Tea Party Maddness

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by GlobalHumanism, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. GlobalHumanism

    GlobalHumanism New Member

    Jul 15, 2011
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    Whilst reading an article about how these "political activists" are suppose to represent some pseudo-historical resurgence of "American values" I began to laugh hysterically.

    Do these people really believe in the illusion of their political importance?

    What I have seen is, in their naive attempt to influence realistic American political, is them flop around the halls of our political arenas barking divisive rhetoric at the moon. The Tea Party constitutes a great lie; It proposes the path back to "American glory" is paved with violent political activism and ignorant pro-business politics. Yet, what we see is the same policy agenda that bred the current economic issues that diminish the profitability of our national economy. [Bush Era Tax & Pro Business Policy]

    Its strange to me. The political landscape of this country almost feels like a nightmare.
  2. birddog

    birddog New Member

    Apr 12, 2011
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    You sound like a biased, idiotic lefty! Tea Party people are true, patriotic Americans, something which you obviously are not! :bored:
    FatBack likes this.
  3. GlobalHumanism

    GlobalHumanism New Member

    Jul 15, 2011
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    You must be suffering from some mental delusion, but patriots do not consistently derail the political process trusted by the vast majority of Americans.

    Those are political spoilers AKA Terrorists.
  4. Robodoon

    Robodoon Banned

    Jun 2, 2010
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    "Taxed Enough Already" Party
    IE: Obey the Constitution, Stop Sending and wasting our tax money and asking for more.

    Boy what crazy people :-D
  5. IrishLefty

    IrishLefty New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Even though taxes are at a 60 year low. If the Tea Party cared about the wasting of tax money, where was the Tea Party when Johnson and Nixon were wasting money in 'nam? Or when Reagan was creating ballooning deficits? or when Bush was spending like crazy?
  6. Individualist

    Individualist New Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    The tea party is kinda okay in thier goals, but give them power and they'll be just like republicans except of the sort that think that bending over and spreading your legs for big business is good economics.
    But with that being said isn't this good stuff for you Marxists?
    And even though I think that the tea party people are mostly dumb, I don't see anywhere near a majority of them talking about "violent" political activism... Unless Berek Oberma gets too socialist ;)
  7. keymanjim

    keymanjim New Member Past Donor

    Nov 13, 2008
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    Are you saying that because they didn't exist in the past then they shouldn't exist today?
    At some point even you will wake up to the fact that our debt is too high and our irresponsible spending is too blame.
  8. NoSocialism.com

    NoSocialism.com New Member

    Apr 9, 2008
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    I wasn't even born when Johnson was around and I was a baby when Nixon was around so I really can't speak to that, but you bring up an interesting point. So if Reagan had "Ballooning Deficits" and Bush was "Spending Like Crazy", then what would you call Obama's spending, when you consider that his deficits are 5X the Bush Deficits and 10X the Reagan deficits? "Exploding Deficits"? "Spending like a Madman"? What adjective would you use?
  9. Someone

    Someone New Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Yes, ultimately the tea party gaining power would be a good thing for Communists, which is why we rational progressives fear their takeover. It would be the start of a very long, dark period in American history as one reactionary group after another rides waves of increasingly depressed and nihilistic voters into power. It would be an utter disaster and a complete failure of American politics.

    When the tea party fails, and it will if it gains power, the reaction to it will be an extreme leftist movement.
  10. CanadianEye

    CanadianEye Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2010
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    So across the globe, civilized nations are undergoing Austerity Measures, but the TEA Partiers rising up and getting fiscal reforms and fighting for small government, in America LIKE THE ENTIRE PLANET IS DOING AS AWARENESS BROKE THROUGH THEIR IDEOLOGICAL STUDIPITY...is somehow delusional.

    Must be tough to type with your head in the sand.
  11. Someone

    Someone New Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    How so? The deficit for FY2012 is in line to be something like $200 billion
  12. Someone

    Someone New Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Most of the developed world is not as absurdly under taxed as the US is. That's the joke about the "taxed enough already" party--taxes are at historic 60 year lows.
  13. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    The Tea Party preach an ideology that has not been seen since Thomas Jefferson and James Madison's arguments against the first central bank. This is one of numerous instances in early United States history where strict or literal constructionism had some legitimacy. However, I think we all know what ideology reigned supreme from the debate on the central bank.

    The Tea Party looks to return to principles that were advocated during one debate on an age-old topic, in which the argument for those principles failed.
  14. NoSocialism.com

    NoSocialism.com New Member

    Apr 9, 2008
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    Is it that the Tea Party is Dumb, or is it that you fail to understand WHY the Tea party wants the spending stopped. Or could it be that you have simply fallen for the Mass Media's carping about the Tea Party... in essence making YOU the Dumb one.

    Tell me is the following line of thinking "Dumb" or is it just a bit too complex for a simple sound bite for everyone to undestand?

    Democrats and Socialists believe that Jobs can be created "For Free" with Zero cost to the Economy. The Tea Party is against this because if this were true the Trillion Dolllars they've spent on stimulous would have created millions of jobs, but so far we have nothing.... Even worse than nothing, we have MORE job loss, because the Socialists simply do not understand HOW jobs are created or more importantly, how the Government creating jobs, actually destroys jobs. Confused?
    OK so here's a crash course on what happens when the Feds spend our cash.
    1. Currency gets devalued, Commodities cost more, in effect removing money from the economy. Due to this alone, the dollar has lost 30% of it's purchasing power in the last 7 years. Seen food and Gas prices lately?? This means there is 30% less money floating in the economy, and that traslates to less movie nights, less restaurant nights, less vacations, less furniture and so on and so forth. All of those goods and service providers now have less money for hiring, or have to actually cut jobs.
    2. Corporate Cash gets diverted to Treasuries. There's all this talk about how the Corporations need to tap into nearly 2 Trillion dollars they have sitting idle. What no one tells you is that they have it sitting "idle" in short term TBills. If the Government were not issuing all this new debt, the companies wouldn't be in line to buy them to get the guaranteed tax free income. .... Let's see RISK another Million, or put it in a tax free sure thing... Hmmm, decisions decisions.
    3. Bank Capital gets diverted to TBills. Banks have the ability to get Cash from the Fed at nearly ZERO %, and can then figuratively walk across the street and put the cash in TBills and get a Guaranteed tax free income. Again, no need to lend it to you schmucks out there wanting housing or creating Jobs, when we can get all the profits we need from the Feds.
    4. China and Japan buy TBills to keep their currency low. Obama wants China to stop "Manipulating" their currency, so their currency will naturally rise against the dollar with the MASSIVE trade imbalance. A Stronger Chinese Dollar will help U.S. Manufacturers. Problem is, the WAY they manipulate their Dollar is buy purchasing our debt, which has the effect of keeping currency flows stable, thereby keeping the status quo on the currency prices. Our money flows to them with all the stuff we buy, their money flows back to us in the form of Debt Purchases.. Voila! Equalibrium is reached! All we have to do is STOP SELLING THEM OUR DEBT!
    5. Government is EXTREMELY inefficient at creating Jobs. As shown in the examples above, the Government is diverting money from the Productive, efficient economy to the inefficient machinations of the Government, where every Job they create LITERALLY costs 3 to 4 jobs in the private sector.

    Does this sound to you like we in the Tea Party are just a bunch of "Dumb Idiots" or is it that we're the only ones who TRULY understand what all this government spending does and how it truly hurts our economy.
    Can we REALLY afford to lose more manufactuing Jobs, destroy more Service jobs and burden our kids with even more debt than we already have just so we can say that we've "Done " Something?
  15. NoSocialism.com

    NoSocialism.com New Member

    Apr 9, 2008
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    Is it that the Tea Party is Dumb, or is it that you fail to understand WHY the Tea party wants the spending stopped. Or could it be that you have simply fallen for the Mass Media's carping about the Tea Party... in essence making YOU the Dumb one.

    Tell me is the following line of thinking "Dumb" or is it just a bit too complex for a simple sound bite for everyone to undestand?

    Democrats and Socialists believe that Jobs can be created "For Free" with Zero cost to the Economy. The Tea Party is against this because if this were true the Trillion Dolllars they've spent on stimulous would have created millions of jobs, but so far we have nothing.... Even worse than nothing, we have MORE job loss, because the Socialists simply do not understand HOW jobs are created or more importantly, how the Government creating jobs, actually destroys jobs. Confused?
    OK so here's a crash course on what happens when the Feds spend our cash.
    1. Currency gets devalued, Commodities cost more, in effect removing money from the economy. Due to this alone, the dollar has lost 30% of it's purchasing power in the last 7 years. Seen food and Gas prices lately?? This means there is 30% less money floating in the economy, and that traslates to less movie nights, less restaurant nights, less vacations, less furniture and so on and so forth. All of those goods and service providers now have less money for hiring, or have to actually cut jobs.
    2. Corporate Cash gets diverted to Treasuries. There's all this talk about how the Corporations need to tap into nearly 2 Trillion dollars they have sitting idle. What no one tells you is that they have it sitting "idle" in short term TBills. If the Government were not issuing all this new debt, the companies wouldn't be in line to buy them to get the guaranteed tax free income. .... Let's see RISK another Million, or put it in a tax free sure thing... Hmmm, decisions decisions.
    3. Bank Capital gets diverted to TBills. Banks have the ability to get Cash from the Fed at nearly ZERO %, and can then figuratively walk across the street and put the cash in TBills and get a Guaranteed tax free income. Again, no need to lend it to you schmucks out there wanting housing or creating Jobs, when we can get all the profits we need from the Feds.
    4. China and Japan buy TBills to keep their currency low. Obama wants China to stop "Manipulating" their currency, so their currency will naturally rise against the dollar with the MASSIVE trade imbalance. A Stronger Chinese Dollar will help U.S. Manufacturers. Problem is, the WAY they manipulate their Dollar is buy purchasing our debt, which has the effect of keeping currency flows stable, thereby keeping the status quo on the currency prices. Our money flows to them with all the stuff we buy, their money flows back to us in the form of Debt Purchases.. Voila! Equalibrium is reached! All we have to do is STOP SELLING THEM OUR DEBT!
    5. Government is EXTREMELY inefficient at creating Jobs. As shown in the examples above, the Government is diverting money from the Productive, efficient economy to the inefficient machinations of the Government, where every Job they create LITERALLY costs 3 to 4 jobs in the private sector.

    Does this sound to you like we in the Tea Party are just a bunch of "Dumb Idiots" or is it that we're the only ones who TRULY understand what all this government spending does and how it truly hurts our economy.
    Can we REALLY afford to lose more manufactuing Jobs, destroy more Service jobs and burden our kids with even more debt than we already have just so we can say that we've "Done " Something?
  16. Mortamus

    Mortamus New Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    I find it funny how they have complaints but no answers :omg:
  17. IrishLefty

    IrishLefty New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    No, I am saying that if the Tea Party really cares so much about fiscal responsibility they would have been around then too. In reality The Tea party is nothing more than a corporate creation, developed to resist the development of social programs in America. And yes I understand how bad America is in the hole. I believe many things have to be cut, foremost among them the military budget.
  18. IrishLefty

    IrishLefty New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    I would call most of that a vain attempt to revive an economy killed by reckless deregulation. Most of that money was spent wastefully, I agree. Further, Health Care reform was a joke as it was a handout to corporations.

    Just for the record brother, you seem to hate Socialism but I think you have been given a distorted view of it. The Socialism I advocate is along the lines of that which was introduced in Scandinavia and was quite successful. You seem to hate socialism, but have you not turned an eye to the menace that already poisons America? That is corporatism.
  19. IrishLefty

    IrishLefty New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    One more thing brother, I notice you hate Obama for his spending, yet you belong to a group on this forum known as "Bush Country." That is ironic.
  20. P. Lotor

    P. Lotor Banned Past Donor

    Oct 25, 2010
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    that's news to me. violent?

    our problems are the result of a monetary bubble. not tax cuts.

    when I see the massive amounts of reckless spending, printing and regulating that happens in washington, I feel the same way. I think, how do Americans put up with these tyrants?
  21. GlobalHumanism

    GlobalHumanism New Member

    Jul 15, 2011
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    Being an avid reader of many socialist theorist I will be the first to tell that you that its absolute madness even begin to compare Obama to any sort of "socialist tyrants". Funny how the Tea Party's mainstream rhetoric is based off of these dumbfounding interpretations. It is nothing but Corporate funded saber rattling and fear mongering. That being said, a previous post had mention how grossly under-Taxed this country is. This is very true, but more can be said of the tremendous amounts of tax breaks the Corporate Super-Rich get within this country.

    Billions are dumped annually into oil-production incentives all while austerity is targeting social programs.

    You wanna talk about preserving the small government meritocracy? Corporate supported parties such as the Tea Party have to be marginalized from Rational Political Discourse.
  22. PatrickT

    PatrickT Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    That's true. The left-wing Democrats/socialists can't decide whether the Tea Party represents no one or a lot of people. Whether they're ineffectual or terrorist. Rep. Pelosi mocked them for not dressing all the same.

    Of course, the socialists with their ignorant anti-business rhetoric and agenda would make me laugh if they didn't do so much harm to normal people.

    I shocked you think the Tea Party follows a policy agenda of forcing banks to give mortgages to deadbeats. I'm shocked you think the Tea Party follows a policy of totally uncontrolled spending. I'm shocked you think the Tea Party follows a policy of keeping poor people unemployeed and on food stamps. I thought all of those were positions owned by the socialists. They're owned by President Obama now.

    What did 4 years of one-party rule, Democrat, over the House, Senate, and the Presidency bring us. Uncontrolled spending, highest unemployment in years, no growth, and misery.
  23. P. Lotor

    P. Lotor Banned Past Donor

    Oct 25, 2010
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    I don't recall using the word socialist, or refering specifically to obama. just about all of our wonderful politicians and regulatory tsars are tyrants. so take your straw man elsewhere.

    are you addressing me? I am not corporate funded, nor am I fear mongering. we have an increasingly tyrannical government. am I calling us north korea? no. but we are moving towards complete tyranny slowly but surely.

    I'm all for closing all the tax loopholes. the tax code occupies something like 20 feet of shelf space. I'm for a tax code that can be written on one double sided 8.5x11. simple, no breaks no loopholes, period.

    end all government industry subsidies. problem solved.

    hmm. the tea party is the only group of people calling for smaller government. the dems the repubs and the libs and the "conservs" all want big government. sure there are tea partiers who want some degree of big government too, but as a group they support small government more than any other.

    all that said, you didn't address any of the points in my last post. so here it is again for you to think about.

  24. mickeymiddle

    mickeymiddle New Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    if you give the wealthiest tax breaks and call them job creators shouldn't they be creating jobs. The Bush tax cuts have been in place for years and I don't see the jobs. At least not in this country.
  25. Individualist

    Individualist New Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Or is it that you don't understand me?
    Unless you're a very different breed than I think you are, I WANT SPENDING TO BE LOWER THAN YOU DO. I'm not one of these tea party ****s who didn't care about spending until a liberal was in congress.
    You might take a look at my name before assuming that I don't understand why debt is bad or why it is that government is a terrible organization and why it is that only individuals can create real prosperity, if I believed that tea party actually lived up to its rhetoric, I would feel as though it's not radical enough, and most importantly it's too disproportionate, corporations would keep most of their their power, and labor would lose its. Both of them need to get away from government, not just one.

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