My point basically is that everyone has a moral code they use to decide societies issues. It is hypocritical to attack others under the guise of I don't have one.
Sooo, you do a lot of write-in candidates when you vote, I assume? Since all politicians by the very nature of the job involves lying and cheating to one degree or another.
Well, in our society we can express our disapproval of any ideology, or theology, that won't mix well with politics. Rapture Dooms Day fantasies definitely fit that role model quite well for mockery, as it could actually become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Michelle reminds me of that woman down in Texas who wrote "The Perfect Woman" so many years ago. Wish I could recall her name without having to look it up. Anyway, between the two of 'em, there's little wonder why women are turning to lesbianism.
You are lumping Christians into one group and building a bit of a straw man. The religious right does try to make laws on the basis of religious belief. While this is not outright "theocracy" it is akin to Sharia. Secularists do not have a floating code. Not educated ones. Our constitution was based on a secular justification of law and legitimacy of authority - "Classical liberalism" - not to be confused with the modern term "liberal".
I am sick of liberals trashing the constitution (as does the GOP) but, have no clue what you are talking about. Where have the Dems made a law forcing you into hedonism, forcing you to have an abortion or marry someone of the same sex ? No one is forcing you to worship Obama - Reagan is also a Cult of personality where you probably happily worship. I agree with you on redistribution 100% but, I am also 95% certain that you have no clue what you are talking about with respect to redistribution. (Please prove me wrong).
It's amazing the Bachmannettes who think it's fine to be subservient to someone because they have a penis...
You're gonna feel pretty silly when The Rapture proves you wrong. Nobody knows when, and there's no sense predicting it. And what possible difference could it make to you what someone else believes?
Having a subserviant wife might be nice; not that I'll ever know. I had a chest surgery a couple years ago. The day I went home and with about 10 days of recovery left, I said "Dear, would you mind getting me a Coke." She said "what're you, crippled?".
Well, Obamacare for one. The democrats are forcing people who don't believe in abortions to pay for abortions. They want to force people to participate against their will in gay marriages. Of course they can't force us to worship Obama as they do. Reagan was a great president, but even his most ardent of supporters was aware of his shortcomings. Reagan never had the press's sycophantic praise and support. I don't believe anyone should pay a tax on their income. I don't approve of the centralized planning of the economy.
yes, Buddhism is, but I am not trying to force it on you, or yours or others children via our schools, big difference I feel the all paths lead to the same place in the end.... yes, even yours .
One thing I've learned in life is that if I'm walking along and find a nut on the ground there are probably more because I'm probably standing under a tree that's full of nuts. There are unquestionably those that are nutcases just like Michelle Bachmann because they all fell out of the same tree.
only the mother can choose to bring a life into this world.... abortion is just a miscarriage, only a dr induced one vs a natural one, in fact they are both called abortions .
This is disingenuous. Forced redistribution is nothing more than a religion. SS/Medicare are by products of a socialist religion. The mentality that food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, educations and incomes are rights, is a religion. None of these are constitutional. None of these were advocated by the founders.
a large standing army was also not advocated but we got that too there was no provision for a central bank but we got that too there was no provision for an internet highway system but we got that there was no provision for anti trust or pollution contol yada yada yada and stuff that was advocated... like slavery... is gone if you wanna try and sell the idea that social security is a religion good luck with that
LOL, one mans nut job may be another's savior or thought to be savior. Personally I think there are a few nut jobs on both sides of the aisle. It is also my hope that the majority of us has enough common sense not to elect any to high office.
Having a standing military would likely be supported by the founders considering the world and technology of this day. It is a fundamental duty of the federal government. We have the central bank due to corruption. The highway system is modern general infrastructure that is consistent with constitutional principles. Anti- trust laws are questionable, but generally are consistent with competitive free market principles. Slavery would have been eliminated during the writing of the Constitution had it not been for southern colonies refusal. The Constitution allowed for its eventual removal. Never, was forced redistribution considered or condoned by the founders or the Constitution. Never were food, clothing, shelter, eduction, incomes or healthcare considered rights. All were normal issues of the day.
Democrats are also forcing you to pay for roads and military. What is your argument for not funding abortions with tax payer dollars ? No one is forcing participation in gay marriage. This is desperation. What does this have to do with forcing personal and religious beliefs on others. Reagan was horrible IMO but who cares. Fine, then quit voting GOP because they are no better than the Dems. Both Red and Blue support the Oligopolies who are instituting a form if indentured slavery.
Holy Straw Man batman. Where did I say anything about forced redistribution in the above post ? What you are saying has nothing to do the post you are responding to ?
I think it is a stretch to claim Christians are attempting to create a theocracy, yet dismiss liberalism as secular justification. The founders did not dismiss Christian morality from our laws. They only wished not to create a theocracy based country. I used forced redistribution as an example of secular religion/justification forced on society. The founders were about liberty, not social justice. I may be reading more into your post, but it opens the question.