So... if Mr. Andrew Scheer and Mr. Maxime Bernier could cooperate to at least some degree ... there is about 99% probability that Mr. Andrew Scheer would become Prime Minister of Canada and Mr. Maxime Bernier would hold the balance of power in a minority government. My riding, Central - Nova has the potential to be the place out of which this cooperation may arise due to the CPC having sent a rather high profile candidate to our riding.....
I suppose that this idea taking off could inspire the Liberals plus the NDP plus the Greens to cooperate though.... so I suppose my ninety nine percent estimate is probably overly optimistic?????? The Greenland 2019 melt and forcing M. P. Andrew Scheer and M. P. Bernier to cooperate?
Is CIA economist Mr. Jim Rickards essentially correct that there were seven hundred and ten TRILLION dollars in the worldwide Derivatives market as of 2014? Is he correct that there were two hundred and ten trillion dollars in the USA Derivatives market at that same time? Is the world facing what could turn into another 1929.... another Bear Market? FORGET IRAN, IRAQ, UKRAINE THIS IS WHERE WWIII STARTS... If.... the answer to the previous three questions could well be yes........ then.... should Canada's political leaders and M. P. candidates speak and write openly and honestly about this information and attempt to cooperate with each other to find possible solutions? Should Hillary Clinton enter the race for President in 2020?
Mr. George Canyon...... as flawed as I am.... I do not lightly write an e-mail to President Donald J. Trump but a few months ago I felt that I should........ considering what I could discern of the circumstances that the USA and Canadian economy seem perhaps to be in....... Please note that this is in the "Creative Corner" forum:
THE CBC IS vulnerable..... to an overpriced bid to get artistic control of 'Heartland"........ as part of a diabolical plan to keep the USA petrodollar stable and strong as predicted by Mr. Mark Taylor...... For many reasons those of us who pay attention to CIA economist Mr. Jim Rickards are worried about a formula that sure looks like a possible another 1929.... a Bear Market.... . that could eat up the Bull Market of the last sixty to eighty years????!!!! The fact that THE MR. GEORGE CANYON is campaigning in Central - Nova gives us a fascinating opening gambit to grab the attention of the USA market which is where the serious bucks come from....... "The George Canyon is running in Central - Nova, N. S., Canada...." Basically...... I am thinking of tossing a plan at The Billy Joyce to pay off the national debt of Canada which is largely a joke played on thirty seven point six less than well informed "lambs"......... who tend to believe well thought out lies....... that are put out there in the media..... and THE BILLY JOYCE.... seems to be the man who can put this all together...... The Billy Joyce coopted my and Carl Cantrell's alternative theory on stabilization of the climate..... so he is perfect for all this....... Please notice after the sixteen minute mark in this video: My wife and I both voted yesterday. I voted for PPC candidate Mr. Al Muir and my wife voted for CPC candidate Mr. George Canyon. We did split our vote but I have something in mind for the last ten days of this campaign that could shock most Canadians. What I have in mind because it could be done mostly in French first.... before it takes off in English speaking Canada??????? The Billy Joyce coopted my alternative theory on stabilization of the climate that I have been promoting since 2007 and because Mr. Maxime Bernier makes important decisions quickly he is in a position to do more with this idea in a mere ten days than any of the other major leaders of any of the other political partie GEORGE CANYON: The people of Central Nova deserve truth and transparency
So the NDP leader says he would form a coalition with the liberals to deny Sheer from forming a government. At least he was honest and has stated it before election day. Remember what Layton, Dion and the BQ tried to do after Harper won a minority? I do think the coalition talk and Obama's interference on Justin's behalf may just work in Sheer's favour.
I agree...... my wife voted for the local CPC candidate Mr. George Canyon but I voted for the local PPC candidate Mr. Al Muir. My family is living proof that Splitting the Vote is a valid concern in some ridings. I have a plan though that involves Mr. George Canyon ...... if he is willing..... that could potentially convince a surprising number of Bloc Quebecois and NDP M.P's to work more so with Mr. Andrew Scheer........ even than they do with P. M. Justin Trudeau......... but of course my plan might not work because it is based on the idea that I expressed in that e-mail that I sent out to the top five M. P. candidates in our federal riding, Central - Nova which I already copied to post #1: Proposed reality film series based on keeping M.P. Sean Fraser (That is what the title above means...... this is background information to a play to create a good paying job for M. P. Sean Fraser in the event that the famous Mr. George Canyon had gotten more votes than he had)! As something of a consolation prize for Mr. George Canyon.... he did awesome to get so many votes against the very popular M. P. Sean Fraser...... who incidentally is so popular that even some of his most vehement opponents...... the PPC.... one of them wrote up a back up plan to attempt to keep him here even if Mr. Canyon had put him out of a job?! Here is the idea that could appeal to Bloc and NDP, M.P's: The Greenland 2019 melt and forcing M. P. Andrew Scheer and M. P. Bernier to cooperate? Central Nova 230 of 230 polls reporting 44,559 total votes 20,718Sean Fraser - LIB 13,201George Canyon - CON5, 896Betsy MacDonald - NDP3, 478Barry Randle - GRN 938Al Muir - PPC 179Chris Frazer - COM 149Michael Slowik - IND Last update: Tue, 22 Oct 2019 14:26:15 EDT
We will be going back to the polls in a couple years, minority governments usually don't last longer than that. Justin will have to become a political master to last long now. I won't hold my breath. I watched CTV coverage last night and we were told that the PPC leader admitted that the reason he started the party was to get revenge on Sheer, so I was very delighted that that scoundrel lost his own seat. Another delight was to see Ralph Goodale lose his seat in Sask. The Conservatives won the popular vote but that does not put a party into power.
You are probably correct but...... there is a side to all this that could turn into such a taxation Cash Cow for all levels of government here in Canada that P. M. Justin Trudeau might just make it to the next regularly scheduled election.... which would be somewhere around 2023? My wife could be termed a Christian Psychic and I believe that a Pastor Steve Long may have similar gifts: Steve Long comments on Canadian election........ For four years I have been struggling with this prediction wondering why in the world would Messiah Yeshua - Jesus and / or HaShem/ the G-d of Abraham want Mr. Justin Trudeau to become national leader of the Liberal Party....??????? Doesn't G-d realize that once he becomes national leader of the Liberal Party that he might just become Prime Minister and make errors that would tend to drive Alberta closer to separation from Canada than at any other time in my sixty years????????? Well...... I finally have an answer to this! "A film devoid of conflict is boring!" (R. W.) R. W. by the way is a good friend of Mr. George Canyon and perhaps he would ask him if that statement was originally from him or if he was quoting somebody else????? Anyway..... for all of his many, many, many, many, many, many, many flaws....... Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has set up Mr. Andrew Scheer, Mr. Maxime Bernier, Ms. Laura- Lynn Tyler Thompson, Mr. Billy Joyce and many other in such a way that we are uniquely capable of dealing with the SEVEN HUNDRED AND TEN TRILLION DOLLAR WORLDWIDE DERIVATIVES market..... to keep it strong and stable....... (or at least the two hundred and ten trillion dollar USA Derivatives market that of course we Canadians must worry about first due to our level of trade with the USA)?! P. M. Netanyahu, President Trump has a 4.3 trillion dollar problem.... I've listened to the following forty six minute audio video message probably ten times in full or at least in part..... FORGET IRAN, IRAQ, UKRAINE THIS IS WHERE WWIII STARTS...
The George Canyon.... what is ten percent of one hundred trillion dollars? Ten trillion right? Do we Canadians owe America an apology for 1750 - 1783?