"They're eating the cats" - Haitian migrants in Ohio

Discussion in 'Animal Welfare' started by kazenatsu, Sep 18, 2024.

  1. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    During the Presidential debate with Kamala Harris (2024), Trump recently said:
    "In Springfield, they're eating the dogs - the people that came in. They're eating the cats. They're eating, they're eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what's happening in our country."

    In response, the news media has been ridiculing Trump, and multiple news channels are repeatedly claiming there is no evidence for this.

    Residents of Springfield, Ohio were interviewed about what was going on.

    One man claimed to have seen Haitians going around in a van collecting cats. Whether he is telling the truth, I do not know.

    "We've lost a whole bunch of cats." ... "Uh, there was a van loaded... a van pulled over - it had over a hundred cats in it with the Haitians in it, they said they was eating them."
    "Not fake news?"
    "Not fake news." (shaking his head)
    "So a van was collecting cats and eating them?"
    "I watched it happen, yeah. I watched them get pulled over with the cats, and admit to the police that they was eating 'em."
    "You're not joshing with me?"
    "I'm almost fifty years old, buddy, I don't, nah."
    "You don't mess around?"

    Tyler Oliveira conducted the interview.
    Inside the Ohio Town Invaded by "Cat-Eating" Haitians - posted by Tyler Oliveira
    (video starts at 2:55)

    short video clip can be seen here: https://www.tiktok.com/@kermiedee/video/7413717840483650824

    Here's a picture of the man being interviewed:
    cat eating witness.jpg

    Another resident of Springfield posted this video:

    "So I live in Springfield. There's the water tower. A lot of people are asking what's really going on here; and I can tell you that 3 years ago we had a very large population of stray cats, and now they are gone; you don't see any cats. Um, our visitors are... kind of violent... You know, you'll see 'em threatening people; they've threatened my family with machetes. Uh... It's not a safe place. Um... Most of the stuff that the people are saying to city hall are true. If you put two and two together, you can figure some stuff out. Um... But it's definitely not somewhere you want to be."​

    repost by ann_hedonia

    Here is his picture from the video:
    cat eating witness water tower.jpg

    Tyler Oliveira interviewed another Springfield resident, asking whether he knew anything about cats being eaten. He said this:

    "I wouldn't be surprised. Because we used to have a lot of cats around here. And especially down here at the end of the street, that lady probably had fifty of 'em. Now she's lucky to have five. ... And the geese down at the park, they're declining, so I don't know if they're eating them too."​

    (12:15 in video)
    here is a picture from that interview:
    cats declining.jpg

    Another woman was interviewed who described two bizarre incidents of Haitians trying to get her pet ducks and chickens, which can perhaps provide a little bit of insight into the situation currently going on Springfield.

    "I've been here since April of 2024."
    "Mam, you were telling me earlier, off camera, about your experience with, obviously you have a lot of geese, and ducks, and livestock out here, and there's horses just over in the other pasture... So what is your experience been?"
    "Uh, we had a set of Haitians that showed up in the driveway, pulled in, laying on the horn. And they were demanding to rent a chicken."
    "They wanted to rent a chicken?"
    "Wanted to rent a chicken."
    "So how was that interaction? How did that go down?"
    "Uh, when you try to explain to them that the chicken wasn't for sale, because apparently it was for a little girl's birthday 'tradition', which I wasn't buying, so... just told them it wasn't for sale. They got very angry, very agitated that we would not sell them a chicken, started demanding the chicken. It took my husband to run them off, for them to leave."
    "And how long were they sitting out here on your property, demanding that you give them the chicken?"
    "Probably about 15 to 20 minutes. ... In a thunderstorm."
    (video jumps ahead into the interview)
    "There's a carry-out down here, and they live up this way. So they were walking down the street, dipped under the fence, chasing my little duckies here." (video shows geese congregating up against the wall of her home)
    "And I found them, yelled at them, screamed at them. They left."
    "So they were chasing your ducks?"
    "They were chasing our ducks on the property."
    "In broad daylight?"
    "In broad daylight."
    "And then they came back?"
    "I don't think they were after the horses. So..."
    "Then they came back, tried to rinse a chicken."
    "The... It was a different incident, the chicken was one incident, the ducks were another.
    "Okay..." (understanding)
    "Have you had any other weird experience out here?"
    "Uh... We don't show at Walmart. Because they literally will shove you around. Especially me, I'm not a very big woman. They like kind of just push me around. They'll eat chips in the aisle way, set 'em down, keep walking. They just don't conduct themselves in a civil manner."
    "Well, and you said you were from Lousiana and you have a lot of experience with, you know, the Haitian population, and things like that. What do you think their intention was - if you can speak on it - of them coming and trying to rent a duck in the middle of the night?"
    "I cant tell you that there's some ritualistic practices that are involving... poultry. It's not usually a spoken thing, it's a voodoo thing. They do use animals as ritual sacrifices, or in different ways. So, you know, as soon as they said it was a 'traditional' thing, I was like 'Yeah, you're not getting my chicken. These are our pets. They're not farm animals, they're our pets. They're my husbands pets, and they're beloved pets."​

    https://www.tiktok.com/@daylinterzado/video/7414278931114724639 daylinterzado
    originally posted by Tayler Hansen on 'X' (Twitter)

    here's her picture:
    rent a chicken Haitian.jpg

    One last video clip was uploaded where an American man shows us on camera that his neighbor, a Bosnian immigrant, had a dog roasting outside.

    man holding camera with American accent: "I thought we'd record the fact that our Bosnian neighbors are barbequing a dog. You might be looking at this and saying 'That's not a dog.' But..."
    wife's voice: "Go on closer so you can look at his tail." (camera zooms in)
    "Here's, you can see the tail. ... You can see the tail, and an open fire. I'm not sure what's on the underbelly of it. There's a little kid out there. Keeps saying 'A dog, a dog, we got a dog.'​

    https://www.tiktok.com/@malosully/video/7414682177683688734 malosully KpByMalo

    images from the video:
    bbqdog1.jpg bbqdog3.jpg
    The image in the video is a little blurry, but it obviously appears to be a dog that has been skinned and butchered, rotating around on a barbeque spit.

    I'm providing transcripts from the video, descriptions, and images, in case the videos later get taken down, or the links stop working.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2024
  2. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    In another video, a woman who appears to be a Haitian migrant is caught on camera in the downtown area of Dallas seeming to be "marinating" a live bird. It looks like a pigeon. She is holding it in such a way that it's head is down and it is immobilized, and she seems to be dabbing what looks like hot sauce or some sort of liquid on it from a bottle. Besides the woman is a shopping cart filled with belongings, including what looks like a large gallon water container that is only a third full, unless it is perhaps vinegar? The plastic container looks a little narrower to me, more like the type of plastic bottles vinegar is sold in. If it is vinegar, it might have something to do with preparing and saucing the "meat".

    https://www.tiktok.com/@bigjoey91/video/7415018081166085407 bigjoey91

    marinating a bird.jpg marinating a bird2.jpg
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2024
  3. Nwolfe35

    Nwolfe35 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Lots of
    "what looks like"
    "some sort"
    DaveBN likes this.
  4. DaveBN

    DaveBN Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2018
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    This site has gotten very stupid lately…

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