Of course not! A CHILD could go to the top of a mountain or high rise building and VISUALLY SEE...with their own eye's the curvature of the Earth!! I cannot believe this topic even exists! AA
So you are telling me every space mission, documentary about space, interview with astronauts, panel discussions with NASA employees and video footage from the international space station have been faked, but this crazy video of a bunch of crap taped together is real? Let me guess, you don't believe in dinosaurs either.
There is a difference when you can prove something and when you cannot. Every image of earth is CGI, in the video I showed you, there is no CGI other than the lettering. I can prove the nasa images are CGI, can you prove areas of this video are CGI? And even if they are CGI, that should not stop people like you from thinking it's real. I mean you think images of earth are real. If nasa images are real, then so is this one. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q...e70dfe38165f32ff7aa4c61c368a4864o0&ajaxhist=0
There is no theoretical limit on how far can you see. The Earth's surface curves out of sight at a distance of 3.1 miles, or 5 kilometers. But our visual acuity extends far beyond the horizon. If Earth were flat, or if you were standing atop a mountain surveying a larger-than-usual patch of the planet, you could perceive bright lights hundreds of miles distant. On a dark night, you could even see a candle flame flickering up to 30 mi. (48 km) away https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-l...-the-Earth-is-flat-and-there-are-no-obstacles
He thinks he is being clever, and that by showing how we can't prove something so obvious we can't prove evolution or any other scientific theory which conflicts with his religious beliefs.
dairyair had asked you a question.. "Why can't we see Europe from the USA? Across the ocean with no mountains or hills With a weak telescope it should be very visible." Don't bother telling me I need to watch some youtube video, just answer the question.
I've sat in on panel interviews and discussions with NASA scientists, in person and I'll trust their scientific process and frickin photographs over this mishmash of images you claim are telling us the real story. My phone can take photographs as good as some we've seen from space... so why do you believe all images of space are CGI? And the bigger question, what motivation would there be for the infamous "they" to trick us like that?
I am aware of his intentions. I just cannot BELIEVE he would pick this topic to be used for that purpose as it is beyond idiocy. AA - - - Updated - - - That's because after you posted he FELL OFF THE EARTH!! AA
He has dodged that question 4 times now. He doesn't have an answer. And thus he knows the earth is not flat. He is now trolling his own thread. Actually it is a troll thread from the git go. Also, one could just go on an airplane and see the entire surface of the earth from end to end. And with the curved earth, no one can do that.
The ONLY thing worse than posting something as idiotic as the Earth is Flat....is posting the Earth is Flat for the purpose of an analogy or comparison. It's sort of like one person correctly states that 10-3=7. Then another person posts....7+2=10.....and then talks about how this shows us that 10-3=7 is WRONG!! LOL!! AAahhhhh......what are you going to do? Some men you just can't reach. And that's what we have here today. Well....he want's it! So...he get's it! I don't like it anymore than you do. AA
NASA live time lapse for the ISS is completely fake. This is the kind of work being done in Hollywood. Do you believe every movie you see is real? Notice on that time lapse you never see the sun setting or rising. Unless of course they just now starting doing it. The last time I checked it tells you it has lost signal and it does not gain it back until the sun sets or rises. You never see it happen.
That's a good question, why can't you? Can you not figure this out? Maybe you should get someone else opinion, seems how you cannot figure it out on your own. And if they tell you it is because the earth is round, maybe you should listen to them, as you kneel to them.
You cannot go to the top of a high rise and see the curvature of the earth. But hey, make up whatever you wish, it is your make believe story, tell it how you want.
What excuse am I looking for? You asked me a question that you can figure out yourself, however you choose not to, you would rather somebody else tell you. And hold that to truth.
In a flat earth scenario, how do you explain that when it is daytime it is not daytime across the whole world? ...why would we need time zones? Why is my skype chat with a friend in Japan always ending up with me eating breakfast at sunrise and him eating dinner at sunset? How do you explain weather patterns and seasons? Where does the wind blow from and blow to? How is the ISS able to suspend orbit above a flat earth? ...a curious mind wants to know...
The Bible tells us who made the earth and how He made it. For anybody to think differently, the burden of proof would lay at their feet. You know, NASA.
The earth is massive. The sun is far closer and smaller than we were lead to believe. You can research flat earth and see how it all works, and lines up with scripture.
Why make God smaller? Why not allow belief that God made a wide wonderful and expansive universe? There is no "logic" to flat earth otherwise you would be able to answer questions such as why I can see the sun rise here when it is night there