What an interesting analysis of Canadian politics! If I am not mistaken Mr. Steve Long is a pastor and his comment here about Mr. Justin Trudeau is extremely interesting! https://www.facebook.com/steve.long.980/posts/1026459944084916?fref=nf&pnref=story Mr. Justin Trudeau...... is NOT merely a politician or he would NOT have said that face to face with Pastor Steve Long and Pastor John Arnott and his wife!!!!!!!!!
Mr. Justin Trudeau: Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Mr. Thomas Mulcair: I now know roughly what the G-d of Abraham/ HaShem/ YHWH/ Allah wants from our nation over the coming months and years. G-d wants Canada to play a leading role in assisting the nations of Israel and Jordan to come to such an astonishingly high level of cooperation it will seem to some that they almost become like one nation. https://www.facebook.com/notes/dann...eans-from-rising-ocean-levels/642434499224784 The Sahara Forest Project and saving New Orleans from rising ocean levels. The world highest tides occur in Canada's Bay of Fundy between Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the State of Maine. The difference between low tide to high tide near where I live in Nova Scotia is only a little over one meter. Near Truro, N. S. and Moncton, N. B. the difference between low tide to high tide is fifteen to seventeen meters. If ocean levels rose by an average of thirty centimetres would high tides be up by 4.5 meters along parts of the Bay of Fundy? The way the Bay of Fundy is shaped it tends to FUNNEL tidal waters. 30 cms x 15 = 450cms or 4.5 meters. There are 143,000 acres of very productive farmland along the Fundy that are protected by dikes. This land is arguably the most vulnerable land in the world to the threat of rising ocean levels? EVERY CUBIC METER OF OCEAN WATER THAT IS DESALINATED AND ADDED TO THE WATER TABLE OF JORDAN, will NOT be on top of New Orleans, New Jersey, parts of Florida, islands in the Caribbean, Bangladesh, The Netherlands or those 143,000 acres along the Bay of Fundy. http://www.politicalforum.com/middl...-peace-deal-between-jordan-israel-coming.html Near death experiencer shown peace deal between Jordan and Israel is coming. I read both of Dannion Brinkley's books about his two near death experiences back in the '90's. Dannion Brinkley: "The country of Jordan was changing color" could mean that the deserts were turning green. There is an ancient Islamic prophecy that in the latter days the deserts of the Islamic nations would be turned green. http://saharaforestproject.com/projects/jordan.html
Oops... you even bolded that part and I skimmed over it. Thanks. Well... that is a strange thing to say. I guess arrogance comes with the family name.
Or.......Mr. Justin Trudeau has been sent to our nation to force the people who call themselves his own flock, house, army or church......… to face the question of whether or not the being of light of near death experience fame is........ Messiah Yeshua - Jesus in his glorified eternal form keeping H-s promise to help each of us to objectively evaluate our lives...… or is this being of light a powerful fallen angel impersonating the Messiah?????? http://www.drbo.org/chapter/30006.htm ...............… http://www.christianforums.com/threads/gods-many-plans-for-the-gay-community.7728763/ I am pretty sure it is over five years since I read the NDE of Mr. Christian Andreason. His NDE account has had a major impact on my life. As a former follower of Mr. Garner Ted Armstrong and his dad Mr. Herbert Armstong I must admit that these statements put me into some serious cognitive dissonance at first!!!!?? www.near-death.com/andreason.html#a11 Five or six years later on and finally I feel confident enough to go into specifics as to what I strongly suspect are a few of the actual plans that the God of Abraham, the Creator of heaven and earth has in mind for the Gay community!!!! Do you agree that God has plans for the Gay community? * Yes, God owns this studio, we are the actors playing out our role! 12 vote(s) ...................30.0% No, God would never compromise one millionth of an inch with sin!!!! 11 vote(s) ............................27.5% * Yes, deep down we all love God and He has good planned for all of us. 16 vote(s) ..................40.0% I have really never considered this idea before??? 9 vote(s) ....................22.5%
What if God sent Trudeau to tell the evangelical Christians that they’re wrong? Or should prophets only be listened to if they’re telling you what you want to hear?
This is EXACTLY what I also suspect at this time as well!!!!! Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus - Issa was NOT kidding when he spoke these words: Matthew 5:22 Mr. Justin Trudeau applied this principle far far far better than P. M. Stephen Harper did in this campaign and it looks like his sticking to the higher ground is playing a major role in probably making him Prime Minister of Canada by tomorrow, (if the polls are correct). Pastor Rick Joyner is one of the most hated Christian visionaries at this time because he bluntly passes on messages about how messed up and egotistical we Christians have became. http://www.heavennet.net/visions/the-hordes-of-hell-are-marching.htm
Pastor Steve Long... you were shown that G-d wanted Mr. Justin Trudeau to become the national leader of Canada's Liberal Party. Is G-d showing you anything about Prime Minister Stephen Harper's son Ben? I believe that Mr. Ben Harper should seriously consider beginning a campaign for the office of National Leader of the Conservative Party! I had some correspondence with Mr. Ben Harper that you can view here: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Tate4CentralNova/conversations/messages/3600 Fwd: Why Im voting for my dad
I admit that I am struggling with this very real possibility....... (thus my reluctance to answer this question more quickly) and yes..... I do feel that P. M. Justin Trudeau has some sort of calling on his life that will turn out to fit with Isaiah chapter 45. A political leader can be a highly ethical person who is guided by the right hand..... but yet this person does not really know Messiah Yeshua - Jesus..... which is good in some important ways because somebody who does not know Yeshua - Jesus will not nail him down in ways that are terribly inaccurate....... I believe that P. M. Justin Trudeau deserves credit for bringing Syrian and Iraqi refugees to Canada who are members of the LGBT community. Yes...... . Gay refugees are in a level of danger that in some ways is even greater than Yazidis, Christians, Ba'hai's, Jews and other minorities. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/11/25/syrian-refugees-canada-gay_n_8650582.html How Canada Will Screen Gay Syrian Refugee Men
IF... the being of light of near death experience fame..... who met with Christian Andreason was in fact.... Messiah Yeshua - Jesus in H-s glorified form..... keeping H-s promise to judge the dead.... and to ... in the future.... speak plainly of the Father....... THEN...... we Christians are facing some very serious cognitive dissonance and one of the implications is that P. M. Justin Trudeau was correct...... in his accusation to Pastor Steve Long and Pastor John Arnott.... and their wives........ that we Christians are some of the most self-righteous, angry, Pharisaical.... and proud groups of people in Canada.......... http://www.politicalforum.com/gay-l...rs-understand-nde-comments-gay-community.html Sincere apologies for taking 5 years to understand NDE comments on Gay Community! I personally am ashamed of myself for being a Christian who could not understand this message for about five years!!!!! http://www.near-death.com/experiences/notable/christian-andreason.html#a11 11. What about sexually diverse people?
Here is an interesting explanation for why this is happening. http://canadafreepress.com/article/liberal-socialism-and-the-erosion-of-christian-canada Liberal-Socialism And The Erosion Of Christian Canada
My wife decided to tune into Pastor Steve Long's church last Sunday, a woman pastor was speaking and I was truly impressed by her message. She obviously referred to the book "Heaven is for Real" by Colton and Todd Burpo in a very positive way. Many Christian pastors are scared of acknowledging near death experience accounts in any way........ so it seems to me that Pastor Steve Long and Pastor John Arnott deserve credit for applying the principle of "hiring up" and getting people into his church who have an exceptionally good approach to Christianity. I wonder what would happen if the pastors at Catch the Fire were to get both Pastor Todd Burpo and his wife and son to move to Toronto, and begin a reality film series where Colton plays the role of a teenage cell leader and gives speech after speech after speech to groups of people from Toronto who would be very interested in his story?
I do consider myself and my fellow Christians to be significantly in error on some important questions. I believe that we are way off when it comes to the reality of climate change....... and I think that we should take Isaiah 35 much more seriously...... because deliberate investment in turning deserts green is a win - win - win - win - win measure that would benefit 99.9 percent of humans........ so why don't we Christians at the least take this alternative climate stabilization strategy more seriously? Catch the Fire sent out an update......
Pastor Steve Long...... you were correct that Messiah Yeshua - Jesus wanted Mr. Justin Trudeau to lead Canada's Liberal Party. Here is a potential to do list that G-d has for P. M. Justin Trudeau: 1. Initiate a peace deal between Canada, Jordan, Israel and the USA. P. M. Justin Trudeau and a plan for Canada, Jordan - Israeli cooperation on.... 2. Borrow somewhere between one to 4.3 Trillion Dollars US that are floating around out there in such a way that George Soros and others might be able to divert in a manner that could be disastrous to the economies of both Canada and the USA. ..... (Pastor Steve Long, please scroll down to post #19 here): Jamie Baillie, Nova Scotia, Israel and Jordan.
Pastor Steve Long..... please pray about the number 4.3 Trillion Dollars US? Theoretically...... it is possible for P. M. Justin Trudeau to assist in getting President Putin of Russia, Mr. George Soros and some leaders from China, Iran and Saudi Arabia together in a room....... and instead of a massive devaluation of the USA dollar being the result...... there could instead be.............. ... .something along the line of a Unified Theory of Modern World Problems that will fit very well with Isaiah chapter 35. http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/jamie-baillie-nova-scotia-israel-and-jordan.506627/ Jamie Baillie, Nova Scotia, Israel and Jordan. ......
Yes...... but that arrogance could be extremely useful considering the possibility of 4.3 TRILLION USA PETRO-DOLLARS being dumped on the markets over the next months and........... ...... combined with the fact that residents of Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada may be in the position of the proverbial canary in the coal mine as far as the threat of rising ocean levels is concerned. http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/jamie-baillie-nova-scotia-israel-and-jordan.506627/
But they are not one hundred percent wrong....... even the Devil is not one hundred percent wrong.........
Wow! P. M. Justin Trudeau sure seems to be attempting to wipe out his NDP opponents... by appealing to the extreme political left to win the 2019 election????? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has just made a serious error........ that will divide "his" Liberal Party into two groups........... those who at least empathize with the Pro-Life movement.... .and those Liberals who are so politically correct that they have nothing but contempt for anybody who disagrees with their own personal views. My wife is Pentecostal..... she is extremely Pro-Life.... and although I personally understand and to a significant degree empathize with the Pro-Choice Movement.......... if Charles McVety has understood P. M. Trudeau's proposal properly........... then P. M. Trudeau has just torched and burned his Liberal Party and handed the 2019 election to Conservative Leader Mr. Andrew Scheer, (who incidentally was my #2 choice in the leadership campaign after Mr. Kevin O'Leary)! ........ Charles McVety: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1296715350457368 Charles McVety, January 19, 2018.
EXACTLY what I have been suspecting for some time now!!!!! https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1007453919406985 http://www.politicalforum.com/index...on-christianity.531196/page-4#post-1068984443 California's War on Christianity
That is actually a pretty good theory...... and here is a link to a video by one of the only pastors that so far....... has came out publicly and stated that she believed that little Colton Burpo was indeed a credible witness: I post this here because she works with the pastor that I quote in the opening post.....
You seem to be on a similar page to at least one pastor........ who gave kind of an amazing response to a question about this!
P. M. Justin Trudeau....... .for all his many flaws actually did a rather brilliant political gambit in his rather impolite statement that I quote in post #1. Here is my reply to his gambit: http://www.politicalforum.com/index...t-gay-marriage.512210/page-38#post-1069529122
Something just hit me over these last two hours that has me in a state of near shock........ I think that G-d wants Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to be the one to set in motion what I suggested over here: The Tate Plan for a Basic Minimum Income for all Canadians. My wife and many of her friends have the same sort of gifts as Pastor Steve Long has who I quote in the opening post: What I am just now beginning to think again after kind of giving up on this idea..... is that G-d wants Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to be the one to admit that his dad was wrong back in 1974 or........ perhaps agree with my speculation that his dad was probably pressured into that obvious error by powerful people in the USA. The Bank of Canada Must Finance our Country, Debt-Free I have to admit that the method of financing this Basic Minimum Income that I have explained here is rather complicated and will generate backlash but...... .there is a much more simple way to look at this topic. Compound Interest over time grows to astronomical levels. Since private banks are being used to create a huge percentage of Canada's total money supply we are actually creating MORE DEBT THAN MONEY. This is not a particularly intelligent thing to do so....... is there an alternative? Yes......... the total of all loans to all levels of government, business and individuals can be known, (with the exception of what loan sharks are loaning out because they don't claim income or pay income tax on their revenue). The total amount of COMPOUND INTEREST OWING on all debts at all levels can be known at this time and....... it is THEORETICALLY POSSIBLE TO PUT A DIFFERENT NAME ON THE EXCESS OF INTEREST OWING....... minus Interest payable on saving accounts......... and the DIFFERENCE COULD THEORETICALLY BE CREATED AND PUT ON THE BOOKS AS AN ASSET TO LARGELY FINANCE THIS BASIC MINIMUM INCOME FOR ALL CANADIANS! How is that for simplicity? (Post #20)