Real 'Siberian unicorn' remains found By Juliet Perry, CNN Updated 1:14 AM ET, Tue March 29, 2016 The question is what did the ancient people consider to be an unicorn? There is no real physical description. Maybe it was just a rhino?
Most of their gods are human looking with Ganesha being the exception (Ganesha has an elephant head).
BINGO! Tell that to rahl! There is no reason to believe its not a religion since it is nowhere in the definition, therefore it is NOT by definition not a religion as rahl continues to post. Its no surprise neither he nor any other neoatheist can find it! It is purely a fabrication.
it means that the statement atheism is not a religion by definition is a 100% total fabrication being pushed by neoatheists.
Did you read the article that I gave you the link to? It suggest that it was a wild ox, given that most of the modern translations say that.
Maybe an unicorn is a rocket? It is powerful, makes a lot of noise, and difficult to plow a field with. Rhinos and narwhales have single *horns*. I doubt that the writers were referring to narwhales when they wrote the fairy tale.
This is inaccurate. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, which has, depending on who you ask, three gods (Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva), thirty-three gods, or thirty-three thousand gods. There are also a variety of Hindu sects that pick out one god to worship, such as Vishnu, Rama, Ganesha, or Kali. Hare Krishna is essentially a Hindu sect devoted to Krishna, the eighth incarnation of Vishnu.
So when you go through the list of all of those things you think religion may or may not include exactly which ones do you think are universal to athiesm.
Believe you has surpassed even your previous levels of silliness: if I claim that athiesm is a religion thsn I have the right to break a law? Can I break any law or just the ones thst says I have to participate in Christian services. You seem to be getting more divorced from thinking logically all the time. . Since you believe you (atheists) believe you have no religion you have no religious rights what so ever, therefore you have no right to stay home if christains make a law that says you have to participate in their services.
That’s just silly on its face. All major religions are heavily organized, Christianity took over entire states. Some Christians in modern government still believe in that. Are you really that desperate to make a point?
Actually the claim that the definition of religion includes nothing that would define athiesm as a religion is perfectly correct. All some of the less intellectually honest members of the forum have been able to do so far is find tiny segments of the athiest pantheon and then claim that such a group might meet one of the criteria for religion ( and even that is debatable) and then pretend that such nonsense proves that athiesm by definition is a religion.