The Confederacy: America's worst idea

Discussion in 'United States' started by magnum, Oct 19, 2010.

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  1. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    That website claims some higher intention then the old racist South, and I applaud the effort but it falls far short as did the southern rebellion did too.

    The reality always remains and over-rules all contentions, as in the racist rebel flags do imply racism along with threats of violence regardless of any claims otherwise.

    That website gives a white-Caucasian perspective so that the racist rebel flag is no threat to white people as if that were the equation which it is not.

    It would be like pointing a loaded gun at other people and say he does not mean it as a threat and just trust his superior intentions which is nonsense because the gun itself implies the violent threat, as does the racist rebel flags.

    His website claim of his separate and different and improved meaning to the racist rebel symbols is noteworthy but it is just a vain attempt at white washing of more white lies which fools no one but the fools.

    Is not it peculiarly odd how those white people (not all us white people) only want to remember and glamorize their white days of the antebellum south for the benefit of the white population? while at the same time they want to forget or ignore the massive barbarism done to the African Americans by the whites.

    As it turns out there is no greater lie then the white lies.

  2. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    If that is correct, and I have no reason to doubt it, then it is the task of each State to put any candidate's name onto their State's election ballot, so if the nine (9) southern States did not have Lincoln's name on their ballot then that means those States violated the law and they cheated their own citizens out of the right to vote for their US President.

    There are reports that many people / citizens in the south did not support the southern rebellion, and some southern people are said to have formed brigades to serve under the American flag against the rebellion.

    It is totally possible that if those nine States had let their own people vote then the citizens might have said differently then their unlawful leaders who took them into an ill-advised rebellion.

  3. Rexody

    Rexody Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Can I have a look at those reports to know how many prople protested, who they were and who reported those news?

    BTW are you sure that all people in the North wanted to get involved in the war rushing to the streets to form brigades to serve under the American flag against the South?
  4. George Purvis

    George Purvis New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    Let's put things into perspective. You are not smart enough to beat anyone with facts (that is proven by your statements in this forum) so you must use insults, and derogatory comments to try and win an argument. On another note your opinions just do not matter.

    You think these folks are actually gonna listen to you when they are fully capable of visiting the SHAPE website and forming their own opinion? You are invited to the SHAPE website and post an opposing view to any thread. Be advised I will not put up with your ranting, raving or insults on my website.

    Since you like to rave on about racism and Southern symbols, prove it. Back up your trash talk.

    George Purvis
  5. George Purvis

    George Purvis New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    In relation to the War for Southern Independence, Lincoln admitted the last slave state into the Union, West Virginia.

    Bear in mind Lincoln's EP did not free these slaves. Somewhere I cannot recall the source and I failed to record it in my notes, but under the Lincoln plan the slaves in West Virginia would not be truly free until 1888. If you can verify this I would appreciate it.

    George Purvis
  6. George Purvis

    George Purvis New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    Gentlemen (you too Cusick)

    This is a list of Lincoln's supply fleet to Charleston. This list was not compiled by me, but rather an excellent researcher of the issue at Fort Sumter. (

    It is not conceivable to think the Confederate government was completely in the dark about the make-up of this fleet, that in itself lead to the firing on Fort Sumter.

    George Purvis


    York and Washington to Charleston harbor, for the relief of Fort Sumter:-

    Vessels of War
    Steam sloop-of-war Pawnee, Captain S. C. Rowan, 10 guns and 200 men. The Pawnee sailed from Washington, with sealed orders, on the morning of Saturday, April 6.
    Steam sloop-of-war Powhatan, Captain E. D. Porter, 11 guns and 275 men. The Powhatan sailed from the Brookyln Navy Yard on Saturday afternoon April 6.
    Revenue cutter Harriet Lane, Captain J. Faunce, 5 guns and 96 men. On Saturday, April 6, the Harriet Lane exchanged her revenue flag for the United States navy flag, denoting her transfer to the Government naval service, and sailed suddenly on last Monday morning, with sealed orders.

    The Steam Transports
    Atlantic, 358 troops, composed of Companies A and M of the Second artillery, Companies C and H of the Second infantry, and Company A of sappers and miners from West Point. The Atlantic sailed from the steam at 5 o'clock on Sunday morning last, April 7.
    Baltic, 160 troops, composed of Companies C and D, recruits, from Governor's and Bedloe's islands. The Baltic sailed from Quarantine at 7o'clock on Tuesday morning last, April 9.
    Illinois, 300 troops, composed of Companies B, E, F, G and H, and a detachment from Company D, all recruits from Governor's and Bedloe's Islands, together with two companies of the Second infantry, from Fort Hamilton. The Illinois sailed from Quarantine on Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock.

    The Steamtugs
    Two steamtugs, with a Government official on each, bearing sealed dispatches, were also sent. The Yankee left New York on Monday evening, 8th, and the Uncle Ben on Tuesday night.

    The Launches
    Nearly thirty of these boats-whose services are most useful in effecting a landing of troops over shoal water, and for attacking a discharging battery when covered with sand and gunny bags- have been taken out by the Powhatan and by the steam transports Atlantic, Baltic and Illinois.

    Vessels Guns Men
    Sloop-of-war Pawnee 10 200
    Sloop-of-war Powhatan 11 275
    Cutter Harriet Lane 5 96
    Steam Transport Atlantic 353
    Steam Transport Baltic 160
    Steam Transport Illinois 300
    Steamtug Yankee Ordinary Crew
    Steamtug Uncle Ben Ordinary Crew
    Total number of vessels 8
    Total number of guns (for marine service) 26
    Total number of men and troops 1,380

    It is understood that several transports are soon to be chartered, and dispatched to Charleston with troops and supplies.
    Those ships that were assigned specifically to Charleston.
    The ships assigned were the steam sloop-of-war USS Pawnee, steam sloop-of-war USS Powhatan, transporting motorized launches and about 300 sailors (secretly removed from the Charleston fleet to join in the forced reenforcement of Fort Pickens, Pensacola, Fla.), armed screw steamer USS Pochaontas, Revenue Cutter USS Harriet Lane, steamer Baltic transporting about 200 troops, composed of companies C and D of the 2nd U.S. Artillery, and three hired tug boats. The rest of the ships listed in the New York paper went to Pensacola.
  7. George Purvis

    George Purvis New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    Fort Sumter fired upon April 12, 1861, 4.30 A. M.
    "Abstract log of the U. S. ship Supply, January 9 to June 14, 1861, Commander Henry Walke, commanding.

    ...April 11, [1861] At 9 p. m. the Brooklyn got underway and stood in toward the harbor, and during the night landed the troops and marines on board, to reenforce Fort Pickens...."

    This does not equal the reports that state the landings took place on April 12th, breaking the armistance at Pensacola. The Abstract log of the USS Brooklyn for the dates of April 1861 do not appear in the O.R.
  8. George Purvis

    George Purvis New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    It appears that this letter may have had some bearing on Lincoln's decision to "free" the slaves. It is a forewarning to him about the feelings in Europe. The EP was issued Jan, 1863. Here is a good basic description of the EP. Now if the war was over slavery, why didn't every Southern State Lincoln's offer, return to the Union and keep their slaves. Independence!!!!! That is the only answer.

    George Purvis


    [Abraham Lincoln Papers]
    To Abraham Lincoln,

    An Ex Lord Mayor of London begs the President to take the advice of the wise men of Europe.

    London July 11, 1862

    Mr. President Lincoln


    The eyes of all nations are anxiously looking for a complete Settlement of this unholy & Barbarous Civil War and I must tell you plainly that the People of England and France are now determined to settle it, even to the point of the Bayonet and that at once if you do not offer Peace & good Terms to the South or confederate army It appears that so large a Number of people of High class standing consider the North as usurpg authority and after 12 Months Fighting proves the parties Balanced therefore it is only wise to make a drawn Battle. See what terms the South will take-- Suppose the Washington government offer 14 years purchase for the slaves & property and the North relet the Same to other parties and the money raised by government instead of War levies it would be much cheaper and of course better for all parties as the American Laws allowed Slavery, it cannot take by force & Sword a whole Territy by act of Parliament, like taking land for a Railway, therefore give any slave owner his own price and he will sell then you can release the slaves but the present War is doing more harm, than the continuance of Slavery because it commits murder at home & starvation abroad! it is every Bodies quarrel and most people look now that you are acting with stubborness Vengence and Tyrany and if Gods Wishes are to be accomplished it must be done in a just manner, therefore either you must call an armistace and propose terms or else acknowledge the Independency of the South or other Nations will unite to help the South as they did to put down Napoleon I when he was for conquering the whole World-- You must allow other people Wisdom and I think you Would raise your name to much higher glory by taking European advice; for America is not a conquered Nation with a King or Emperor but an adopted nation where every man is a citizen in the height of War as in great calamity or in the greatest prosperity no man is a good judge how to Settle for the best, in Such cases a good & wise Foreign Friend would be a Heavenly Blessing and I believe if you will act upon this and Submit the case to England France, Russia, Austria &c it will be Settled in a very Short time and which ever way they decide they must carry out by a united War against either Side who objects to their decession

    Yours Sincerely

    an Ex Lord Mayor

    of London

  9. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    I really do not like name-calling and insults but in the case of white people cheering on the racist rebel south - it is just giving me no other option.

    As like I could refer to the "southern Gentleman" of the civil war, but that is a type of name-calling too, and that would be obnoxious to refer to some white racist trash as "Ladies" and "Gentleman" when they surely were not.

    I know some people even here on this board try to call me and Abe Lincoln and the USA (the Union) as traitors and rebels and other such names but that name calling means nothing to me or to us on the right side.

    Funny indeed how that turns around.

    I put your link with the quoted red text so that anyone could go to your website and see its ugly reality for one self.

    And I too have my own website and a forum too, link "Civil War" thread = HERE.

    Of course on your high white board you do not allow my proper use of insults and name calling, but the only thing not allowed on my forum is profanity or inappropriate words.

    It is common knowledge, as if you ask for proof that the sky is blue, so is the rebel flag a racist symbol implying white racist threats.

    Link =

  10. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    I could not find a link, but I will search again later.

    No, I do not claim that the North was united in opposition to the Southern secession or to the African prejudice and slavery.

    It was our President Lincoln who led the charge and Lincoln was the commander-in-chief and President Lincoln made the whole thing happen as it did - so God blessed us all with honest Abe the great emancipator.

    And I do know that the racist bigotry against the black people was infested into the northern States too, as it still is today.

    Racism is really a white-Caucasian trait.

  11. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    Just a quick response to this statement. As said before, no slave was brought into this country under a Confederate flag. They were either brought here under the Stars and Stripes or a foreign banner. It is a well known fact that many prominent Northern families made their fortune in the slave trade.

    Here is a bit outlining Northern involvement in the slave trade.

    The effects of the New England slave trade were momentous. It was one of the foundations of New England's economic structure; it created a wealthy class of slave-trading merchants, while the profits derived from this commerce stimulated cultural development and philanthropy. --Lorenzo Johnston Greene, “The Negro in Colonial New England, 1620-1776,” p.319.


    "Even after slavery was outlawed in the North, ships out of New England continued to carry thousands of Africans to the American South. Some 156,000 slaves were brought to the United States in the period 1801-08, almost all of them on ships that sailed from New England ports that had recently outlawed slavery. Rhode Island slavers alone imported an average of 6,400 Africans annually into the U.S. in the years 1805 and 1806. The financial base of New England's antebellum manufacturing boom was money it had made in shipping. And that shipping money was largely acquired directly or indirectly from slavery, whether by importing Africans to the Americas, transporting slave-grown cotton to England, or hauling Pennsylvania wheat and Rhode Island rum to the slave-labor colonies of the Caribbean.

    Northerners profited from slavery in many ways, right up to the eve of the Civil War. The decline of slavery in the upper South is well documented, as is the sale of slaves from Virginia and Maryland to the cotton plantations of the Deep South. But someone had to get them there, and the U.S. coastal trade was firmly in Northern hands. William Lloyd Garrison made his first mark as an anti-slavery man by printing attacks on New England merchants who shipped slaves from Baltimore to New Orleans.

    Long after the U.S. slave trade officially ended, the more extensive movement of Africans to Brazil and Cuba continued. The U.S. Navy never was assiduous in hunting down slave traders. The much larger British Navy was more aggressive, and it attempted a blockade of the slave coast of Africa, but the U.S. was one of the few nations that did not permit British patrols to search its vessels, so slave traders continuing to bring human cargo to Brazil and Cuba generally did so under the U.S. flag. They also did so in ships built for the purpose by Northern shipyards, in ventures financed by Northern manufacturers. "


    For a little graphic evidence that any flag can be used by hate groups, take a look here.

    Attached Files:

  12. George Purvis

    George Purvis New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    yes yes yes yada yada yada hp hummmm yawn. Actually you were doing the name calling long before I got here. You are just to stupid to do otherwise. When are you going to prove racism??

    I am not now, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social or political equality of the white and black races. I am not now nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor of intermarriages with white people. There is a physical difference between the white and the black races which will forever forbid the two races living together on social or political equality. There must be a position of superior and inferior, and I am in favor of assigning the superior position to the white man.

    Lincoln in his speech to Charleston, Illinois, 1858
  13. George Purvis

    George Purvis New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    Lincoln led what charge, being a racist?

    Just courious why is it that you have to lick the behind of black America? Do you feel like this will get you more votes? I mean you really go out of your way.

    Can you prove racism is a white trait? Let's see some results of medical studies. Saying something that is akin to saying stupidy is a Cusick trait, but then again your posts on this forum seem to verify that statement.

    George Purvis
  14. George Purvis

    George Purvis New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    "On November 6, 1860, Abraham Lincoln won the election of President of the United States by collecting only 39 percent of the popular vote and carried every northern state except New Jersey. The Federal Record notes 81.2% of eligible voters participated in this election. Six out of ten of the American people had not voted for him and did not like him. Almost nobody in the southern states voted for Lincoln and he was not even on the ballot in Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee or Texas. In these states most of the people voted for Breckenridge who swept the deep South. Although Douglas finished last in the electoral college, he received more popular votes than anyone except Lincoln. Lincoln was the first President to be elected by a purely sectional party, with its strength entirely in the North. To Southerners the future was particularly alarming. A man had been elected President who was not even on the ballot in ten states of the South. The North had simply outvoted them. Lincoln did appear on the ballot in some Southern states but faired poorly. For instance, in Maryland it was Breckenridge who took 45.8% of the vote. Bell took 45.2%, Douglas 6.5%, and Lincoln had 2.5%."
  15. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    if you look in the DOI you will see they specifically state the "candid" people who do you think they mean?

    Its not like anyone is for slavery, slavery was just used as an excuse for a land grab to collateralize the debt the north did not pay and further lay the groundwork to later collateralise the people in 1930 when the bills came due again!

    changing governments is a slow drawn out process over 50's to 100's of years.

    Its call the reconstruction because they rewrote the law without constitutional authority to do so.

    Freeing the slaves would have required a complete constitutional rewrite to do it properly.

    Its not like slavery is being promoted its the way they proceeded was unlawful and the seeds to the corruption we have today were planted way back then
  16. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    I found the Alabama Regiment who were southern Men / soldiers from Alabama who fought for the Union against the rebellion.

    Link = , and Wikipedia: 1st Alabama (Union).

    Apparently this is not a big subject as most people still do as Lincoln told us - to have mercy for the vanquished rebels and for us not to hold malice for them, because the white racist are still so sensitive.

    Upon further consideration then I say it is very probable that President Lincoln might have bent down onto his knees in prayer just praying that the rebels would start up violent hostilities at the Fort Sumter and indeed the rebels did answer such a prayer correctly since that sealed their doom.

    If the south had not started their ignorant war of rebellion and if instead they had remained nonviolent and started building defensive forts along the border and start to build a competent Navy and other infrastructure, then the south might have won their independence and their secession.

    President Lincoln had to be aware of such alternatives, and as the President he surely could not have abandoned Fort Sumter, so the rebel traitors really doomed their own fate just by starting the violent hostilities over an insignificant Fort.

    There is an old Jewish saying that seems relevant here which goes like this: God tricks evil people into making stupid decisions.

    Of course in this case it was Abe Lincoln that tricked the traitors into their stupid decision at Fort Sumter, and then we had the retaliation footing to whoop them down - and rightly so.

    The first emancipation of the African slaves by Lincoln was not his last, because Lincoln and the US Congress proceeded to enact the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution to end the slavery in the entire USA, December 6, 1865.

    And as already been told and which is no secret to anyone - the southern States were not PEACEFUL since surely they were in violent rebellion called as their civil war.

    Not peaceful but "war-full" as in full of violent war - duh.

  17. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    Here are some telegraph dispatches from just prior to the firing on Fort Sumter. They show that the South was not tricked into firing..rather they were informed by Lincoln that the fort would be resupplied, by force if necessary.


    Number 1.
    Charleston, April 8.
    To L. P. Walker, Secretary of War.
    An authorized messenger from President Lincoln just informed Governor Pickens3 and myself that provisions will be sent to Fort Sumpter[sic], peaceably, or otherwise by force.
    [Signed.] G. T. BEAUREGARD.

    Number 2.
    Montgomery, April 10.
    To General G. T. Beauregard, Charleston:
    If you have no doubt of the authorized character of the agent who communicated to you the intention of the Washington Government to supply Fort Sumter by force, you will at once demand its evacuation, and if this is refused, proceed in such manner as you may determine to reduce it. Answer.
    [Signed.] L. P. WALKER

    L. P. Walker

    Number 3.
    Charleston, April 10.
    To L. P. Walker, Secretary of War:
    The demand will be made to-morrow at 12 o’clock.
    [Signed.] G. T. BEAUREGARD.

    [No. four not received.]

    Number 5.
    Charleston, April 10.
    To L. P. Walker, Montgomery:
    The reasons are special for 12 o’clock.
    [Signed.] G. T. BEAUREGARD.

    Number 6.
    Charleston, April 11.
    To L. P. Walker, Montgomery:
    Demand sent at two o’clock. Allowed til 6 o’clock to answer.
    [Signed.] G. T. BEAUREGARD.

    Number 7.
    Montgomery, April 11.
    To Gen Beauregard, Charleston:
    Telegraph the reply to Maj. Anderson.3
    [Signed.] L. P. WALKER.

    Number 8.
    Charleston, April 11.
    To L. P. Walker, Montgomery:
    Major Anderson replies: “I have the honor to acknowledge the reception of your communication, demanding the evacuation of this fort, and to say in reply thereto that it is a demand which I regret: but my sense of honor and my obligations to my government prevent my compliance.” He addes: “Propably[sic] I will await the first shot, and, if you do not batter us to pieces, we will be starved out in a few days.” Answer.
    [Signed.] G. T. Beauregard.

    Number 9.
    Montgomery, April 11.
    To Gen. Beauregard, Charleston:
    We do not desire needlessly to bombard Fort Sumter if Major Anderson will state the time at which as indicated by him he will evacuate, and agree that in the mean time he will not use his guns against us, unless ours should be employed against Fort Sumter. You can thus avoid the effusion of blood. If this order should be unequivocally refused, reduce the Fort as your judgement decides to be the most practicable.
    L. P. Walker, Secretary of War.

    Number 10.
    Charleston, April 11.
    To L. P. Walker, Montgomery:
    He would not consent. I write to-day.


    A few news articles from the period.......

    Charleston, April 11.
    General Beauregard at two o’clock to-day demanded the surrender of Fort Sumpter [sic], which Major Anderson declined. It is currently reported that negotiations will be opened tomorrow between Anderson and Beauregard.

    Special despatches received at Washington to-day assert that both [Forts] Pickens and Sumpter [sic] will be attacked, but they doubt if war follows.

    A Montgomery despatch to-day says it has been resolved to attack the two forts immediately.

    Three steamers were seen off the coast yesterday for a long time. Anderson fired a signal gun this morning. The attack of Fort Sumter is momentarily expected. Business is suspended. It is rumored that the fight will commence at eight o’clock this evening, unless Major Anderson surrenders.

    The steamer Harriet Lane4 is off the bar. Thousands of persons are lining the shores to witness the attack.

    Charleston, April 11.
    Interceptd despatches disclose the fact that Mr. Fox,5 who had been allowed to visit Maj. Anderson, on pledge that his puprose [sic] was pacific, employed his opportunity to devise a plan for supplying the fort by force, and that this plan had been adopted by the Washington government, and was in progress of exicution.[sic]

    Washington, April 11.
    [Herald Correspondence.]—The men of the West Point flying artillery, now in Washington have received orders to keep their revolvers constantly loaded, to be ready for immediate action.

    Part of the volunteers will be stationed at the bridge across the Potomac, so as to defend it from an invading force. Nearly one thousand men are now enrolled for regular service from the ranks of the district militia. Those who refused to take the oath of allegiance were marched back to the armory disarmed, and their names stricken from the roll. Hisses from the spectators accompanied their departure from the parade ground.
  18. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    No one is questioning whether President Lincoln ordered the resupplying of the Federal Fort, and as the President and as commander in chief then it was his duty to order the Fort defended and supplied.

    I am not saying Lincoln did some secret trick - no, it was the southern rebels who attacked Fort Sumter who sealed their own doom and they gave Lincoln the foundation to run over top of the rebels thereafter.

    Fort Sumter was far more symbolic then of any strategic importance, and if the rebels had left it alone then Lincoln would have been in a much harder political position.

    It was your self and you cohorts here that first said that Lincoln "provoked" the hostilities, and then I agreed with you that it was a well done ploy or call it a trick or whatever but it was the rebels mistake and it proved to be a victory for the Union and for Lincoln.

    You say President Lincoln provoked the rebellion - and I say cheers to Lincoln for doing it, amen.

    The southern racist white trash needed to be whooped down, and rightly so, and the end of slavery too - cheers.

  19. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    You are badly mistaken if you think I am trying to change your opinion. It is completely your right to think as you wish. I am just trying to relieve you of some of your ignorance of what transpired. You can dismiss any information I provide, but you have shown that you can't refute it. You are so typical of many people and that is exactly what has brought our country to its knees today......ignorance of facts and an utter lack of a curious mind.

    Though the firing on Fort Sumter happened on Lincoln's watch, the situation began under President Buchanan. Here's something about the 'truce' between Buchanan and South Carolina. It offers some context of events.

    "When Anderson moved to Fort Sumter, he disrupted one of a series of fragile agreements, sometimes called "truces," established between the Buchanan administration and South Carolina. On December 10, before Anderson's move and before South Carolina seceded, a group of South Carolina congressmen called upon the President for a "pledge" that he would not reinforce or in any way change the military situation at Charleston pending anticipated negotiations between the state and the federal government. In return, South Carolina would not attack the forts. Buchanan refused to sign such a statement, but he offered verbal assurances that he did not intend to reinforce the forts under present circumstances. The congressmen understood Buchanan also to say that they would be informed if the President changed his policy.

    This "truce" was subject to different interpretations. The South Carolinians considered Buchanan pledged as a gentleman not to change the status of the forts, including a move by Anderson from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter, and to inform them of any change in policy. The President, however, did not think he had made a firm commitment with a group who had no authority to enter into reciprocal agreements. Instead, he considered that they had arrived at something like a mutual understanding of present intentions. Wha tever the ambiguity, two things are clear. Buchanan, who had initially considered reinforcing Anderson, had changed his mind. He adopted, at least for the moment, a policy of maintaining the status quo. In addition, Buchanan refused to consider abandoning Sumter or other forts still under government control."

    If the Southerners were guilty of anything, it was of trusting the Federal Government to keep its word. In hindsight, it would have been better to have forced the surrender of the fort while Buchanan was still president.

    To get back to your post, one thing you keep saying in one variation or the other shows that you carry some sort of 'white guilt' and that guilt leads you to reach for a scapegoat. I'm referring to this..

    "The southern racist white trash needed to be whooped down, and rightly so"

    The above quote is yours and whatever problems it reflects are yours, too. Keep on fooling yourself if you wish, but I will not let ignorant rantings on this subject go unchallenged. If you have something factual to say, say it. Otherwise, have the honesty to admit that your opinion is based on nothing but your own white guilt and leave it at that.

    Deo Vindice !!
  20. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    First off I would never use such language as that because I see that as an ignorant way of communicating.

    I do say that us white Americans and white people worldwide do need to accept our rightful blame and guilt for what white people have done in the past and what we still do today to the African people.

    What it is really called is "repentance" as in we whites still need to repent and make amends including various forms of reparations for the white crimes.

    Some might see this as kissing-up to the black people but I say it is kissing-up to God, because God told us to do right while we keep doing wrong.

    The so-called "Confederacy" was evil, and it was evil because of the African slavery. There simply is no way to white wash the evil out of the Confederacy.

    The white people brutalized black Men, they raped and tortured black women, and they were child abusers as the whites enslaved the black children too.

    The claim that any of the whites were loving or caring "masters" is a truly ugly white lie, because the slavery itself was a crime against humanity.


    It is not necessary to prove that because it is common knowledge.

    You and your kind may try to hide your white racism but it is painfully obvious in your words as in your action as in your website too.

    I understand your (our) desire to hide our ugly racist truths, but that makes your kind even more guilty, and it means you are ashamed to admit your own identity based on your color.

  21. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    It makes no difference if we share the credit with Buchanan, and I am sure Lincoln would have no objection to sharing the praise and glory of it with Buchanan.

    The point is that the firing on Fort Sumter and giving a violent beginning to the hostilities was a huge rebel mistake and that is what truly counts.

    In fact it beginning under President Buchanan gives far more credibility to the later actions of President Lincoln.

    FYI, it was not an expression of any "problem" as I was cheering this onward.

    I have no "problem" with the southern rebellion because it turned out just right.

    If I were going to dream up a "problem" then I wish Lee had not surrendered and that our American Army had killed every one of those rebel traitors and hunted the dogs down to their bitter end.

    Our great General Sherman needed more time to punish the southern racist traitors so the surrender ended the hostilities too soon.

  22. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    Throughout this thread, you have used an 'ignorant way of communicating' and you finally now admit to what we knew all along.You're nothing more than a white apologist looking for a scapegoat to absolve you of your own guilt. You have chosen the Confederacy for your absolution despite more than ample proof that the entire nation was involved in slavery from its origin. Your claims don't hold up in any regard, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

    I would remind you that it was Northerners that sailed the ships that brought the slaves here. And it was Africans themselves that sold their own kind to the slave traders.There was no 'taking' of the slaves. It was a business deal from start to finish.

    As for your "Great Abraham"...the war he started resulted in the death of 500,000+ Americans. It was a needless and illegal war and he will forever rot in Hell with the blood of all these people on his hands.

    Not to mention that he signed the Pacific Railway Act, which brought about the genocide of the native peoples. The War Between the States gave the Indians a reprieve of a few years, but they were done for in short order in the years following. Be sure to thank the Great Abraham for that, too.

    If I were to dream up a 'solution', it would be that John Wilkes Booth had done his deed much, much earlier. Your Great Abraham was evil to the core. He turned the Constitution on its head and stole from EVERY American liberties we have yet to recover....all in his quest for power.

    Keep on drinking the kool-aid, J.P.

    Deo Vindice !!!
  23. George Purvis

    George Purvis New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    Wikipedia??? LOL LOL LOL LOL is that the best and most reliable website you can find. Oh boy!!!!!!!

    Actually men from every Southern state fought for the "preservation of the Union" men from the North fought for the SOUTH. You may do a search of the web for Maryland Confederate units. I am working from memory but I think Maryland sent somewhere between 7-9 units to the South including this man ---

    Frederick Cusick (First_Last)
    Regiment Name 4 Battery Maryland Artillery
    Side Confederate
    Soldier's Rank_In Private
    Soldier's Rank_Out Private
    Alternate Name
    Film Number M379 roll 1

    Are you sure Lincoln knew how to pray? This website would disagree Take some time and read the quotations.

    As pointed out by Woogs the South never had the chance to build weapons of war. They believed in the CONSTITUTION and had no intention of making war on ANYONE. They were FORCED into war. That much and more you have conceded to Woogs. Yes that is true and Lincoln being among the stupidest caused a war for no other reason than to consolidate his power. These actions cost the lives of More AMERICANS than any other man in history. Think about that and then think about stupidity.

    Still have not proved "tricked' since the Confederates knew what was coming at them. Still haven't proven traitors. Still haven't proven anything as far as that goes, except your lack of knowledge.

    13th adm. Correct that is the United States Constitution not the Confederate Constitution. But just to be a little bit clear on the subject this amendment passed the Senate in April of 1864, the House in Jan. of 1865. And NECESSARY NORTHERN number of states in Dec. Of 1865. This is sorta like Chase ruling secession illegal in 1865!!!!!! By that time the war was over, reconstrution was started and Lincoln was greeting a bunch of Yankee war dead in the hot place!!!!! LOL LOL LOL

    SURE they were PEACEFUL they left the Union in a peaceful manner and they only fought to defend themselves from a YANKEE INVASION.

    You have admitted as much already!!!!!

    George Purvis
  24. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    :omg: :omg: Well, if you had your way J.P., looks like you might never have been born!! :omg: :omg:
  25. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    You might attack that messenger while avoiding the message, but there is nothing funny about such a position, and there really is not any competition as to who is more or less reliable because the info being correct as it is correct then it would not matter if the messenger was a drunken bum laying in a gutter because the truth is the message and not its messenger.

    You might see your own website as being more or "most reliable" since it is written white, but few others will give it such reliability based on its messenger status.

    Honestly I like this info myself, as I know there were many racist whites up North, and hopefully most of those that traveled south were then killed in their traitor Army.

    And I myself accept the rightful white guilt from the racism of my own family tree, just as all white Americans share our guilt in the African slavery and the hateful "Jim Crow laws" and our still ongoing white prejudice against people of other races.

    And mine is no secret as I have sent letters to my local Newspapers and published articles online and I denounce the white racist trash here in my Maryland, an example HERE.

    My point remains in that I say President Lincoln prayed that the rebels would do some thing stupid as in attack Fort Sumter, and then later it was the rebels who answered that prayer.

    So a God was not needed in fulfilling that prayer. :)

    And I myself agree with those quotes said to be attributed to Abe Lincoln because the violent racist white people misused the Bible and their Christianity to justify their inhumanity against the African people in slavery and in other ways.

    So to reject the white lies of their barbaric religious beliefs was and still is the doorway to enlightenment.

    Abe Lincoln wore the Quaker's beard, and in those times everyone knew what his beard stood for.

    The rebels did start their war, as the rebels did start the violence, the rebels did fire the first shots, and when they did this then they sealed their own doom, and rightly so.

    There certainly is nothing PEACEFUL about starting a violent war which is what the rebel traitors did.

    Abe Lincoln did not provoke the slavery, and he did not provoke the southern declaration of their secession, and Lincoln was NOT at Fort Sumter when the rebels started their rebellion by shooting at American soldiers, so Lincoln did not "provoke" peaceful people.

    It was more-like he threw a bone to a pack of ravenous dogs, and the stupid blood thirsty dogs jumped onto his bait.

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