Why? I don't need to email him for his reasoning. The two statements contradict one another and therefore are worthless.
I’m not surprised most of your posts consist of silly rants. With Gamolon I feel I can have an intelligent adult discussion for the most part. With you that’s quite rare.
How much context do you need for "we found no evidence"? How desperate must a man be to pretend it means something other than what it means?
Perhaps worthless to you. For me they reveal this guy’s mentality quite vividly not to mention the footnotes support at least 25% of his claim. That’s more than enough to render the entire 9/11 Commission Report worthless garbage.
Philip's history and record show he cannot be trusted to seek the truth. Philip's duty is to the PNAC gang that sponsor him. It is not to find the truth.
For the same reason that he’s fixated on Zelikow’s claim vs the actual significance that the report is supported by 3rd party torture testimony.
Lame answer. Are you telling me that in response to the question of whether a hijacker used the cockpit jump seat from the outset of the flight and the report stating that "We have found no evidence indicating that one of the hijack-ers, or anyone else, sat there on this flight", is evidence of something nefarious? Please tell me you're kidding.
Of course it is. You pick and choose whatever suits your needs. Philip contradicts himself and is portrayed as an untrustworthy person in your 29 points, but you embrace his comments that support your views. Interesting.
Of course that’s not true at all as already explained. And here I thought I was being the hypocrite when I posted what I believed you really thought.
I posted it as one of 29 facts, there are 28 more but you insist on arguing about just one as if it’s the only one that supports the fact that it’s a scam. Always twisting and taking things out of context to try to confuse. Furthermore those 29 facts are not the entirety of the scam they are just a list of highlights.
He’d rather question me than acknowledge that the 9/11 Commission and their report was a massive criminal scam on the American people given the volume of evidence. Trying to be an apologist by reducing it to merely CYA tactics.
The following video is 1 hour 19 minutes long. The first half examines the immense issues/contradictions with NIST's theory on the "collapse" of WTC7 on 9/11 and the second half examines the equally immense issues/contradictions with NIST's theory on the "collapse" of the twin towers on 9/11. A Critique of the NIST WTC Building Failure Reports and the Progressive Collapse Theory It is nearly 17 years since the event of 9/11 and we have still never had a legitimate investigation into the most significant terrorist attack on American soil in history. The US government has done everything in its power to coverup the facts about 9/11 and in the process provided us with illegitimate "investigations" that served to help with the coverup and disseminate a false official narrative. This false narrative has been and continues to be used as pretext to carry out a permanent "war on terror" that has caused the massacre of hundreds of thousands of innocent people and otherwise destroyed the lives of perhaps more than one million innocent people, a massive genocide and war crimes.
awwww ... no way! ... not only are we listening to a civil engineer, but they toss in some directive bites at around the 8 minute mark ... major troofer fail but I will keep watching just to mine more material for the audience ... brilliant!!!
A typical response of a detailed scientific analysis of the NIST "investigations" that took years and many appropriate experts to examine, uncover, analyze and summarize: You can't make this stuff up. Then, not only has the poster not bothered to review the entirety of the facts and ramifications presented in the video, but the poster admits he's only reviewing it for the purpose of posting additional irrelevant childish drivel to try to contradict hundreds of experts for the cognitive dissonant ("the audience"): All you're doing is embarrassing yourself Shiner but please continue (as long as you don't troll and remain on topic).
The debris field was provided in a detailed diagram by FEMA and its effect on WTC7 was explained by NIST in their report. It's their respective claims, you had nothing to do with it and your opinion is irrelevant.
That would be the purview of a legitimate investigation. The purpose of this thread is not to determine what caused the destruction of the 3 towers on 9/11, it is strictly what the title says, to expose NIST's criminal scam in detail.
Oh' that's a good one. You ever work on a demo crew, no you did not. Do you know the magnitude of the job on an empty 20 story building, no you do not.