It kind of looks like ivermectin was suppressed because it worked when used properly. It's said that the "emergency use" of the vaccine wouldn't have been possible if there had been something that cured covid. The Untold Story of Ivermectin: Hidden Cure Ivermectin: The Truth I never paid much attention to anything the mainstream media said as the are known liars. However, the anti-covid vaccine scientist Mike Yeadon says a side effect of ivermectin is infertility. Dr Mike Yeadon Ivermectin Anti-Fertility Bombshell: "One Of The Most Violent Fertility Toxins" Are those people who were supposedly cured of covid with ivermectin infertile now? Who has some non-mainstream info on this?
Every country in the world huh? And yet another thread on this when there is one dedicated and a half dozen spam/derailed in the main forum. Two things that absolutely should never go together Rumble and The Truth Circular logic. Did you not notice that pretty much every source you quote from is properly known for lies/disinformation. You want others to research for you? Nobody was cured of covid-19 from ivermectin. Are you seriously suggesting that all research avenues are "mainstream"? I think Yeadon is talking crap as usual. Fact Check: FDA says male infertility is not a known side-effect of ivermectin | Reuters
There are some anti-establishment experts that say there never was a covid virus and there are others that say the covid virus was developed in a lab. Yeadon says there never was a covid virus. Silver Bullet - Dr Yeadon At the beginning of the pandemic some hospital workers I know told me there were so many people sick with covid that they had to put them in the hallways. That seems to be consistent with the scenario that there was in fact a virus no matter where it originated. What Yeadon says about the covid vaccine seems to be consistent with what's happening though. The person who developed ivermectin was awarded the Nobel Prize so it seems to me that any issues about infertility would have arisen before that. Nobel Prize awarded for Ivermectin I'm starting to wonder about Yeadon. He's the only anti-establishment expert I've ever seen who's criticised ivermectin. I wonder if he was gotten to. Who has some thoughts about this?
Got ANY citations to sites NOT entertaining conspiracy theories? You know something like the level of evidence that was produced to prove it is worthless I.e. a double blind study with more than one thousand participants
~ Say something controversial, get an agent, write a book, make money . ~ Somebody better tell the people in Africa, India and Japan where all those kids came from ...
More info... Maria Zeee: Ivermectin & Fenbendazole Cancer Secrets Revealed w/ Dr. William Makis
The powers that be spent wayyyyyyy too much energy trying to suppress any other treatment option. That was the problem.
Luckily, wily conspiracy theorists have "figured it all out". How did they get all this "information"? They "know" all the countless research papers are not important. The ones that prove this stuff to be useless.
Nope! You just stuffed up a generic link and suggest people go browsing on a known disinformation website! The medical fraternity and research scientists have concluded it is useless against covid19.
Some small (lesser quality) Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) have demonstrated slight improvement in mortality, hospitalization duration, and viral clearance. larger better quality RCTs have not. In these studies the participants and the experimenters knew that they were taking Ivermectin. In double blind studies (most rigorous quality) where the participants and experiments do not know whether the participants are taking placebo or drug have demonstrated zero effectiveness. So my view is if it makes you feel better taking horse dewormer then enjoy that. It might cure some other ailments along the way. Lol