Explain why this interglacial is different than any others, and why things should not be getting hotter. Why sea levels will not rise another 9 meters. Why the Polar Ice Cap should not vanish other than as a seasonal event at the height of winter, and not exist at all in summer? You all seem to believe this insanity that we should not be getting warmer, when it has happened in every single interglacial in the past. What in the hell about this one is so magical that we should expect it to stop and not happen this time? Also, how in the hell are warmer temperatures going to cause draughts? You are aware that rainfall levels in the last 300 years have increased and not decreased, right? And the majority of "draughts" are entirely related to overpopulation and do not have a damned thing to do with lack of water. California gets more rainfall today than it did during the Spanish Mission era. The only reason they are short of water has not a damned thing to do with climate, it is entirely because there are far more people there than the area could ever support. Even if it had the rainfall of the Amazon River area, it still would not be enough water to support that many people without bringing in more from farther away. But as usual whenever I bring this up, I know you are simply going to dismiss it. You always do, it is actually rather predictable.
It's a little early to start adjusting our lives to account for what science projects to be likely in 100 or 200 million years. And, the same is true when it comes to cycles that have come in the past. We need to know as much as possible about those changes. However, the plans we DO make, and need to make, have to do with HUMAN time, not geologic time. And, yes. That's more complicated as it doesn't take much change to impact humans. It is important to note the sources of change, obviously.
I don’t do Brandolinis law. This is so typical of the old “let’s throw mud on the wall to see what sticks” as I said I don’t do Brandolini. If you want a discussion a) pick one question and b) state your question precisely or you could just look up those things yourself - the answers are out there.
I am debunking nothing, I am simply pointing out that causation is not correlation. Of course, I should not expect anything other than your trying to attack anybody and anything you do not agree with. And funny, how you claim here you do not have the final answer, but clearly to you the only answer has to be "humans". Once again, that is the biggest failure of the side you try to push. That is such a major science fail that it pretty much throws all of your claims right into the anti-science camp.
And not just CO2, but "human caused CO2". Volcanos, evolution of habitat, decomposition of once frozen biomatter, ignore all of that. It's all humans, no matter what.