Nice picture, but when I am in the woods when there is a good snow, all I can think is "I am going to die out here all alone and they won't find my body until after the buzzards start eating me" LOL
LOL - I left out the part about how the snow makes it easier for one of these beasts to creep up on you.... That'll ruin the magic in a heartbeat.
Yeah, it can get rather bleak in the South during Winter. This year we're getting lucky - we're gotten the most snow we've seen since 2022, and more is on the way this weekend. The new president and first lady better bundle up Monday, because it's going top be a cold Inauguration Day.
Max Velocity said we might get exciting is that? We haven't had snow here since 2010..Ithink that was the year. The snow stayed on the ground for a few days. The neighbor children built a snowman that lasted for a few days. Whatever happens I am excited that we might get snow. A relative who lives in the north said they have 7 inches of snow still on the ground. It started snowing last week end and they are still enjoying having the snow.Their pond froze but not enough to ice skate on. Whatever happens we are going to be cold. If it snowed the snow would help out a bit on the freezing temps.
I am hoping it is good weather Monday. My old work that closed last fall with the owners' retirements is supposed to let me come in and take anything left over that hasn't been sold before the rest of it goes to the recycle/garbage/donations places. Doubt there will be any great finds but they do have a lot of nice file cabinets that I am hoping a few of have been left behind. I heard there were several there but the person didn't know which ones. There's supposed to be several odds and end decor items as well. I do know that there won't be anything good as far as office equipment as one of the last things they had me do was pull the drives out of most of the work station computers. An e-cycler was picking up all the electronics and they were sending the drives to be degaussed and shredded first thing.
Do I remember correctly that you might live in Florida? Or are you just a little bit north of Florida?
Can someone please freeze me into a inanimate state of cryogenic preservation until the warm weather returns? We've had a long run of especially cold and dreary weather for Southwest Florida here lately.
A friend went to school in upstate New York. He said when it was in the 40's people would run around in shorts because it felt so hot after a winter of lake-effect snow and winds.
Great idea for a new Forum badge. Pot Stirrer. We can use it like a pre-ban label with varying degrees. Pot Stirrer Lv. Nauseating, Sickening, Perv, Orange Person, Brandon, Dark Brandan,. I am going to make cooking videos and Paint. I got equipment and researching and adding accounts to be able to Podcast and make videos. I got acrylic paints and I have started learning how to paint. I like learning and it is a great way to stay active. The important thing is I still feel the need to, "DO Something". Needing to create or do something never seems to go away so I am channeling it. My poor wife!
I wish the weather people would make up their minds on who is and isn't going to get snow.. I am tempted to only listen to the one that says snow for us...but he could be wrong... Pictures of our last snow..Not as exciting as some snowfalls but we only get snow falls every 10 years plus. This snowfall was in 2010.. There was even a bit of ice in the pond, just a fringe of ice on the edge. .
Its beautiful and the way you described walking in the woods during a snowfall is perfect. Snow falling from the sky is so magical. Just standing still and looking up to flakes of snow coming closer and,closer into view until they land on your face with a soft touch.
Thanks, Bella. Here's a couple of pictures I took during Winter Storm Remus about 10 years ago - I think we got 9" of snow - and they do a better job of conveying experience: Nice. Another thing I love about snow is watching a child or pet experience it for the first time. Something inside them just lights up. I still get that feeling every time it snows - I turn into a little kid again.
No...just really cold. And I like the snowy pictures, 'cause thats as close as I wanna git to seeing it. I do take photos of the mountains on the rare occasions we get a little white... gotta get those pictures before the sun comes up good, up tho'