your premise is wrong. You like to SAY that fundamentalists condemn education when actually the children educated in homeschooled christian environments learn more and do better on tests and in life. Maybe that's the reason for the attacks.
When a belief contradicts observable fact and the mountains of objective empirical evidence which supports it, then that belief is irrefutably and unquestionably wrong. Full stop. That is not an opinion. It is not just "because I said so". It is pure logical deduction. Any person who displays the above abject willful ignorance on basic verifiable scientific facts and knowledge should be summarily rejected and disqualified from holding any position of social importance or leadership (which includes, but is not limited to, government). Period. Just to clarify before the influx of straw men, red herrings and other logical fallacies which will undoubtedly follow, I am not advocating an abolishment of religious freedoms. A failure to adjust personal beliefs to coincide with observable truths is simply idiotic. No one should be in a position to spread or disseminate such harmful nonsense.
I disagree.. Most homeschooled kids are missing out unless their parents are highly educated and have some gift for teacching. You can't teach the sciences and also tell your students that the earth is ten thousand years old and lived with the dinosaurs. If you want to teach the test, that's another matter. My education (one of privilege) was far superior to teaching the test.
You mean its only Christians that are sitting in those rooms dictating school ciriculum? Only Christians who are interested in whats being taught in public shcools? Quantrill
I don't know anywhere that Christians are telling public schools they can only teach the Biblical view. Quantrill
Yep ! I bet the biggest mistake HE made was meddling into the CREATION business to overcome HIS boredom . As soon as HE realized HIS mistake , HE ran off beyond the Universe HE created - keeping out the way , perhaps laughing HIS fekkin head off. Instead of messing abt with Creating things , HE should've got himself a wife , to keep HIM in check. ....
I'd hazzard a quess and say , it varies from state to state, in some , where they dont "determine the curricullum , they do their utmost to influence it according to their beliefs. ..cheers.....
Technically Evolution is unproven. That is what a theory means. An educated guess based on facts that can not be proven to be 100% true.
Yep, science consists 'only' of theories, whereas the bible contains The Truth, according to these folks.
Just as those who are complaining, also do their utmost to get their theory and beliefs taught. Quantrill
It is a fact. It is also a theory. In other words, evolution is both an observation and an explanation. What seems to be missing, particularly consistently in your country, is a correct presentation of basic concepts such as fact and theory.
Evolution is a theory. Not a fact. Its not presented in schools as theory. It is presented as factual. And it is not. So science is presentinng its 'beliefs'. Yet they are so upset when anothers 'beliefs' arre allowed to be taught alongside of it. What are you afraid of? Quantrill
No. He just reveals Himself to us in ways that are within the horizon of our understanding. When the Bible was written people would not have understood quantum physics etc. But God blessed most of us with an inquisitive mind, so that we can learn more and more about His creation. And the more we get to know the more it dawns on us how limited our knowledge is and always will be. This humility is something some bible-believing "I know it all" Christians are in desperate need of. The Bible even tells us that God is beyond our understanding and yet they're cocksure they've sussed Him and His creation out.
Nonsense, Quantrill. I don't know where you went to school, but in my science lessons evolution just like anything else was presented as a theory that scientists deem valid at this given moment and that may of course change as soon as contradicting evidence is found. At the moment all scientists are really excited about this particle CERN found to be probably traveling faster than light. It may completely change their view of the world, and they'll happily embrace this change should the grounds to do so manifest itself. And nobody has a problem with teaching the stories of Genesis: in Sunday-school or lessons on religious studies. This is where they belong.