@Scott - I watched this 100-times-spammed video and nowhere did it address the issue raised. Four things were raised: It suggests some nonsense about the elevator repairs - addressed post above. It suggests some equally more absurd nonsense about a 36hr power outage in the South Tower (only!) as though a precision demolition team can set everything in such an absurdly short time! Bomb sniffing dogs were removed - as irrelevant as any excuse could be. Heavy equipment was moved on some floors - according to ear-witnesses. SO WHAT? Now, you tell me where that spammed video explains how an expert team was engaged to do this. It's an ENORMOUS job, well over a hundred floors would have been needed (well zero actually, physics would have sufficed!) according to the vague claims put out by conspiracy theorists. All linked to a precision system to set them off, amazingly resistant to fires here there and everywhere. It's all such absolute horseshit. P.s. Kindly stop referring to people making such claims as "truthers". That is sadly the complete opposite of what films like this do.
@Scott Would it be possible to have a response that DOESN'T ignore the above and DOESN'T have the words "let the viewers decide"!