership, does not interfere with the rights of others in any way, shape, or form.
That’s a straw argument and untrue ; unlicensed , unqualified, felons, mentally ill, and juveniles who processes firearms are infringing upon the rights of others at a much higher rate then permit holders. The unlicensed, unqualified gun processors are the primary cause of gun crimes and ALL non suicidal gun crimes infringe upon the rights of others. Infringing upon the rights of others is in the scope of the definition of nearly all crimes. That’s generally what makes an Act a crime. https://www.dailywire.com/news/8255/report-concealed-carry-permit-holders-are-most-law-aaron-bandler
You’ll never get the “limits” you can imposed on the 2A by reading the 2A and deciding yourself what the limits are. That would assume that the reader is a supreme court justice on the positive side of a ruling. Even Scalia has discussed the regulation of weapons, just based upon their looks. http://www.longislandfirearms.com/forum/topic/3980-scalia-guns-may-be-regulated/
They don't infringe upon the rights of others by possessing a firearm - they do so when they use them illegally.
Here is another quote from Scalia about banning “frighteners” which he says >can be considered in today’s rulings. < It definitely refers to the look. Weapons that were banned in the past that he referred to as frighteners that were used to. intimidate can be part of the regulatory process. http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/20...eaking-justice-scalia-says-gun-control-is-ok/