Things in the bible

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Ctrl, Oct 15, 2011.

  1. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    I was asked a question, by Incorporeal, and I answered him honestly. You can debate whatever the hell you want. I spend a lot of time in this category fighting with Atheists btw.

    NO I DID NOT POINT YOU TO ISAIAH 34:9. Quote where I did... you are seriously difficult not to call names.

    I will gladly discuss anything you like about Jesus. Except for advocating killing children for cursing their parents, I don't have any issues with Jesus.

    I quoted, with chapter and verse, EVERY use of the word unicorn. What do you not understand?

    Huh? What decision? I already stated that I do not deny intelligent design. I don't claim to understand it... but it seems the most likely situation to ME.

    Wow, you found a website that has 3 of the 16 creatures I have posted about, with NONE of the same verbiage. You must be proud. Clearly I am a plagiarist. Let me continue with my quest items portion. Maybe someone has thought of that too... and then feats of magic... I haven't thought further than that... but maybe there is a clue where to go next in your link. :bored:

    I absolutely DID see that site while searching. Without a doubt. But I pulled nothing from it. There is another one I saw while looking for "magicians" which gave me zombies too. I should have been searching for "wizards" though magicians have plenty of references... however, what I am telling you is correct. Except for zombies, these came from me typing "unicorn" and "satyr" etc into biblegateway.

    I always use KJV. I have been here for years. You will not find me quote any other than KJV unless on request. Thousands of posts. I use KJV because it is what I am most familiar with, and is most popular. I also told you I will use any bible you like.

    No... no the only quote you have of mine I addressed further on, trying to figure out what the hell you were talking about. You can't read... that isn't on me. At NO point did I EVER refer to IsAiah 34:9.

    A plagiarist. Now can you?

    Most of the world does not read the bible.
    Most of the world has never read the bible cover to cover.
    Most of the world has not read it cover to cover dozens of times.

    How can I more accurately state it?

    Look... you are telling me that the events of my life as I have explained them are not true. I am telling you that you are an offensive... guy. I am annoyed with you. You are a time vampire. You just keep attacking me, rather than addressing the content of the thread... and inventing situations which have not occurred.

    I don't care what you think of me... but you are a fool if you think I am going to let you attempt to discredit me. I don't lie.

    See... I was kind of thinking I could create a D&D like game with biblical characters and creatures, where you quested for items and relics from the bible... advancing and choosing your own adventure by asking multiple choice questions about the bible, sort of like trivial pursuits. Each character has the verse they are mentioned in on them, in whatever edition you like.

    I thought it would make kids more interested in the bible. Making learning fun. The more accurate you are about the bible, the better you do in the game, and aquire the quest items you seek. I continue to explore this idea, because I think if approached seriously, a lot of people would buy it. So, for instance the KJV version would have 9 unicorns throughout the game, whereas NIV would have only 3. Things like that. I think it is a pretty good idea. I do not regret a moment I have spent reading scriptures.

    You are going to have to figure out at some point, I am not the droid you are looking for (waives hand).

    I just did that. I just showed you where you misinterpreted, vs what I actually said, and the context in which I said it. YOUR error. At no point, at any time, did I EVER direct you to IsAiah 34:9. I said, again, that the original quote was NOT metaphorical, and that there are a TOTAL of 9 references to unicorns in the bible, and some of THEM may be. I then listed them for you.

    And had you payed attention to ANY of the scripture I am quoting, you would have found IsAiah 34:7.

    Third time you are calling me a liar.


    You bring out the best in people with your Christian positivity. I have replaced WWJD and ask myself instead... WWND?

    You have claimed that I have not read the bible more than most.
    You have claimed several times I am a plagiarist, even though you cannot spell it, no matter how many times I correct you.
    You have claimed that I am an Atheist.
    You have claimed that I am looking for unicorns not the message of Jesus.

    And you accuse me of trying to read minds?

    Fourth time you call me a liar.

    Not irrelevant. That is why it is stated in my first reply to you. Relevant for this very reason. I expected it would be an issue with you. Call me psychic.
  2. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    No! It is actually a legitimate definition of the word 'rationalize'. Using that line of logic you have demonstrated above, would also allow people to say that the definition of 'atheism' is a 'straw man'.

    If you are perceiving an 'implied' factor, then you might want to look internally and find out why you are holding such a perception. The fact that the word 'rationalize' includes in its' definitions the act of making excuses is a fact. So, if you are subsequently taking offense to the use of FACTS, then you might want to look even deeper inside and find out why you have a problem dealing with FACTS.

    In the absence of a response to your inquiry, there is also the likelihood that you or someone else can form a conclusion based on the silence of others that the act of silence is an acquiescence to the claims you have made. Making sort of a catch 22 situation. Either make a response and have your response subjected to judgment and possible ridicule or remain silent and have you silence interpreted as an acquiescence.
  3. prospect

    prospect New Member

    Dec 17, 2010
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    Ctrl, I don't believe you are here to cause trouble,or a dishonest inquiry so I will answer some of these in time ...

    On this specific one though, it seems you picked out a pretty extreme picture of "fiery serpents."

    i.e "If venom is injected, the fang marks will begin to burn and hurt within 5 minutes and swell within 30 minutes."

    Why not just a picture of a poisonous snake ?
  4. Ingledsva

    Ingledsva New Member

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Well, it does say fiery serpents, where elsewhere it just says serpent.

    Poison is one idea, but not the only one.

    Interestingly, nachash is associated with the Serpent Sorcerers.

    It is related to the word Naga from India, with the same meanings. And India also uses "Fiery Serpent," not meaning poisonous.
  5. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    I was not making excuses, or rationalizing, or justifying... I was dreaming a bit though... and I didn't really understand what you thought was any of the three, and figured you must have been upset at my comparison to AD&D...

    So that is why that reference was chosen, though I didn't really understand how you got there. I replied to what I thought you were asking, which was why I made the reference.

    My use of the word rationalize was in reply to your use of it.

    I was not rationalizing, but I WAS seeking rationalization... and I make no excuse for it.
  6. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    Well... I hate to disappoint you, but I absolutely expected trouble, and am making mostly a dishonest query in that I believe I have most of it worked out already... as I already tipped my hand about the unicorns. The KJV is mistranslated from a mistranslation in the Septuagint. Pretty positive they were talking about Rhinoceroses... hence all of the references to the strength of the animal and equating to oxen.

    I chose that image because it was from Harry Potter, and best fit my Hawking defence... I kept it because it fit my AD&D theme. Also the bible makes many references to poisonous snakes, that is the only one for fiery serpents.

    The thing I was hoping for was an expansion of the things I am aware of, so I can make a prototype of my biblical RPG.

    I was aware of the tone I took however. That is probably partially my thumbing my nose obnoxiously at the "literal word of God" folks, but you know what... they are obnoxious too.

    I just enjoy debating the bible. I just enjoy the bible. I just know it is too far out to be taken literally, and its history keeps me from taking too much of it to heart... but this isn't about me... no matter how much the posters want to make it about me. I am one of my favorite subjects... but at the moment the items, characters, NPCs, the Heroes... the more (sorry) AD&D like aspects of the bible which capture young peoples attention are my focus. You never know. You might find me ending up responsible for keeping young people interested in the bible at critical ages.

    But we can talk about me. What would you guys like to know?
    I am 5'10. I like long walks on the beach and old jazz...
  7. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    Exactly the point of my question...why would anyone need to rationalize (make excuses) for those things?

    In other words, why would you want someone to put their private matters out on public display so that those private things can be ridiculed? Ridiculing is a predominant aspect of the postings that occur on this forum, especially in regard to religious matters and beliefs.

    As for the AD&D thing.. I have not the foggiest idea of what that is and probably don't care to know. Acronyms can have the possibility of many things, and I am not about to try to read minds and or waste my time in figuring them out. The use of acronyms can, all by itself, become a game situation. If one desires to use acronyms, then one should also make reference to what the acronym means.
  8. prospect

    prospect New Member

    Dec 17, 2010
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    Where else specifically ?

    The serpent didn't bite Adam or Eve, nor would pain be mentioned if biting wasn't to be feared.

    Can you show this relation ?
  9. Neutral

    Neutral New Member Past Donor

    Jan 3, 2010
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    THat's great. Therefore projecting D&D onto Christianity is fine?

    Let me know when you stand up Stroll.

    Instead of flacid denial after flacid denial, how about you explain what the hell you are talking about in Isiah 34 that is supposed to have us blind, stupid, and dumbstruck?

    It was YOUR support. So back it up!

    Yep, and what atheist web site did you get that crap off of?

    Good Lord!

    No you did a proximity serach for the word unicorn, after lifting it from an atheist web site. There is a ... well, major difference there.

    So what pray tell, again, are you babbling on about with Isiah 34?

    You are the only one talking about intelligent design. I am talking about your conclusion that there is no God sans proof = faith.

    English is difficult I see?

    Agh, yeah, they are EXACTLY the same verse and text. Exactly. King James version to boot.

    Agh, so you see these ideas on websites, and then just happen to advocate the exact same arguementation listing the exact same text and citation?

    That is plagurism kiddo.

    Sure, now when called, you always use that one - just like you read and think Jesus wants to us to kill our children?

    Yep, so explain what it is you are blabbering on about in Isiah 34 - now you claim it isn't unicorns, so what the hell are you talking about? Because I introduced the correct text and context and all you can do is scream denials.

    Grow up.

    Yep I cite my sources honestly. You do not. Pretty simple.

    How the hell would you know? And you have clearly never read it! All you have ever done, as you prove is done a proximity serach afer reading about the Bible on a atheist web site.

    Its an appeal to authority, a fallacy, and qite frankly not true. I see this all the time from atheists. Never true when claimed.

    You boo hoo. A guy conducting a proximity search to find sepcific words, to quote this out of context with no explanation to call people dumb, after stealing the premise from an atheist web site (surprise!) Is offended because someone questions him? Doesn;t treat him as if he is Lord God himself?

    Yep disagreement with atheists is bullying. And gosh darn, it sure is hard not to directly insult them while insulting their faith with redicuous caricatures.

    I am not attempting, I am suceeding. What do you think is going to happen when you walk around comparing people's faith to stupid teenager game?

    And you've read the Bible cover to cover dozens of times - and think that Jesus says to kill our children?

    Yeah, I'll bet that would fly. :roll:

    Yep, now all you have to do is explain your rediculous contention that we believe in unicorns by listed the word unicorn 9 times in the KJV and only three times in the NIV.

    Right. Because now you are desert dwelling druid with magical powers?

    So what the hell are babbling about in Isiah 34? And why the sudden change of context that means we are supposed to believe unicorns? But now not? And aren't you in the slightest bit worried that teaching kids false doctrine about magic creatures just might be a little problematic? Reducing Christianity to a D&D game?

    How does that get the message of Jesus across? How does that get the message across?

    " And the wild oxen will fall with them,
    the bull calves and the great bulls." NIV.

    Interestingly enough, you just proved you are plagarizing. You see when I flip open the Old King James Bible, there is a note on the page to a foot note stating, "HEB wild oxen ... re'em ... (re'em is Hebrew for "Wild Ox."

    Oh but you have been so badly misrepresented because someone accused you of doing a simple proximity search ripped off from an atheist web site you saw but are certainly not barrowing.

    ANd this after claiming there was nothing whatsoever to Isiah 34!

    Hence the question about why the KJV? And even WITH that version, if you had read it, you woud have known there was an issue.

    You didn;t.

    You do fine by yourself.

    And you do enjoy slander and Bible abuse.

    You do just fine all by yourself. Christianity is not D&D. And the idea that you were just sitting there and thought, "I know! I find magical creatures in the Bible and site the exact same sources as an atheist web site I saw ...."

    Call it whatever you want.

    Wow, first you are cryng because you are a mind reader? Now you claim it anyway.

    Does it really come as a shock that comparing people's faith to D&D, by using non-contextual quotes stolen from an atheist web site just might bring about some rather spirited rebuttal? Really?
  10. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    here we go with the demonization again..

    Why do you feel so threatened anytime someone brings up something about the Bible that you do not agree with.

    If you want to believe every detail given in the Bible as fact that is your perogative.

    You can not blame folks for doubting some of the impossible sounding stories and monsters.
  11. Neutral

    Neutral New Member Past Donor

    Jan 3, 2010
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    No, when people misquote, or quote out of context, to accuse people of beliving in unicorns and other mythological creatures ... that bothers me.

    Why is is hard for the lot of you atheists to understand that this behavior bothers people. Espcially when after doing so, you assure us that your derisive reading of our faith is the accurate one?

    No, no, really Christians, you are homicidal maniacs.

    Sliding down the old trust scale ...
  12. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    Speaking of a victim complex.

    Some Christians do believe in unicorns. You should temper your speech on the subject lest you find yourself ridiculing them.

    I have demonstrated both my belief on the use of the word unicorns, and my motive. Should a fundamentalist come defend unicorns, well... I am just not sure what discussion will come from it. I would find it hilariously entertaining, but... there isn't a lot of room there... "I believe unicorns existed" "Ok... but... well... OK."

    You get to.
  13. Ingledsva

    Ingledsva New Member

    Oct 14, 2011
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    1. For instance, Gen 3:1-2, Exo 4:3, Jer 46:22, etc, all are nachash without Fiery.

    2. It doesn't actually say pain. Saraph/seraph has many meanings.

    3. I have a short piece on this that I did for another site. I will look for it and post it. Probably later tonight, or tomorrow at the latest. I'm not sure under what topic I saved it. LOL!

    This verse makes it take on a whole new meaning -

    Num 21:8 And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.

    Christianity tells us this is as the Christos lifted on the cross. Interestingly, one of the charges against him was that he was an Egyptian Sorcerer = Serpent Sorcerer.
  14. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    Deuteronomy 32:24
    They shall be burnt with hunger, and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction: I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the poison of serpents of the dust.

    Deuteronomy 32:33
    Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps.

    Job 20:16
    He shall suck the poison of asps: the viper's tongue shall slay him.

    Psalm 58:4
    Their poison is like the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear;

    Psalm 140:3
    They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders' poison is under their lips. Selah.

    Romans 3:13
    Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips:

    I was wrong. I said it did not mention fiery serpents anywhere else. Evidently the flying variety are the offspring of the Cockatrice.
    Isaiah 14
    29 Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent.

    also in
    Deuteronomy 8
    15 Who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought, where there was no water; who brought thee forth water out of the rock of flint;
  15. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    The word 'fiery' as in 'fiery serpent':

  16. prospect

    prospect New Member

    Dec 17, 2010
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    Not true .. Isaiah 14:29, Isaiah 30:6.

    Also ... see 'Heie Sursurie' .. page 441 (from the top)

    I'd like to know if If I should worry about using this update pack. lol
  17. MisLed

    MisLed New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Those are some great illustrations that you provide with your questions.

    As far as the unicorn goes though. How do you explain the pictographs of unicorns in Aashubanipal's construction? What is so unlikely about a one horned horse? Aren't there one horned rhinos? and i believer other creatures that i cannot think of at this time. Weren't aroks one horned...they are of course extinct.

    How does one explain the references and art that depicts dragons in other ancient civilizations? Figments of their imaginations? Dinosaur like creatures are mentioned a couple times in Job and in other parts of the Bible. More references are made of dragons and dinosaur-like creatures in the religious texts, artwork, pottery, tapestry, and written and oral traditions of MANY cultures.
  18. Ingledsva

    Ingledsva New Member

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Haven't found the piece I was looking for yet - but these bits taken from my other posts will give you an idea what I'm talking about. Sorry they are disjointed - but they are just bits.


    Mark 6:3 - "Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary?"

    In Mark 6:3 the underlying Aramaic word 'naggara' does not actually mean carpenter. There is a connection to stone and bringing forth “crafting”

    Both the Indian Naga and the Hebrew Serpents are associated with magic. In fact the word for magic in the Bible is nachash – To (snake) hiss/whisper an incantation.

    Serpent is Naga in India, Nagash in Babylonian, and Nachash in the Bible

    We even have the Indian sex association in the Hebrew word Naga.

    The Messiah is associated with the Fiery Serpent, the lifting up in the desert, etc.

    Some time back I gave you some interesting info pointing to India as a possible source for the Hebrew, and the word Naga/Nagga – Serpent, and here we find Iesous called the Naggara.

    As soon as I saw the word I was thinking Nagga-Ra, Serpent of the Sun, and the Hebrew Egyptian connections, and the Egyptian ONE God concept.

    In other words Fiery Serpent is equal to Serpent of the Sun.

    has anyone done any deep study on the word Eve - Chavvah/Havvah?

    I was reading that Clement of Alexandria and Eusebius of Caesarea interpreted "Hevva" in its aspirated form as "female serpent."

    To expand that, the Mother of ALL is a Serpent, a Serpent causes the troubles, and Messiah Serpent corrects the problem – Hummmm! Comments and thoughts?

    The Serpent discussion came about because the Bible is full of serpent references and Serpent Magic. The Messiah is associated with the Serpent by the lifting up in the dessert. One of the tribes is called Nachash/serpent (Dan, Gen 49:17,) etc. But mainly because an ancient historian says that the Hebrew came from India, and spent time in Egypt, before their final homeland. India of course having all of that Serpent Mythology, as does Egypt.

    "The tribe of Ioud or the Brahmin Abraham, left the Maturea of the kingdom of Oude in India and, settling in Goshen, or the house of the Sun or Heliopolis in Egypt, gave it the name of the place which they had left in India, Maturea." (Anacalypsis; Vol. I, p. 405.)
    More info on the original word for carpenter being associated with magic-crafting = sorcery.

    It is from the Proceedings of the Society Biblical Archaeology.

    It shows the words for a metal crafter and their relation to Nagar, Serpent, and Magic. i_djvu.txt

    “It may here be noticed that the verb connected with nachash, a snake, is often employed in the sense of working as a wizard or diviner (see for example Gen. xliv, 5 and 15). In Numbers xxiv, i, the Anglican version has, "he (Balaam) went not .... to seek incantations." This word j" incantations "is a translation of nechashim, which literally means " snakes. ..."

    “In regard to the origin of this word, I venture to suggest that it originally meant smith, and is identical with the modern Persian word ahangar, a smith. … The Persian ahangar appears in this instance to be reproduced in the shortened form nagar.”

    “And as the various handicrafts became more distinct from each other, this word nagar was in the languages just mentioned employed to denote "carpenter."…”

    Joseph was a Serpent/Sorcerer/Diviner as well.

    Gen 44:15 And Joseph said unto them, What deed is this that ye have done? know ye not that such a man as I can certainly divine and conjure (nachash?)

    On the range of tekton covering “crafters” see P.H. Furfey, “Christ as Tekton,” CBQ 17 (1955,) 324-35.

    Albright and Mann, Matthew, 172-73, connect tekton with the Aramaic word Naggara. Mary in the New Testament: A Collaborative Assessment.

    Also for naggara see Jesus the Jew, p 21-22, Collins.
    The word translated serpent is 5175 – nachash - Serpent, literally to hiss!

    They go on to tell us it is from 5172 – also nachash – To hiss or whisper an incantation, magic spell.

    So a Serpent could be a hissing (conjuring) Sorcerer/Sorceress – Priest/Priestess!

    LOL! This is getting long, but it gives you an idea about what I was saying.
  19. Neutral

    Neutral New Member Past Donor

    Jan 3, 2010
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    Let me get this straight, you begin a thread about random mythological creatures and ask, "I am a rational human being and cannot accept them, how can anyone?"

    When someone points out that they are most likely allegorical, a metaphore, are used in context that demonstrates different meaning, have translation errors ...

    You assure us that your meaning and measure of context are accurate.

    When we look a bit closer, to the context of the destruction of nations, and see that the first quote from Isiah requires .... ambiguity and deliberate scope within the various translations of the Bible, indeed spelled out in the KJB ... well, we are just wrong.

    When we point out that these things are actually quite common in atheist ciricles, indeed quote them and find sources for you that are identical in their passage and use of the text, you deny it - even as you acknowledge that you have seen these claims on atheist web sites.

    Finally, when we remind you that this bears all the hall marks of a quick proxy search, you confirm it by telling us - directly to the searchable site, where you typed in the very words and conducted a ... proxy search. Yet someone, the cirticism that you are using a proxy search to conduct non-contextual citation is inaccurate? Indeed it is us that are lying.

    So let me give you the short version Paladin. You are taking well known atheist cirtiques of the Bible, using the same processes they are, with the idea that you can sell the Bible as kind of D&D game where Jesus is ... absent.

    that would be a very bad idea, IMO, because the message you are spreading with that tool is already in use by atheists and others who seek miseducate.
  20. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    Yes. Ideas are always fine.

    I don't know what this means. Is Stroll another user or something?

    Huh? Do you really not understand that you misread this?
    Unicorns are not metaphorical in that text (implicit that there are other texts). Some of the 9 references (nine individual references, the total number of references in the King James Bible) to them (them being the unicorns, the subject of the leading sentence) could be (metaphorical). My grammar is accurate, and I was giving you that most of the unicorn references were clearly metaphorical. It is a perfectly coherent sentence demonstrating clearly, to ANYONE who reads it, that I was not referring to IsAiah 34:9. It is also clear that I knew the number of references, and their content prior to your accusation of a "proximity search", which by the way is a completely inaccurate term. A proximity search is the opposite of a global search. It means you only look within a specific area of a dataset for results.

    You will notice, in my previous post, I pointed out that I made an error. It did not have to be brought to me. I did not deny making the error.

    You should try it.

    It is the same verse I expect, because they are the least ambiguous references. I found that page after I had already compiled a list, while I was looking for ones I might have missed. I absolutely looked at that site... and I didn't like their approach.

    I told you from the onset that I found zombies and witches on the same site. I told you that I found the references, and then went and looked them up on bible gateway. That, is what you are accusing me of doing here, which I did not. Where I DID do it, it is not plagiarism. You get to find bible references on websites. You get to find dozens of them from dozens of sites, and quote the bible. MOST of my lookups were from memory. A live environment is much better for people like you. We can play debate the bible in real time. We can ask each other questions, and answer them without having the luxury of post times to mask Google searches. I went to Catholic schools, I studied Greek, Latin, World Religions, etc. from 7th grade through college. I mean... I just don't know what to tell you.

    I didn't say that. I said he advocated (prior to the fulfilment of the law) killing children who cursed their parents. He said not adhering to the law of God (through Moses) was a transgression against Gods commandments.
    Matthew 15:3-8
    Mark 7:9-13

    I found that by typing "die the death father" in bible gateway... because "die the death" returns too many results. I know the bible sir.

    The context is irrelevant, because the bible is not talking about unicorns that necessitates you grasp for some context to make "right". The bible is referring to a rhinoceros. What I am blabbering on about, is that YOU are the one taking it too literally, not me, which is why I am comfortable poking fun at it.

    I am pretty sure I sourced the KJV, which is the only thing I have copied or pasted, angry man. You know... I go to all the trouble to separate out the header, so that it doesn't duplicate information... I put in the little space after the number because it looks weird... I delete the little space before the number... I spend a lot of time making those little adjustments so that it looks nicer.

    You would think that if I had copied everything from websites, the formatting wouldn't be so uniform.

    I wouldn't know all of the answers you are asking for before you ask them, so that it confuses you when I provide references you are unaware of, and you think I am referring to verses. The source of all of your errors is presuming I am a person that I guess you are used to debating by defamation, and it probably usually sticks. I don't care. You are obnoxious the way you attack people. Count the personal attacks against you (goose egg)... then count the ones you have levied against me.

    I am only allowed to discuss the message of Jesus when discussing the bible? MY way of getting Jesus message across comes from the game I am toying with. Creating a game, which offends NOBODY, yet appeals to ALL Christian faiths. You simply stick to the bible of choice... and conduct yourself as the character you are playing. You can be Sampson, David, or Joshua, for instance. The similar classes would be Barbarian (brute strength, constitution, stamina), Paladin (Holy warrior, High stamina, dexterity, Vitality), Priest (High intelligence, mentality, vitality). You cannot be Jesus or God... or Moses for that matter. They are NPCs... otherwise everyone would fight to be Jesus... and this way... everyone is really playing Jesus. You provide quests which lay the foundation for which the Old Testament is provided, on a timeless map of the middle east/Africa. I really don't think you understand what I am trying to do, engaging kids in bible history... and conducting their characters in the ultimate WWJD game in order to advance.

    Yes... I know. You seem to miss a lot of my posts.

    Post 31
    Post 26
    That statement has a mistake by the way... it is the Latin Vulgate, not the NIV which has 3 references to Unicorns. The NIV just calls everything a Wild Ox. However you will run into singular and plurality problems with horns in several.

    Post 19
    Huh? The original post of mine you quoted was QUOTING IsAiah 34. I had posted verse 7 in the next post. Wtf is wrong with you? Why do you just make things up? I NEVER said there was "nothing whatsoever" to IsAiah 34. You are absolutely fabricating things now.
  21. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    I did... I CLEARLY DID EVERYTHING I HAVE CLAIMED TO AS EVIDENCED BY MY PROVIDING THESE ANSWERS BEFORE THEY WERE ASKED. I am not going back in time and posting 3 pages ago after having looked it up because YOU ARE JUST CATCHING ON.

    There you go genius. You got the joke. "Call me psychic" was a reference to you saying I think can read minds.

    You found a website that also mentions 3 of the 16 creatures I posted. You can pretend that is theft if it makes you feel better.

    AD&D and the bible may be more similar than you are comfortable with... that is not my issue. It might be closer to the Koran than you like too. Might be closer to the Book of Mormon than you are comfortable with. Might be closer to a lot of things than you like.

    We do what we do because of who we are, not because of what others do.

    THIS, is who you are. THIS is how you react to people. THIS is how you treat people, because THIS is who you are.

    Own it.
  22. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    Yeah... I corrected that

    Lol... its getting late... Ill look at it tomorrow.
  23. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    You are just a time vampire.

    Fundamentalists believe EVERY WORD OF THE BIBLE LITERALLY. If this is not you, THEN THE QUESTIONS DON'T (*)(*)(*)(*)ING APPLY TO YOU.
  24. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    I would like to say and prove that you are correct on your analysis of that statement in red above; but I cannot attest to it. The reason I would like to help you prove that statement to be true, is because I have been accused of being a fundamentalist: Should your statement be true, then it would prove that I am not a fundamentalist... I don't believe EVERY WORD OF THE BIBLE LITERALLY. You see, it is almost always Atheists or other non-Theists that desire to give a literal interpretation to the scriptures, and I am not an Atheist either, nor a non-Theist. Please be right in your statements.
  25. Ingledsva

    Ingledsva New Member

    Oct 14, 2011
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    You know that isn't really true.

    The majority of people whom believe the Bible to be literally true - are Christians.

    It is amazing to me how many Christians believe the Noah's Ark story is true. Or the talking Snake, and talking donkey, etc.

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