Anything unethical about sneaking onto his property and killing his 14 year old kid and his wife because he refused to become a traitor and informant sport? All "for the protection of civilization" from a bunch of crackpots hiding out in the woods of Idaho that mainly just want to be left the (*)(*)(*)(*) alone. Get a grip!!
Oh contrare! Its growing every day as people are inflicted with shock and awe of how the government really operates. Its all the government has left is personal attacks that is why the omission commission is dead
right the gov is a contractor, they contract out their dirty work then turn their backs so they dont see anything for plausible deniability, however that is a minimum of the crime of negligence and breach of trust.
What is a Truther? Because 'Truther' is a label, and you can stick any label to any group (same with the label Al Qaeda, which is used often, and not by 'Truthers') Anarchism (chaos) can be used to destabalize a society and organize a population and cause order ('order out of chaos' is a military/historical strategy, and society is chaotic (lots of confusion), and mass organisation is going on, the proof of that is; two parties that are falling, and one party that is on the rise, organisation of a population means one day a situation of order)
Typical Twoofers...nothing relevant to post so, just start spamming the thread with irrelevant images. Shocker. Tell me something, why is it you all "know" it was an inside job but, you can prove it or even present credible evidence?
Hey there bill clinton,we know you and your buddy Bushwacker were behind this way back when you first got elected and your CIA tried to pull it off in 93 and failed.they failed under your watch and this time they came back and succeded under your pal Bushwackers. neither one of you had any interest in stopping terrorists attacks,you were more concerned with monica than looking into terrorists attacks while you buddy Bushwacker was only interested in taking vacations in texas his first 9 months. Love how your CIA buddys came up with the one they overpowered the pilots with box cutters.that was a good fairy tale.
well said.also the facts in these two videos alone prove it was a joint CIA/mossad operation.the OCTA'S cant get around them and will never address them or never watch them.
ever notice that the OCTA'S here ALWAYS cover their ears and close their eyes anytime you speak the truth how they destroyed and removed evidence on 9/11 that day? You enjoy snitches don't you champ? Some scummy federal agents asked him to saw off a shotgun, then arrested him and tried to get him to betray his friends. When he refused to join them as their snitch, they snuck onto his property and murdered his son and his wife. Nice guys eh? yeah great government we have there working for the people. way from them agents to serve the american people and the weaver family.hee hee.
...ever notice it's been over 10 years and you nutters have failed to prove any of your brain-dead claims?
yep thats what you OCTA'S do alright,ignore facts right on front of you and try to prove it happened your way need to advertise that,we already knew that about you
i notice that in your debates with me you,like all OCTAS you always have to LIE when you are cornered with facts you cant refute.
give me and ax and I'll start taking it down chopping from below to top starting point being his red tie,I'll chop at his neck first.Like i said going from bottom to the top.
you octa's are a waste of time on that.there are many books and videos out there that prove it,not my fault your too afraid of rhe truth about government corruption to read them or watch them everytime i refer you to them.anytime i do,you all cowardly run off with your tail between your legs never taking me up on my challenge to read that book. proving the truth scares you all everytime. i have mentioned the book that debunks the lies of NIST and the 9/11 coverup commission many times here before only to watch you all cowardly avoid saying you'll read it,never bothering to do so.its a waste of time trying to lead a horse to the water who wont drink the water. im done wasting my time with you on # 61 I made with those two vidoes i posted proves it all,you wont watch them as we both know so why waste anymore of my time on you? I wont.
Get real! If the Martians had done it there would have been evidence of Artonian propellant.... There was no blue green mist during or after the explosion. Clearly it's the grey screwing with your heads again..those little pricks.
I wonder what makes the truthers tick. 1. War veterans who felt like they got screwed and lied to by the government? 2. Mental illness. Something not right in the head, probably as a result of serving the military or sufferinjg from disorders like schizophrenia 3. Very unhappy and angry people. Unfulfilled people who never achieved anything and want to fabricate a cause, to give their existence meaning 4. Anarchists. They blame government for everything and would prefer lawlessness and chaos 5. Ignorant impressionable people. They are ignorant about a lot of things and are easily convinced by people who fall within the above categories
Well, duh! Of course we don't sit and watch that crap past the point at which the narrations run off into the tall hemp plantings. Alex Jones is a total fraud and a psychopath. He and his brain-damaged bud Jesse have put together some of the most retarded videos on youTube. P{ut something upo there by a person with some knowledge of rules of evidence and no mental defects, then we can talk about film clips. As it is, you have offered only hours of brain rot films by a couple of brainless scum buckets.
The reason 9-11 truth is dead is because it was never really about truth. Dylan Avery and his band of merry pranksters started out by writing a fictional movie about finding out that the government was involved and it got out of hand. Ask poor Dylan about it now and he treats it like it is a home movie of a middle school play were he was casted as a the sugarplum fairy. Some of the other leaders of this movement are people seeking relevance in life, they either never rose to the levels that they hoped in life or they have a need for attention. Debunking every accusation has been done over and over again. But the truthers are not interested in truth they are interested in their own ego. I hope I run into one when I am at the memorial next week.