Tea Party Maddness

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by GlobalHumanism, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. CanadianEye

    CanadianEye Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2010
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    Your government took a very, very hard, progessive left (unusual for them as they tend to nudge, but the time was right to shove I guess). That is why the TEA Partiers are significant, politically powerful...and numerous.

    HCR...in the middle of a recession? Quite a shove, and quite a shove back.
  2. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    The Tea Party preach an ideology that has not been seen since Thomas Jefferson and James Madison's arguments against the first central bank. This is one of numerous instances in early United States history where strict or literal constructionism had some legitimacy. However, I think we all know what ideology reigned supreme from the debate on the central bank.

    The Tea Party looks to return to principles that were advocated during one debate on an age-old topic, in which the argument for those principles failed.
  3. Individualist

    Individualist New Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Obama isn't hard left, he's center left.

    What does this mean?
  4. NetworkCitizen

    NetworkCitizen New Member

    Mar 5, 2011
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    To be fair, all of the banker and corporate bailouts occurred just recently. I love how all of the anti-corporation/banker progressives advocate bailing out failed bankers and corporations. That's quite a back bend.
  5. Individualist

    Individualist New Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    The vast majority of politics is about rhetoric, they don't actually care, it's all about expediency.
  6. CanadianEye

    CanadianEye Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2010
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    Universal Health Care is a multi faceted political and social monster.

    You have to have numerous taxations levied towards the citizens, for it to even have a chance to be high end effiecient while simultaneously economically feasible.

    Also, some people see the other prongs of the weapon, as it increases dramatically government employees, who vote...liberal. And if you have another party in power other than liberal, they can either massively organize voting block them out...or, get the non liberal party to capitulate to their demands. Basically, political extortion.

    This has been my experience in Canada. "Free" Health care, is not really all that free, as I am sure most people are aware of. Some benefits I guess. If I was to have a major surgery, I wouldn't need to fork over the 100K or whatever.

    However, some things still require my money, despite a lifetime of putting into it, and never using it. My son had his knees operated on. Cost me $1,700 a piece for the fitted brace(s). Each knee. All kinds of stuff like that, that is not free.

    The doctor shortage, and, the waiting times I've heard is also rife with horror stories. Not sure how long it takes, to get a family doctor anymore. Probably years if you are lucky to find one who would take a new patient.

    Again I just hear the horror stories. My old doctor is still around....so meh, just what I hear.

    OK..so I'm rambling here. Bottom line, jamming Obamacare down Americas throat, literally was probably a move to increase flagging government voting blocks, and opportunity to tax the hell out of America, like the Dems have always strove to do.

    And I think a lot of Americans saw right through the game tbh (this hard left shove), and I think most of the world now know who those people are.
  7. IrishLefty

    IrishLefty New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    I live in Canada and see the health care system as vastly superior to that of the US. There are so many things one doesn't have to worry about. The realities of American health care are unbelievable, the poor are shafted and the corporations put profit over people.
  8. CanadianEye

    CanadianEye Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2010
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    So, if I was an American, unemployed, no insurance and homeless, and got hit by a motorcycle, the employed, insured and condo owning driver also being injured...

    He would go to the hospital, get operated on and hospitalized and I would be left on the road?
  9. NoSocialism.com

    NoSocialism.com New Member

    Apr 9, 2008
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    Corporatesm, Statism, Socialism, they all rely on the same thing. Massive Governments.

    Sure Scandinavia is doing well now.. now that they've lowered corporate rates to around HALF of what it is in the U.S. but what happens when the next idiot starts to run the country, and your "Democracy" starts demanding that the Corporations pay their "Fair Share". You'll end up with the same malaise that we're in now.

    Same thing happened in Japan. Remember the 60's, 70's and 80's when Japan Inc. was seen as unstoppable? What happened?
    They decided to make the same changes to their tax code that the U.S. did in the last years of Reagan's second term with one BIG difference. They got rid of all the Loopholes in the tax code that allowed companies and individuals to completely evade paying taxes, just like the U.S. did. However, unlike the U.S. they didn't match it up with lowered income taxes, instead they kept what was at the time, the highest corporate tax rates in the world (we now have that distinction).
    The end result? When our stock market crashed in 1987, it went from 3200 to around 2400. Within 6 months it was at nearly 4K and today it's well over 11,000. However, when Japan's stock market crashed in 1989, it went from 38000 to 22000, then proceeded to trend downward from there, and today sits at WELL UNDER 9000.

    Governments have no incentive to do things eficiently, and there is no end to the "Good" they can do, therefore no end to the amount of money they want to take from you. The bottom line is that Governments have been used as a legalized way of stealing and MUST be stopped. It's immoral and as I've shown in my examples, costs lots and lots of jobs.

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