You're not suggesting that denying children's rights is okay so long as we can prove a net gain by pointing to drops in the crime rates... Are you?
No I am suggesting that unwanted children become criminals at a much higher rate than wanted children. Wouldn't it be better if they never existed? And after Roe, a whole lot of them didn't ever exist... - - - Updated - - - OK that post fairly drips with misogyny...
No it doesn't. In fact, just the opposite. I am strictly opposed to the rape, degradation, discrimination etc. of women. I would NEVER think that they should just lay down and take it. That's why I said women choose to become pregnant and have children. Is this not so? Apparently you disagree?
You hate women, it's obvious, your statement that all pregnancies are by choice accept in the case of rape is pure misogyny.
A zygote is a fertilized cell that has a good chance of being flushed down the toilet. It has the potential to become a person, but so does a skin cell -- which contains all of the information needed to create a human. At some point, you have to draw the line. Having the potential to be human doesn't make something human. Says who?
Science DOES NOT have anything to do with it unless 1) it can tell us when consciousness arises out of a mass of protoplasm and 2) provide you with an unarguable definition of "human". It hasn't done 1) and it can't do 2).
Wha?.....rape pregnancies taken to term are infinitly fewer than women who get pregnant unintentionaly and are told by people like you they'll go to hell if they abort the "human baby"
A human being in the zygote stage of their life is much more than just a 'potential' being. Human zygotes regularly continue to develop towards being adult human beings every day with no need for human assistance. Can you really say the same for a skin cell or for any other kind of human cell?
Can you show us where it is written (especially in law) that a person has to have consciousness - in order to be legally recognized as a 'person?' I can show you legal situations of where they don't have to be.
Scientific fact. For instance, if you abort your dog it is because you don't want a puppy. You would never abort your dog to preclude a human being from being born would you? That's because a dog zygote is canine. Get it now?
so when does that collection of cells become a human what is the mile stone it needs to cross before it becomes human what are the requirements ?
so a premature baby that has to have assistants to breath is not human there for can be killed? or a baby carried to full term born with lung problems that require medical assistance to breath can be killed ?
That is the saddest (most unfortunate) thing about the proponents of abortion perspective. To them (the proponents of abortion)... a Child is not a child unless and until that child lives too long and develops too far - past some arbitrarily decided magical point - after which, the proponent can't stomach their own denial anymore. Their entire mindset comes down to "If they aint like me? It's okay to Kill em"
Why does the barely (if even) measurable brain activity of a child in the early stages of their life matter to you - when none of their other attributes do?
You can be born missing arms and legs and any number of other body parts but still be a human......a weirdly deformed human but still a person. Your brain is you, it defines who you are and if you don't have a brain then you don't exist. Until they come up with a way of measuring someone's soul one cannot argue that a person is a person before they have brain functions. Before you use the "but the brain isn't developed yet" that argument is just as silly because babies brains still develop up to 18 months after birth.
I'm curious, Goldwater... What are your thoughts about the proponents of abortion who Deny and continually deny the fact that a human being in the womb (in any stage of development) is a human being? Personally speaking, as an opponent of abortion, it just drives me nuts.
So, in your view, anencephalic (Children born without a cerebral cortex) children are not human beings? They have no thoughts, ability to think, feel pain, see, smell, hear or anything. Are they human beings? If your answer is no... then what kind of 'beings' are they?
They are essentially dead. Unless you want to argue that someone who is brain dead after being drowned for an hour or being shot in the head is still alive because he is still breathing because of the base of the brain being in tact. That is not alive that person no longer exists they are gone. Your brain is you. Until someone can actually measure and prove the existence of the soul that is what we have to work with right now. You don't set policy by religious fiat.