It is about to be proven one way or the other. The facts will reveal the truth. And the hatred that is going on will come to an end. Hopefully!
It will soon be over, and a earth that is flat or sphere will be revealed.
Actually I can. However to do so, you must first provide facts. There are no facts proving a flat or sphere earth. Now there is what is known as evidence, the evidence for both is only circumstantial.
It's been over for thousands of years. The triangle calculations have been done for a long time now. You can try them for yourself: Hatred? Basic education isn't hatred. I know it contradicts your dogma, but anyone has ever flown a plane knows that the earth is round. Pull out a map. Find the quickest/shortest route from one city to another. On a flat map, or a flat earth, the fastest route would be a straight one. It isn't. Because the earth is round, the quickest route will appear as a curve when mapped on a 2d map. Again, our globe has been circumnavigated. Now it is circumnavigated literally every day. This should be impossible, if the earth were flat.
The globe has only been navigated from east to west or vice versa. It has never been done north to south or vice versa. If it has and I am wrong, please show me. I cannot find anything or anybody that has done it. I have been searching for some time now. If has never been done, then how can you say the earth was circumnavigated? On the flat earth map, going east to west or vice versa, can be done to where you come back to your original location, from the opposite direction. Show me the north to south navigation and I will gladly stand corrected.
Military and civilian pilots are saying the earth is flat. So your claim on anyone who has ever flown a plane is incorrect. And it does not matter what the situation is, if someone is calling another person a ()()()()ing idiot, that is absolute hatred.
Even if that were true, that would make the earth a cylinder. Yes, at least one pilot has flown over both poles: There is literally no observation in reality that can be better explained by a flat earth than a round one. Not one. And now, in order to defend your dogma, you are suggesting that some magical force confuses every pilot in existence and makes east and west pull a U turn at just the right moment. And even that makes no sense. I can fly east from New York to Europe, from Europe across Asia, from Asia across the Pacific to the west coast of the US, and from there further east back to New York. - - - Updated - - - If someone says that their uncle is a one-armed purple martian who sings showtunes in octaves above the human range of hearing, I'm going to call their views wrong. That isn't hatred. It's nothing personal. There fantasy does not match reality.
You think you know me from what I post? Is this forum and others your reality. I feel sorry for you already!
Please show me the link to where military and civilian pilots say the earth is flat. I just know that I can see the curvature when I fly.
This is a video from the guy who jumped from a balloon around the 5 minute mark is very convincing to me.
You absolutely can see the curvature of the Earth when you fly!!! I fly all the time!! You can see the curvature of the Earth when you look out from the top of a high building never mind be at 36,000 feet!! AA
Why does this bit of writing not sound like you? Perhaps because it is a direct cut and paste from Wiki without acknowledgement Now I will not report it THIS time but any future attempts at plagiarism will be reported to the moderates as a breach of forum rule 15 If you are using Wiki then you should know the answer to your question is there
So, the fact the earth is round has been known for at least a couple of thousand years but it is going to be disproven "soon" by some twonk on the internetz Yeah!
Here is more trolling from you. No military of civilian pilot who still has a license is saying the earth is flat. They'd lose their flight path. But go ahead and post some proof of your troll claim. BTW - How can I receive my satellite TV signal if there are no satellites? You've ignored that along with why can't we see Europe from the east coast.
I think we can all say we know you from what you post. And I think it is safe to say, we all feel sorry for you. But it is great entertainment and we all love great entertainment. Keep on trolling. BTW - How do I receive my satellite TV signal if there are no satellites? How come we can't see Europe from the east coast if the earth is flat?
Someone still had to design it. To interact with other devices. To design it, one must understand the workings in great detail or else it would never work. BTW - Why do I receive my satellite TV signal? Why can't anyone see Europe from the east coast with a telescope if the earth is flat. Do you know water is at the lowest level of ground? - - - Updated - - - I was unaware you are hateful. But if you end it, that is good.
Come on sherlock. You've been asked and you've denied, as a troll does. What is the shortest route from Seattle to Taiwan? On a flat map, then on a globe. You've been shown the flat map route and the globe map route. You simple trolled and ignored. BTW - why do I receive my satellite tv signal, you claim there are no satellites. Why can't anyone see Europe from the east coast with a telescope. You know water finds the lowest surface point and on a flat surface water is the lowest so there are no obstructions from the east coast to Europe. - - - Updated - - - Trolls gotta be trolls. And the thread is a troll thread.