The Chinese agenda

Discussion in 'Warfare / Military' started by mepal1, Jul 10, 2011.

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  1. Andromeda Galaxy

    Andromeda Galaxy New Member

    May 19, 2011
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    The Nixon Administration took advantage of the Sino-Soviet split, but China wasn't exactly a "friend" of the US. Nixon did a good job of exploiting the Sino-Soviet split, but I think Mao knew what Nixon was up to, but had no choice but to go along with it given that he perceived a more immediate threat to China's national interests from the Soviet Union at the time. It doesn't mean that Mao and the US were "friends" or "allies" but were two nations at the time who shared a common enemy: the Soviet Union. This was essentially a divide and conquer strategy by Nixon during the Cold War.
  2. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    Let's get a bottle of beer, sit comfortably on our mats in a wildlife reserve and get ready to watch an exciting tussle between two elephants beside us.
  3. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    China sleeps in fear of having an American bogeyman under her bed every night.

    America, however, sleeps in fear of being crushed breathless under the weight of a Chinese bogeyman lying on top of her every night.
  4. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    It is obvious from a recent event that Nixon had left too hastily without finishing his job. China and Russia are closer than ever in their struggle against US hegemony. It looks like Nixon has to be summoned back from his grave to finish his "divide and conquer strategy".

    How about introducing your Moon Zi strategy to Nixon?

    Please refer to the article headlined "U.S. 'Outraged' After Russia, China Veto UN Syria Resolution" at
  5. Andromeda Galaxy

    Andromeda Galaxy New Member

    May 19, 2011
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    No need to summon Nixon back from the grave; the Cold War is over and the Communists in the Former Soviet Union and China lost. Even China has private property now and is basically a capitalist society. China is communist in name only. Enlighten us Reedak about this "Moon Zi strategy" you're so fond of talking so much about since you seem to have so much experience in such matters. Share with us your knowledge gained from all this experience you seem to have since you like to post here in the "Warfare/Military" forum and chime in.
  6. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    For a person to fully grasp the essence and spirit of The Art of War, he must be well-versed in Chinese culture and the Chinese language, especially Classical Chinese (since The Art of War was written in Classical Chinese during the 6th century BC).

    As everybody knows, the moon's brightness could never be compared with that of the sun. I coin the term "Moon Zi" for any non-Chinese who thinks he can master Sun Zi's war strategy just by studying translation of the ancient Chinese text. The essence and spirit of The Art of War are lost in translation. A non-Chinese student will at most end up as a "Moon Zi".
  7. Andromeda Galaxy

    Andromeda Galaxy New Member

    May 19, 2011
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    Reedak, Sun Tzu's teachings are not just to be read but also experienced. You can never fully understand and appreciate Sun Tzu's teachings until you gain experience. You don't have to be Chinese to gain a good understanding, respect and appreciation of his teachings. I have a deep respect for Sun Tzu.
  8. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The sleeping American lady with the Chinese gentleman on top of her wonders if he is in yet.
  9. Andromeda Galaxy

    Andromeda Galaxy New Member

    May 19, 2011
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    It's better not to stoop down to Reedak's level by resorting to insults. Reedak was just trying to provoke us by using clever, round about insults. Responding to provocation in this manner by stooping to the provocateur's level is never the smart thing to do.
  10. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I am a guttersnipe aren't I. Haha. :)
  11. Andromeda Galaxy

    Andromeda Galaxy New Member

    May 19, 2011
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    Everybody is a guttersnipe from time to time :).
  12. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    You need to know what you are talking about first of all.

    A blockade of raw materials and resources is considered to be an act of war. If the US or some other nations proposed an blockade of oil, that in itself would be a declaration of war all by itself.

    Plus there is no way to blockade resource transfers over land. There was a UN Embargo on Iraqi oil in the aftermath of the 1991 Gulf War, and we all know how effect that was.

    There is a large difference between a Blockade, and an Embargo. Anybody id perfectly free to place an Embargo on any nation whenever they want. In fact, I wish that the US would place an Embargo on China. But that is an internal matter, and not an act of war. And it only affects the two nations involved, no others (unless they voluntarily join or oppose the Embargo and take up the difference themselves).
  13. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    They would not even have to. India could set up a pipeline from their country, and have all shipments come to them and re-ship. That happens in blockades and embargos all the time.

    And unless the country that tried the Blockade was willing to go to war with India, nothing would happen because of it. To effect a complete blockade against a continental country, you would have to gain the cooperation of every country that borders it. And that is just not going to happen.

    Because if somebody tried to enforce a blockade against China, war will not be far behind.
  14. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    The problem is that you will get a lot of bad experience before you get good experience. It's just like a baby falling and getting bumps here and there when learning to walk.

    Such experience was a heavy price for the US as shown in her wars in Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines, Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Following are excerpts from the preface to an article headlined "The U.S. War Against Asia" at

    (Begin excerpts)
    ....The War Against Vietnam taught me, and every American not to stupefied by ardent nationalism, to learn that the U.S. was not always in the right in every international situation. I began to be critical of this country's conduct in such situations as the U.S. War of aggression against Mexico. This process started at high school.

    Yet each historical illusion that I shed, even as my life stretched into decades, only seemed to be a prelude to discovering another illusion. Though not a professional academic, I enjoy reading. Gradually, over the years, I built up a detailed knowledge of U.S. and world history. One particular fact I considered to be significant had to do with the aftermath of the Spanish-American War in the Philippines. The Filipino people, fighting to establish a democratic government, had already defeated the Spanish before the U.S. declared war on Spain. A small Spanish army and navy still occupied Manila, but there was no doubt they were doomed to defeat even before the U.S. arrived. The U.S. government demanded that Spain hand over the Philippines, a country Spain no longer possessed. To make good its acquisition the U.S. killed (estimates vary) probably well more than 1 million islanders. Democracy was for white people, not Asians.....

    In 2001 Asian-based warriors struck back against the U.S., inside U.S. territory, for only the second time in history. While I consider the attack that destroyed the World Trade Center to be war crime/crime against humanity because it purposefully targeted civilians, it did not begin to approach in magnitude U.S. war crimes/crimes against humanity committed against various Asian peoples.

    The realization that the U.S. as an independent nation was founded on the principle of race-based slavery, which follows from realizing the importance of the Somerset case, also reminded me of the need to reevaluate history by thinking clearly and without racial or nationalist prejudice.

    So in 2006 I realized with great clarity that the United States of America has waged a war of aggression against the people of Asia since roughly the 1850's. Which is to say, after we had finished the aggressive, military occupation of Native American Indian territories. (End excerpts)

    What can Sun Zi do to show his thanks than to give you a benign smile in heaven next time.

    In addition, he must be very happy to know that after 2,600 years, so many famous foreigners were/are avid readers and students of his military treatise.

    Such important people include Finnish Field Marshal Mannerheim, general Aksel Airo, Baron Antoine-Henri Jomini, General Douglas MacArthur, Napoleon, Admiral of the Fleet Tōgō Heihachirō, other leaders of Imperial Japan, General Vo Nguyen Giap, Vietcong officers, General Norman Schwarzkopf Jr., General Colin Powell, all United States Military Intelligence personnel and all CIA officers.

    Please refer to the following links:

    1. The Art of War

    2. Sun Tzu
  15. Andromeda Galaxy

    Andromeda Galaxy New Member

    May 19, 2011
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    That's true.

    I am not very religious, but, I will say that Sun Zi's wisdom was and is very beneficial for me. I am thankful to have read the book. I read his entire treatise, the "Art of War" from first to last page and also read the book "The Secret Art of War" when I was serving in the US Army. I also read books which showed how these principles from 2.600 years ago, apply today in the present. Experience also gave me a better understanding, appreciation and respect for Sun Zi's treatise. I use some of his principles in my business now that I am a civilian to hopefully help me to continue to run a profitable and successful business.
  16. kowalskil

    kowalskil New Member

    Sep 10, 2010
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    Yes, basic principle of human behavior are universal and they did not change very much since the treatise was written. Thank you for reminding me that this book is on my list.

    Ludwik Kowalski (see Wikipedia)
  17. Andromeda Galaxy

    Andromeda Galaxy New Member

    May 19, 2011
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    If you are going to read "The Art of War" I would also read "The Secret Art of War" along with it. "The Secret Art of War" is an excellent supplement to "The Art of War." In addition, there are many books which show how the principles from Sun Zi's book are used on the modern battlefield. US Marine Corps Vietnam Veteran John Poole (served in the infantry during the Vietnam War) writes some excellent books which show how Sun Zi's principles are used on the modern battlefield. Some other books to consider are "Sun Tzu and the Art of Modern Warfare" by Mark McNeilly and "Sun Tzu and the Art of Business" also by Mark McNeilly. H John Poole and Mark McNeilly's books offer insights into how Sun Zi's principles are applied in modern warfare and business.
  18. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    "The glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome." -- Edgar Allan Poe

    Comparing their past and present, it's safe to say those two great civilizations will never regain their past glory and grandeur.

    The same can be said of other ancient civilizations or great empires like Egypt, Iraq, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, etc. Their glorious past has gone forever like the “Age of Dinosaurs”.

    However, it will be at the Americans' own peril to write off the Russians from the global power equation as Russia has many national requisites necessary for aggrandizement such as its enormous size, well-educated population, abundant oil and other mineral resources.

    "Here lies a wounded bear. Once recuperated, he'll be back with a vengeance." -- reedak

    For those who have forgotten Greece's glory, here are two links:

    1. To Helen

    2. What does the quotation 'The glory that was Greece the grandeur that was Rome' mean?'_mean

    As requested by you, I humbly share my little original (hopefully, I am not wrong) contribution to military strategy.

    "If your enemy sleepwalks towards the edge of a cliff, don't disturb him." -- reedak

    I elaborate my military strategy further by rephrasing an ancient Persian poem in the following way. The ancient Persian poem teaches good to mankind. War, however, is different. In war, one does not have any good intention to one's foe but is ever plotting and wishing him to die faster.

    “Your foe knows not and knows not he knows not: he is a fool - ignore him. He knows not and knows he knows not: he is simple - mislead him. He knows and knows not he knows: he is asleep - don't disturb him. He knows and knows he knows: he is wise - follow and outpace him.” -- reedak

    Here is the original quotation from the ancient Persian poem. It is suitable for students and well-intentioned teachers, not for evil-minded generals and military officers.

    “He who knows not and knows not he knows not: he is a fool - shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not: he is simple - teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows: he is asleep - wake him. He who knows and knows he knows: he is wise - follow him.”

    Please refer to the following link for the above ancient Persian poem:

    If you or any other netizens discover a similar military strategy in Sun Zi or other military treatises, please inform me about it.

    In my opinion, Nixon had committed a big blunder. If he was convinced that communism was inferior to capitalism, he should have done nothing but let communism drag America's two rivals into the "dustbin of history".

    Instead, the US has indirectly helped its two rivals by introducing them to capitalism. There is no doubt that communism has lost the economic battle to capitalism. Ironically, China and Russia have learned to use capitalism to compete with the US in the global economic markets.
  19. Andromeda Galaxy

    Andromeda Galaxy New Member

    May 19, 2011
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    That was a good quote. You mention the essence of the Art of War. In my view, the essence of the Art of War, is the Art of Peace. It is wisdom that can be applied in all aspects of life and it is a book that holds the keys to success in life.

    Capitalism has always existed in some form or another in the Communist states, even during the Cold War. The US did not so much as introduce capitalism to China or Soviet Union, so much as Communism was inefficient as an economic system and was doomed to collapse anyway. Even during the Cold War days though, you had capitalists in the Soviet Union and China and some of them served the political elite during those times (even the communists in power wanted the finer things in life that only a capitalist could provide to them). Capitalism can never be destroyed. It will always exist, no matter how hard any communist authorities sought to destroy it in their own countries where they were in power. You simply cannot completely get rid of capitalism.
  20. kowalskil

    kowalskil New Member

    Sep 10, 2010
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    Yes indeed. We had private restaurants, barber shops, tailors, and even small factories in Poland. Other stalinist countries were probably similar in that respect.

    Ludwik Kowalski (see Wikipedia)
  21. Andromeda Galaxy

    Andromeda Galaxy New Member

    May 19, 2011
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    Are you Ludwik Kowalski? If you are Ludwik Kowalski, I would be amazed and surprised. I read the Wikipedia entry on Ludwik Kowalski. BTW, I would recommend the Asian strategy game called "Go." I think it is a better game than Chess personally. It will also exercise your mind more and give you a better understanding of the thinking behind the Sun Zi's "Art of War." The best Chess players in the world get beat by computers and machines and yet, mediocre human Go players can beat the best computers and machines. That being said, I have an appreciation and respect for Chess, but personally, I think Go is a game that teaches strategy and tactics much better and is more complex and fluid.
  22. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Uncle Ferd says dem sneaky Chinamens is tryin' to get Soviet missiles so's dey can attack us an' make us think its the Roosians...
    Why Are the Russians Announcing Chinese Espionage Now?
    10/7/2011, Despite its intensive cooperation with China and imminent summit Russia announed the arrest of a Chinese spy.
  23. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    1. Aunt Fong says dem sneaky Amerigoes and Rooskies are forever playing hide-and-seek and peek-a-boo with each other while others are newborn to the games.

    Please refer to the following links:

    June 29, 2010
    FBI: 10 Russian Spies Arrested in U.S.

    July 9, 2010
    U.S. Confirms Successful Exchange of Spies

    June 30, 2010
    Why Russia and the U.S. still spy

    2. Aunt Fong says der Amerigo peeping Tom is secretly watching you, whether you are his friend or enemy.

    Please refer to the following links:

    February 24, 1995
    American Spy 'Caught Red-Handed' by French, Left Paris Immediately

    Backchannel chatter: U.S.-French spy wars

    24 May 2010
    Barack Obama overruled 'no-spying' pact with France

    3. Aunt Fong says it's a case of the biter bit for dem sneaky Amerigoes.

    Please refer to the following links:

    U.S. Jew indicted as possible Israel spy

    Netanyahu apologizes, pleads for release of spy jailed in the US

    While many other empires and civilizations have joined the ranks of the dinosaurs, the Rooskies are far from it. That is precisely the message of my quote which is a balm to Russian pride:

    "Here lies a wounded bear. Once recuperated, he'll be back with a vengeance." -- reedak
  24. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    Unfortunately, China does not depend only on the US for its energy. You should wish that the US would use the same tactics which the ancestors of the White Americans had used against the natives of the so-called New World. If any native could be as bright as you in coming out with the idea to place an embargo on Columbus and his sailors, the history of the world would be entirely different.

    If the US could use its oil resources to pay off its huge debt, that's really a good way for it to get out of the long, dark tunnel of debt. Unfortunately China and the US, like China and Russia, may not agree on the price of the oil.

    Using an analogy, if one is heavily in debt, one has to try whatever means to rid oneself of the debt even to the extent of pawning one's underpants, not behaving like a mafia.
  25. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    America doesn't have any indebtedness to China because the paper held by the Chinese is worthless.
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