Dismissed as fallacious appeals to authority. Harry Potter is world best seller in it's genre so does that mean that Voldemort and Hogworts exist?
Another fallacious assumption. The argument is that nothing in the bible was written contemporaneously to when Jesus is alleged to have preached. You have a 3 year window and you need to tie that to a miracle, sermon or event documented by an eye witness.
Put up your evidence or buzz off. I'm under no obligation to accept the unsubstantiated claims of any religion without verifiable evidence.
Nonsense, Alexander made it the state religion in 300ad. It has been used by kings since as divine right. Our 1st amendment is due to it being abused as a forced religion.
Just to let you know, your "subjective knowledge" does not shake my faith in the least. Sometimes self proclaimed Bible Scholars" get so caught up in their personal knowledge, they forget the purpose of it. That is, to develop a "personal relationship with God the Creator." "Self" becomes paramount to all they have learned.
That response wins the award for best special snowflake of the day because it is 100% pure emoting! The bible is a book of fairy tales and there is nothing you can do to prove otherwise.
Verifiable by whose standards? Who, exactly, are you to define standards? Does God ask for evidence of YOUR existence?
Scientific knowledge is objective since it is based upon evidence and logical deduction. Religion is subjective belief based upon stone age ignorance.
IMO, it would be impossible for a man to feed 5000 and 4000 on separate occasions, raise a man from the dead and have dead leave their graves to walk into a city, be publically crusified raising himself the third day and not be recognized by contemporary writers of the time. These events would be astonishing and get mass secular attention, which did not happen. It is fairytales. This thread is discussing the bible.
. I don't need anyone's permission to give my opinion. You are being hipocritical when you assume Christianity to be real and disregard all other religions of same evidence as false. So, who are you to claim Allah is not lord? Or even the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
I didn't ask you about giving your opinion. I asked you who you were to demand evidence, and who, exactly, are you to define standards? That has nothing to do with you giving your opinion. And, in what sentence did I disregard all other religions? BTW, have you ever chastised the Muslims that preach about converting people or killing them? Have a link to any post you made on that? Do YOU think Allah is Lord? What difference does it really make to you what other people believe or not believe in? Is it your religion to condemn others for believing in a religion? What are the benefits of such a religion? How come you suppose you are so intimidated by those who believe in religion? Did something bad happen to you? You prayed and didn't get what you wanted? So, maybe now you have no faith in anything?
Now you are just sounding like a whiny child. So, you recognize all other religions as real? I'm not intimidated anymore, yet I was due to indoctrination and peer pressure. I was a Christian more than 35 years. I used to be offended as you are, but when I used honest discernment reading the bible, I found it not to be what my indoctrination presented. I could careless about religions other than Christianity and Islam. These are the ones that affect my country and personal life. Until you are on my side of the fence you will not understand why I reject and disdain these false religions.
You can create a personal relationship with anyone who exists. How do you create a personal relationship with some who is in the mind. All you have is 'faith' that a god exists. It all boils down to what you 'want' to believe. The Bible is so full of errors, exaggerations and impossibilities it is simply a book written by men. Often men who had no firsthand experience, only what they had been taught. The Church has led people astray from the very beginning, adding to the message of Jesus the Jewish preacher that which they want people to accept. What people believe today is what Paul wanted people to believe. He converted much Judaism into Christian doctrine. But then some Judaism stems from Babylonian beliefs - Zoroastrianism. Monotheism came from Babylon as did some other beliefs. If you believe such a book helps to 'develop a personal relationship with a mystical Creator', then who am I to change your mind. 'god' gave the Hebrews his own words in the OT. Then Jesus changes 'gods' mind in the NT. Religion started when the caveman left his cave three mornings in a row and was hit by a snowslide from the hill above the cave. He knew nothing about gravity - so some unseen being must have it in for him. So he appeased this being with a piece of meat he had hunted, and lo and behold, on the fourth morning - no snow.
And so, I ask you the questions. And I sound like a whiny child because I choose to change the game. I acknowledge other religions. I don't believe in what they have to offer; neither do I suffer under any delusion that my God can be everybody's God. But, why worry about me? I'm not trying to indoctrinate you. You are only being asked why religion, particularly Christianity bothers you. America was founded on Christian principles, not as a theocracy, but upon Christian principles (it defines how our culture defines right and wrong.) Our system of jurisprudence and our guiding principles made this country the envy of the world until people tried watering down what they believed in and compromising. The interpretations of people change, not the moral absolutes. But, there is a reason you're so intimidated that it forces you to confront people on a discussion board and try to marginalize what it is they believe in. You can try to deflect from that and say I sound like a whiny child, but you have to ask yourself how much maturity is lost by arguing with someone over their individual beliefs. Will it put money in your pocket or is the allure to attempt to appeal to those ignorant people who have no leanings either way? Are you trying to proselytize? If you're going to denigrate Christianity, you have to account for you and to justify who and what you are. How else can there be a give and take discussion?
Does not contradict what I said and that was Constantine not Alexander and it was about the worst thing that ever happened to Christianity. And most of the people in the Army of that period weren't even Romans citizens they were Barbarian auxilaries.
Scientific knowledge is often perverted and used to promote agendas. Look at Algore and the fact he used science to claim we would be underwater 10 years ago. It is a tactic used by the pompous asses of society as if to say "science is on my side you can't argue with me." also statements like your "stone sage ignorance thing"... You forgot to use your childish em icon of you rolling on the floor with girlish giggles.
Well the word of miracles did get around. About 7 thousand came to see Jesus and they were fed. He sailed across the Sea and they followed him the next day. He addressed the crowd and said, " did you come to have your bellies filled? did you come to see more miracles?" (my paraphrase) Then Jesus began his "hard teachings".... "If you do not hate your mother and father in comparison to me, then you are not worthy of me". Many left him after that day. The teachings were impossible for them to understand. Several did follow. Those others were just fans. Myself I am a follower. I guess you aren't even a fan.
Ancient man had much more intelligence than modern self-worshippers. How many ages of "enlightenment" have we encountered only to find mankind is still depraved? All you have to offer is that we are here by chance and there is no purpose in life except to have fun in this temporal existence and you cannot prove one iota of that!
Whether what is passed down through generations is true or not is irrelevant to the fact that oral tradition is accurate. Whether its ancient Greek history or the Iliad or the Torah, oral tradition successfully passes information through history as accurately as writing tradition.
So now that the facts have caught up to your claim, you move from requiring we have copies of New Testament writings written in the 1 st century to being written when Jesus was alive and ministering. You have failed once again. You are an example of the closed mind, incapable and unwilling to accept facts.
There are eye witnesses, their accounts are documented, you just refuse to accept any documentation that contradicts your bias. If God Himself appeared before you and performed miracles, you would refuse to believe He was God.