What are you babbling about? You want to sound smart by spouting nonsense? Sometimes I think all liberals are empty shells But I know some can makevsense when they want to Have a nice day
I would have longed to be a fly on the wall at the meeting between these two leaders. Putin an ex KGB officer whose few opponents have a habit of falling out of high rise buildings, being thrown into rivers and susceptible to nerve agents and er, -- er Trump the draft dodger and who tweets like a canary. Sorry, no prize on spotting the winner.
They meaning liberals said the same thing about reagan According to them he was just a hollywood actor who was too old to be president anyway You folks have a habit of underestimating Ameticans and over idolizing russians
We are not discussing Reagan, once you try to change the subject because you can’t cobble a sensible reply, then you have nothing to say.
I compared the liberal attacks on trump to the same tactics used on reagan You were wrong then and youre still wrong now
To bad you are no aware of what you don't know. It makes life so much easier to simply dismiss as nonsense anything you don't know. doesn't it? Frankly I have never had any desire to sound smart. Its merely a byproduct of both my genetically given intelligence and own hard work at developing my intellect. But I get how important "sounding smart" is to trumpettes. Nice projection on the empty shell tho.
No, lets save that label for the real enemies of the state and not dilute it by applying it to a few kooky American citizens for doing nothing more than exercising their constitutional rights.
Of course you won't learn anything from me. That would be expecting way too much. I on the other hand delight in increasing my understanding of the rrrwf fringe and your microscopic contributions assist in its accretion. So thanks.
Looked to me like you were attacking free speech; mine. You objected to my opinion of nazi scumbags, racists and traitors. It's your right to say so, but please don't wimp-out with bullshit about how you were defending free speech when all you were doing was attacking my free speech.
Those were Trump's words. Now, of course, he's backpedaled on several points he made during his remarks with his buddy Putin. As for the linked transcript; for context, I recommend everyone read both Trump's and Putin's remarks. It's a fascinating read: https://www.vox.com/2018/7/16/17576956/transcript-putin-trump-russia-helsinki-press-conference
If you dont know your enemy by now you have led a sheltered life I on the other hand have been aware of liberals and their insane ways for a long time
Considering the hysterical attacks by liberals and fence sitters alike since hillary unexpectedly lost the 2016 campaign its a wonder that conservatives have any patience left with you at all
So you'd do nothing. You were just blowing hot air. BTW, you've promised to ignore me before and you didn't. Sad.
Sure What wete you afraid of? A sound thrashing? Thats what you might get from maxine waters But not most trump supporters
Is that what you want to do when you lose patience? Thrash people? Have you done it before? Have you ever been arrested for violence?