Tracking the COVID-19-Virus in Germany, the USA, Italy and other hot spots in the world

Discussion in 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) News' started by Statistikhengst, Mar 14, 2020.

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  1. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    It's the title from one of Frost's poems from FROSTIANA


    "Stopping by the Woods on a snowy evening".
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2023
    daisydotell and Sallyally like this.
  2. gnoib

    gnoib Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    Snow sucks.
    It started snowing 5 days ago and has not stopped since then 4 feet on the ground
    Statistikhengst and Sallyally like this.
  3. Sallyally

    Sallyally Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Bottoms up!
    Statistikhengst and Hey Now like this.
  4. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    As promised HERE, the EOQ1 analysis for 2023 is being produced today.

    But first, some pre-analysis data for you.

    Here all 7 screenshots from the WorldOMeter table for C19 for 2023-03-031, recorded today using the "2 days ago function":

    2023-03-031 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 001.png 2023-03-031 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 002.png 2023-03-031 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 003.png 2023-03-031 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 004.png 2023-03-031 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 005.png 2023-03-031 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 006.png 2023-03-031 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 007.png
    Sallyally likes this.
  5. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    2nd, we have to deal with the difference between growth rates that were calculated for the weekly input (7 days) and the growth rate that has been calculated for this quarter, which is a 90 day period. Until EOQ2, this statistic won't make much sense, but at the individual excel tables, there is also the calculated daily average for cases, deaths and tests and so this can be used as a comparison.

    Here three examples:

    2023-03-031 Covid-19  Iraq 000 - as example.png

    In Iraq, the +438 cases over an entire quarter make for a growth rate of +0.02%, which looks almost identical to CW-51 of 2022. However, 90 days / 7 day cycle = the actual corresponding number would be 0.02% / 12.85, which makes for +0.0015%. But instead of having to do such wild head math, look at Column O instead (cases daily avg) and here you can see that those +438 cases averaged to +4.9 cases per day, way, way, way under the +104.6 case average from CW-51 of 2022.

    2023-03-031 Covid-19  Hong Kong 000 - as example.png

    Same thing in Hong Kong, where the growth rate looks larger than CW-51, but when you check out Column, O, you get the true picture via daily avg vs. daily avg. But in this screenshot I highlighted column M to show a phenomenon that is happening most everywhere, namely that the number of active cases is emptying out, another sign that that nation is close to completely ending its C19 statistics.

    2023-03-031 Covid-19  Serbia 000 - as example.png

    In Serbia, we see a growth rate that is so much larger, it could actually mean that that nation was one of the few that actually surged ahead in Q1 of 2023 and if you look at column O, indeed, Serbia surged slightly ahead. I suspect that most of this happened in January since then, Serbia (and other nations like it) have been sliding down.

    3rd, in the concise weekly analyses, I had been screenshotting the dreadnaught nations, defined by me as nations over 30,000,000 total C19 cases. I will be discontinuing this and only including the USA in the concise analyses, but since both South Korea and Japan crossed over the 30,000,000 line shortly after the New Year, I am including those screenshorts here as pre-data, without so much schnick-schnack:

    2023-03-031 Covid-19 USA 000.png
    2023-03-031 Covid-19 INDIA 000.png
    2023-03-031 Covid-19 FRANCE 000.png
    2023-03-031 Covid-19 GERMANY 000.png
    2023-03-031 Covid-19 BRAZIL 000.png
    2023-03-031 Covid-19 JAPAN 000.png
    2023-03-031 Covid-19 SOUTH KOREA 000.png
    Sallyally likes this.
  6. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    REFERENCE LINK, 2022 EDITION (new standing disclaimer as of 2022, written December 31,2021, online libraries, screenshot overflow links) / Also: OLDER EXCEL TRACKING DATA (2020-2021)

    COVID-19 2023 EOQ1 analysis:
    2023-01-001 through 2023-03-031, 90 day time-frame
    (UTC +0, Greenwich = 20:00 ET)


    ΏΏΏΏΏΏ֍֍֍֍֍֍* 683,947,806 *֍֍֍֍֍֍ ΏΏΏΏΏΏ

    +18,937,404 quarterly cases // daily avg = +210,417 = 146.1 new cases per minute
    tendency: drastically reduced

    +134,357 quarterly deaths // daily avg = 1,493 = 1.0 new death every minute,
    tendency: receding

    30,000,000: JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA
    10,000,000: TAIWAN, ARGENTINA
    6,000,000: AUSTRIA


    The number of serious/critical (ICU) cases worldwide: 39,910 (EOY 2022: 40,664) - this statistic has barely budged


    2023-03-031 Covid-19 WORLDWIDE 000.png

    Q1 of 2023 showed a drastic daily reduction in +cases and mild reduction in +deaths.

    Of the 87 nations I have been tracking, only 19 recorded a verifiable surge over CW-51 of 2022, but some of those surges are very lean and some were of nations who produced no new stats at EOY 2022, but rather, dumped them in the first week of 2023. Those nations are: India, Russia, Iran, Poland, Ukraine, South Africa, Romania, Serbia, New Zealand, Georgia, Pakistan, Lebanon, Ecuador, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Dominican Republic and Moldova. Three other nations had a daily average almost identical to CW-51 of 2022: Czechia, Tunisia and Nepal. The other 65 nations all showed a substantial reduction in +cases during Q1 of this year. 8 of those 66 showed massive dropoffs in their statistics: Colombia, Hong Kong, Iraq, Finland, Slovenia, Croatia, Bolovia and Latvia.

    To put this +18 million quarterly cases in perspective, this quarterly statistic was less than either CW-02, CW-03, CW-04 or CW-05 in January/February 2022!

    In terms of +deaths, the picture looks more even. 3 nations logged more daily average deaths than in CW-51 of 2022: UK, Taiwan and Iran. 10 other nations logged a daily average very close to the avg from CW-51 of 2022: USA, Spain, Australia, Poland, Ukraine, Belgium, South Africa, Romania, Slovakia and Ireland. The other 64 nations showed a measurable reduction in +deaths.

    My sense is that we will see less than half of the +cases in Q2 of 2023 than we saw in Q1. As far as +deaths is concerned, I am not so sure. Wait and see.

    The Rubrik worktable and history file will no longer be updated.

    For the WorldOMeter raw data, see: EOQ Pre-data 001, posted 2023-04-002, 15:12 UTC+1, #14429.

    Ώ** 106,220,486 **Ώ
    +3,547,369 quarterly cases // daily avg = 39,415 = 27.4 new cases every minute, tendency: drastically reduced

    +36,695 quarterly deaths // daily avg = 408 = 0.3 deaths every minute, tendency: practically identical to CW-51

    2023-03-031 Covid-19 USA 000.png


    Here by total cases, descending:

    2023-03-031 Covid-19  ZZZ WORLDWIDE - top 87 by total cases.png

    The 87 nations I am tracking accounted for 97.75% of all worldwide cases and 96.63% of all deaths during the week being analysed, almost identical to CW-51 of 2022. This is how stable the tracking is.

    Here sorted by +cases / +avg cases:

    2023-03-031 Covid-19  ZZZ WORLDWIDE - top 87 by avg daily cases.png

    The Quarter analysed saw 5 countries with both over +10,000 avg daily cases, a mere fraction of what we saw at the heighth of the pandemic in 2022.

    Here the same 87-nation list, sorted by growth rate:

    2023-03-031 Covid-19  ZZZ WORLDWIDE - top 87 by growth rate.png

    In this posting above (EOQ Pre-data 002, postest 2023-04-002, 15:27 UTC+1, #14430) I mentioned that a quarterly growth rate cannot be compared with a weekly growth rate. Interesting is that throughout 2022, it was between the 17th and 22nd ranked nation (or nations) that came the closest to the world-wide growth rate. Now, stretched over an entire quarter, that phenomenon has not changed. However, column O of each individual excel table can let us compare the calculated daily averages and there we are once again on even terrain.


    Here by total deaths, descending:

    2023-03-031 Covid-19  ZZZ WORLDWIDE - top 87 deaths by total deaths.png

    Here the deaths by by +deaths and +daily average deaths:

    2023-03-031 Covid-19  ZZZ WORLDWIDE - top 87 by total plus deaths, plus avg deaths.png

    66 out of 87 tracked nations had less than 10 C19 deaths per day and 15 of them had literally 0 deaths or 0 average daily deaths.

    By growth rate:

    2023-03-031 Covid-19  ZZZ WORLDWIDE - top 87 deaths by growth rate.png

    Again, this one will be hard to gauge until we also have a quarterly growth rate statistic for Q2 of this year, but as you can see, these growth rates for 57 out of 87 nations were unter +2%, which makes for less than +0.15% growth rate per day. A +10% daily growth rate comes slowly into the exponential range, this is less than 1/67th of that.....


    Here ONLY by +tests, in descending order:

    2023-03-031 Covid-19  ZZZ WORLDWIDE - top 87 tests by plus tests, plus avg tests.png

    You can see that as of rank 50, 38 nations provided no new testing information at all, so naturally, there has been a huge reduction in testing, which is logical in lieu of the fact that many nations have declared the pandemic to be over and are slowing shutting down their C19 resources. However, there are some noteable exceptions, like Japan, Guatemala and Serbia.

    The next analysis, encompassing both Q1 and Q2, will span a time-frame of 181 days, which logically means that Q2 has 91 days, whereas Q1 had 90.

    Last edited: Apr 2, 2023
    Sallyally likes this.
  7. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Just a very short update for along the way:

    Covid-19 2023-04-025 short update.png

    India, a nation of 1.4 BILLION people, is now down to *officially* 63,380 cases, which is less than a visible drop in the bucket.
    And Indonesia, a land of 280 MILLION people (not much less than the USA, to note), is now down to *officially* 10,580 cases, which is proportionally the same as India.
    Similarly, Germany, a nation of 83 MILLION people, is now down to *officially* 40,624 cases, which maybr like 5 drops in their bucket.
    And similarly to Germany, the Netherlands, a nation of 17 MILLION people, is now down to *officially* 2,249 cases, which is a lot like Germany's bucket.

    Both Taiwan and Argentina have completely closed out and frozen their C-19 statistics, landing at 0 active cases a piece. Those two nations now join North Korea in my top 87 tracking.

    In Q1 of 2023, the world added only +19 million cases. It looks like, based on what I am seeing right now, that the number of +cases for Q2 of 2023 will be less than half of what it was for Q1. Stay tuned.

    Therefore, my decision to only report quarterly and slowly close this thing up was indeed the logical decision to make.


    Sallyally likes this.
  8. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Update: I will be vacationing from July 1st to July 15th, as presumed would be the case. So, the half-year report will first come out in the third week of July, using the wayback machine. Already I can tell you that the number of new Covid-19 cases has drastically dropped, also testing, since most nations have declared an official end to the pandemic. So, the reports that will come out in this year are likely to be somewhat anticlimatictic but yet still noteworthy data-points.

    Sallyally and Hey Now like this.
  9. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Before I start on the Half-year analysis, a number of screenshots in advance.

    First, the complete WorldOMeter table for 2023-06-030:

    2023-06-030 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 001.png 2023-06-030 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 002.png 2023-06-030 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 003.png 2023-06-030 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 004.png 2023-06-030 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 005.png 2023-06-030 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 006.png 2023-06-030 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 007.png
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  10. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Second, the WorldOMeters tables for 2023-06-030, sorted by continents:

    2023-06-030 Covid-19 CONTINENTAL - Africa.png 2023-06-030 Covid-19 CONTINENTAL - Asia.png 2023-06-030 Covid-19 CONTINENTAL - Europe.png 2023-06-030 Covid-19 CONTINENTAL - North America.png 2023-06-030 Covid-19 CONTINENTAL - Oceana.png 2023-06-030 Covid-19 CONTINENTAL - South America.png
    Sallyally likes this.
  11. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    REFERENCE LINK, 2022 EDITION (new standing disclaimer as of 2022, written December 31,2021, online libraries, screenshot overflow links) / Also: OLDER EXCEL TRACKING DATA (2020-2021)

    COVID-19 2023 Half-Year analysis:
    2023-01-001 through 2023-06-030, 181 day time-frame
    (UTC +0, Greenwich = 20:00 ET)


    ΏΏΏΏΏΏ֍֍֍֍֍֍֍֍ 690,574,761 ֍֍֍֍֍֍֍֍ ΏΏΏΏΏΏ

    +25,944,456 Half-year cases // daily avg = +143,340 = 99.5 new cases per minute
    tendency: substantially reduced
    +7,006,955 quarterly cases (Q2 over Q1) // daily avg = +77,000 = 53.5 new cases per minute
    tendency: drastically reduced

    +198,480 half-year deaths // daily avg = 1,097 = 0.76 new deaths every minute,
    tendency: receding
    +64,123 quarterly deaths (Q2 over Q1) //daily avg = 705 = 0.5 new death every minute, tendency: starkly receding

    The number of serious/critical (ICU) cases worldwide: 37,309 (EOY 2022: 40,664)
    [ 2023-06-030 Covid-19  000 -Worldwide 000.png

    Q2 of 2023 showed a drastic daily reduction in +cases and +deaths.

    Over the entire half-year, our world advanced +25,944,456 cases, +18,937,501 were from Q1 and only +7,006,955 were from Q2.
    Broken down percentually, 73% of all new half-year cases were recorded in Q1, the remaining 27% were recorded in Q2.

    To put this in perspected, the +7,006,955 cases recorded in Q2 of 2023 were less than the two heaviest days of the pandemic overall, on 2022-01-020 and 021:


    Similarly, for deaths, over the entire half-year, our world advanced +198,480 deaths, +134,357 were from Q1 and only +64,123 were from Q2.
    Broken down percentually, 67.7% of all new half-year deaths were recorded in Q1, the remaining 32.3% were recorded in Q2.

    Of the 87 nations I have been tracking, only only single nation recorded a verifiable surge over Q1 of 2023: India

    91 days ago, I wrote the following:

    It ends up that I was quite correct about this.

    Of course, this all hangs together with a massive drop in testing, which was to be expected as more and more nations have declared an end to the pandemic and are letting the testing funds dry out during the course of this year.

    For the WorldOMeter raw data as confirmation, see the two postings right above this one.

    Ώ******* 107,310,869 *******Ώ

    +4,637,752 Half-year cases // daily avg = +25,623 = 17.8 new cases per minute
    tendency: substantially reduced

    +1,093,383 quarterly cases (Q2 over Q1) // daily avg = +11,982 = 8.3 new cases per minute
    tendency: drastically reduced

    +49,755 half-year deaths // daily avg = 275 = 0.19 new deaths every minute,
    tendency: receding
    +13,060 quarterly deaths (Q2 over Q1) //daily avg = 144 = 0.1 new death every minute, tendency: starkly receding

    2023-06-030 Covid-19  000 -USA 000.png

    Ώ** 44,994,228 **Ώ

    2023-06-030 Covid-19  000 -INDIA 000.png
    You can work out the India averages for yourself.

    Here by total cases, descending:

    2023-06-030 Covid-19  ZZZ WORLDWIDE - top 87 by total cases.png
    The 87 nations I am tracking accounted for 97.79% of all worldwide cases and 96.63% of all deaths during the week being analysed, almost identical to CW-51 of 2022. This is how stable the tracking is.

    Here sorted by +cases / +avg cases:

    2023-06-030 Covid-19  ZZZ WORLDWIDE - top 87 by plus cases, plus avg cases.png

    The Quarter analysed saw 3 countries with both over +10,000 avg daily cases, a mere fraction of what we saw at the heighth of the pandemic in 2022.

    Here the same 87-nation list, sorted by growth rate:

    2023-06-030 Covid-19  ZZZ WORLDWIDE - top 87 by growth rate.png

    In this posting above (EOQ Pre-data 002, postest 2023-04-002, 15:27 UTC+1, #14430) I mentioned that a quarterly growth rate cannot be compared with a weekly growth rate. The same applies for half-year growth-rate.

    Here by total deaths, descending:

    2023-06-030 Covid-19  ZZZ WORLDWIDE - top 87 by total deaths.png

    Here the deaths by by +deaths and +daily average deaths:

    2023-06-030 Covid-19  ZZZ WORLDWIDE - top 87 by avg deaths, avg daily deaths.png

    71 out of 87 tracked nations had less than 10 C19 deaths per day and 18 of them had literally 0 deaths or 0 average daily deaths.

    By growth rate:

    2023-06-030 Covid-19  ZZZ WORLDWIDE - top 87 by deaths growth rate.png

    Here ONLY by +tests, in descending order:


    You can see that as of rank 50, 35 nations provided no new testing information at all, so naturally, there has been a huge reduction in testing, which is logical in lieu of the fact that many nations have declared the pandemic to be over and are slowing shutting down their C19 resources. However, many other nations recorded just a smattering of cases.

    Also, by total tests:

    2023-06-030 Covid-19  ZZZ WORLDWIDE - top 87 by total tests.png

    Finally, 2 other key factors should be noted that at not in the tables.

    12 nations have totally zeroed out (no active cases) or frozen their statistics:

    Cyprus, Belarus, Mongolia, Ecuador, Slovakia, Jordan, Peru, N. Korea, Ukraine, Netherlands, Taiwan, UK

    And 25 nations have less than 2,000 active cases:

    Palestine, Sri Lanka, Bahrain, Azerbaijjan, Latvia, Belarus, Nepal, Uruguay, Panama, Cuba, Croatia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Norway, Ireland, Jordan, Iraq, Serbia, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Czechia, Chile, Argentina, India.

    Pretty soon, those nations will also be zeroed out.

    Whether or not these statistics pick up stream in Q3 or not is anyone's guess. I suspect that we will land at about +4,000,000 cases for Q3 and another +2,000,000 in Q4. Wait and see.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2023
    Sallyally likes this.
  12. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Sooooo, seeing that these statistics are truly slowing down to a trickle, I will probably just input the Q3 data and publish a very scant report and than wait until the end of this year to do the final, very extensive analyses and then adieu!

    Sallyally and gnoib like this.
  13. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    We are now 5,5 weeks into Q3 of 2023 and as of today, our world has jumped just a little more than +2,000,000 cases. There are fourteen weeks in Q3 of 2023. So, we are 39% there for this quarter. If we extrapolate this out to the end of Q3:

    2,000,000 / ,39 = +5,128,205 cases.

    At the end of Q2 only calculated over Q1, it was +7,066,955 cases.

    So, we are seeing strong evidence that the C19 data is drying out more and more.

    Just to note.
    gnoib and Sallyally like this.
  14. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    Here are some of the many Covid 19 trackers:

    It is important to note there are different strains of Covid 19 each with their own rates:

    At the present time the strains can be broken down in terms of % of the rates of those with it as follows:
    XBB.1.16, -14.8%
    XBB.2.3 -13%
    subvariants: 1.5, XBB.1.16 and XBB.1.9.1."

    So it is important to understand the rates depend on which strain and where you are geographically.

    EG.5 is the latest and newest mutation or strain or evolution of the original omicron virus which has appeared to now no longer exist (that is a guess of course because just because its no longer found in patients does not mean it remains unreported in patients who never show signs of it or report it)

    The UK Health Security Agency reports EG.5 making up approximately 14.6 per cent (1 in 7) of its cases of Covid in the UK while the US Center for Disease Control estimate tEG.5 accounts for roughly 17.3 per cent (1 in 6) of its latest cases.

    EG.5 or Eris continues to be a health risk for people with chronic conditions, i.e., any lung issue,(asthma,pneumonia, emphysema, lung cancer) lupus, cancer, organ transplant recipients, people with diabetes, over 65, people with heart disease, circulatory diseases of the blood.

    It most certainly can still make healthy people ill and healthy people could catch it and spread it to a vulnerable person without knowing dismissing their own symptoms as minor or having invisible symptoms so not even know they have it.

    These rates go up and down. In the summer the rates go down as people are outdoors. In the winter as people head back in to locked homes and buildings with poor air circulation the rates go back up.

    Is it gone. No. Viruses don't vanish. They evolve into new strains. What is known is there is now a direct correlation between the ability to have contained the spread thanks to people who took vaccines and engaged in safe practices. Those practices also cut down on the common cold and the many strains of flu that can spread.

    Yes the WHO rescinded its world emergency order. However right now in China there is still a very real issue with wide spread Covid variants and as long as that is the case it can spread into new forms.

    Also let us be very clear. The filthy market practices that lead to these viruses has not changed. It will continue to develop new strains that spread world wide no different than the Asian flu, Swine flu, on and on.

    ? There is more than one strain of this virus. As one lessens in spread another increases. There is actually a new strain arising. Each strain has its own projected cycle. What is crystal clear is the taking of vaccines has had the expected impact of curtailing the spread by cutting down on the likelihood of someone having it long enough to spread it to many people. Covid 19 is evolving as we speak and new Omicron strains are developing. As long as humans handle food in a dangerous manner mixing hand contact with blood, feces and urine, it will continue. Nothing in the open markets of China has changed. For that matter viruses could be evolving in similar open markers in Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, third world countries where proper sanitation of meat handling is not practiced. Where it spreads to and where it comes from is always a crap shoot.

    Is it spreading like it once did no. Is it disappearing no. Is its circulation down most certainly.
    Sallyally likes this.
  15. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    thanks for the additional infos. Much appreciated.
  16. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    But you are still right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its nice to be back to "normal"....well except for the constant crap in Ukraine and Trump you know. I hate to say it but I wish both Trump and Putin died.

    As for these viruses, its life. They come and they go and thank God we have dedicated doctors and first responders. I know nurses and senior care attendants who got so sick from Covid and came right back knowing they could get sick again. Wow.

    Despite the conspiracy theorists the vast majority of us did the right thing taking the vaccine and distancing and still will. Screw these negative people. Your positive note on the matter was also needed.
  17. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Just a short update. This is how many +cases and +deaths were reported two days ago, on Saturday, 2023-09-002:

    2023-09-002 major C-19 letdown.png

    I input the totals from this morning (they are actually from 2023-09-003 since until now, 0 +cases and 0 +deaths have been reported) and input the totals on my excel worksheet for the worldwide values just to see where we stand, as if today were the last day of Q3 (of course, it is not, this is just for demonstrative purposes):

    2023-09-003 C-19 world figure comparison.png

    As of yesterday, with 27 more days to go in this quarter (Q3), our world has advanced +3,749,408 cases and +15,985 deaths. That's 53.51% of the total +cases accumulated in Q2 over Q1 and 24.93% of +deaths using the same metric.

    If you look at the total +cases for the last full week in 2022, Sunday, Christmas Day, 2022-12-025, you will see that our world advanced +3,936,306 cases and +13,905 deaths in one week. For all of this quarter (Q3), we are currently still under that figure,although that may change somewhat. Since a quarter contains right around 12 weeks, then we can say that the amount of +cases and +deaths thus far in Q3 2023 is currently at least 12 times less than the last full week in 2022.

    In this posting from 2023-07-024, I wrote the following:

    So, some simple math: Avg daily +cases at current (table, column O) +40,754 * 27 days = 1,100,538 new cases until the end of the month if this trend holds = 1,100,538 +3,749,408 = 4,849,766.

    Same thing for +deaths. Current daily avg = +174 * 27 = 4,698 + 15,985 would equal +20,683.

    However, in the last two weeks I have seen a massive drop off everywhere, which means that this daily average may shrink a lot in the next 10 days. Therefore, in 10 days, on 2023-09-014.

    No matter how you slice it, Q3 shows a massive dropoff over Q2 and I suspect that that trend will be even more extreme in Q4 as many nations, I am quite sure, are planning to simply stop their C19 statistics, which makes sense as the pandemic has been officially declared to be over.

    Last edited: Sep 4, 2023
    Sallyally likes this.
  18. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    As of today, out of the 87 nations I have been tracking, 11 have closed out their active case statistics, meaning they are reflecting 0 active cases, and 3 others simply are not publishing either cured or active cases, so that makes for 14 out of 87, or 16% of the nations that have been in my tracking:

    2023-09-019 Covid-19 countries zeroed out.png

    This does not mean that Covid-19 is going away, but rather, only that a number of nations are no longer tracking their statistics.

    Estimates are that soon in the USA there may be as many as 600,000 new infections per day, only most will be so mild and almost nobody will go get tested, so if a bear shits in the woods but you weren't there, did he really **** in the woods, or not...

    Sallyally likes this.
  19. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    REFERENCE LINK, 2022 EDITION (new standing disclaimer as of 2022, written December 31,2021, online libraries, screenshot overflow links) / Also: OLDER EXCEL TRACKING DATA (2020-2021)

    COVID-19 2023 Q3 quick analysis:
    (UTC +0, Greenwich = 20:00 ET)


    ΏΏΏΏΏΏ֍֍֍֍֍֍֍֍****** 696,033,338 ******֍֍֍֍֍֍֍֍ ΏΏΏΏΏΏ

    +5,078,577 quarterly cases // daily avg = +55,202 = 38.3 new cases per minute, it was 53.5 at Q2
    tendency: reduced

    +25,898 quarterly deaths // daily avg = 282 = 0.2 new death every minute, it was 0.5 at Q2
    tendency: starkly receding

    The number of serious/critical (ICU) cases worldwide: 37,993 (Q2 2023: 37,309)
    2023-09-030 Covid-19  000 -Worldwide 000.png

    Before this very brief analysis begins, in the half-year analysis, I wrote this:

    Q3 of 2023 showed a daily reduction in +cases and a drastic reduction in +deaths.

    I wrote that we would probably land at about +4 million cases in Q3, we landed at almost exactly +5 million cases, a bit richer than I thought. We may or may not officially break the 700 million barrier, because a lot of nations have either completely frozen their statistics or zeroed the active cases out, or both, but I suspect we will at least crawl to 699 million when all is said and done.

    Here the World-o-meter tables (mistakenly marked by me as 2023-09-023 instead of 2023-09-030, the lighting was bad last night and I was worn out from work, so cut me a little slack, here...)

    2023-09-030 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 001.png 2023-09-030 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 002.png 2023-09-030 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 003.png 2023-09-030 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 004.png 2023-09-030 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 005.png 2023-09-030 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 006.png 2023-09-030 Covid-19  Worldwide 001 - total cases 007.png

    But to prove that that is indeed the correct table, here the WAYBACK Link to 2023-10-002, use the "2-days ago function"

    Ώ******** 108,749,266 ********Ώ

    +1,438,397 quarterly cases // daily avg = +15,635 = 10.9 new cases per minute, it was 8.3 at Q2
    tendency: somewhat increased

    +9,133 quarterly deaths //daily avg = 99 = 0.06 new death every minute, tendency: receding
    2023-09-030 Covid-19  000 -USA 000.png
    28.32% of all worldwide +cases and 35.3% of all worldwide +deaths occured in the USA. For a nation that accounts for 4.1% of the entire world's population, that really is a thing, you know.

    For this short analysis, I am not using any special tables, but rather, making lists.

    Out of the 87 nations I have been tracking, following data points for Q3:

    69 nations showed a decrease in +cases.

    However, 13 showed an increase in +cases: Dominican Republic, Bahrain, Paraguay, Ecuador, Lebanon, Lithuania, Ireland, Romania (large rise), Portugal (large rise), Netherlands (large rise), Argentina, Taiwan & USA.

    5 showed a steady trend: Guatemala, Georgia, Czechia, Italy and Germany.

    79 nations showed a decrease in +deaths.

    However, 6 showed an increase in +deaths: Guatemala, Singapore, Hong Kong, Peru, Portugal, Argentina

    1 showed an almost identical statistic to Q2: Canada (+933 deaths in Q3 / +930 deaths in Q2)

    69 nations showed a change of some sort in their statistics.

    However, 19 froze their complete statistics over Q2, or perhaps much farther back in time: Palestine, Cyprus, Saudi Arabia, Belarus, Uruguay, UAE, Tunisia, Kazahkstan, Jordan, Iraq, S. Africa, North Korea, Ukraine, Austria, Greece, Spain, Turkey, Japan & France.

    Of those 69 that showed a change in some sort, 12 froze just their +death statistic (they reported no new deaths at all in Q3): Estonia, Kuwait, Dominican Republic, Nepal, Mongolia, Morocco, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Switzerland, Chile & Vietnam. This means that 31 nations out of my 87 reported no new deaths at all, which probably accounts for the steep drop in new Covid-19 deaths, a good sign.

    In terms of active cases:
    69 nations showed a change of some sort in the active cases.

    However, 12 nations have now zeroed-out their active cases: Cyprus, Mongolia, Ecuador, Denmark, Peru, Ukraine, Austria, Greece, Netherlands, Taiwan, S. Korea, France.

    And of the nations that had a decrease in +case / +deaths, 11 nations experienced an extreme drop.

    In +deaths: UK (6 fold drop) /India (43-fold drop)

    In +cases: Brazil (4-fold), Russia (5-fold), Chile, Malaysia & Mexico (6 fold), Phillipines (almost 10-fold), Vietnam (29-fold), Indonesia (46-fold), India (60-fold!).

    All of these data points tell me that most nations are preparing to close out their C-19 statistics if for no other reasons than budgetary reasons. And frankly, as C-19 deaths continue to drop, then I think the point is well taken.
    The yearly analysis will of course be huge and in many parts and then I will be finished with this project.


    Last edited: Oct 3, 2023
    gnoib and Sallyally like this.
  20. Sallyally

    Sallyally Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I didn’t think people would still be dying now.
    Will we ever know the true toll suffered by China?
  21. Heartburn

    Heartburn Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2015
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    The Chinese probably don't even know.
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  22. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    No. China will always lie.
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  23. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    I was offline for about 3 weeks as there was a major construction accident in my neighborhood and I was without internet, cabel TV and landline for about three weeks. But I am now back!
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  24. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    It's looks like we are heading toward +2.6 million new C19 cases for Q4 thus far (October and November together), which is going to put us extremely close to or maybe just over the official total of 700 million cases by year's end. In terms of deaths, +deaths have actually picked up thus far in this quarter, so now the question is whether or not that is a true pick-up or whether nations are simply cleaning up their books. It may be a little bit of both.

    At any rate, in just over 5 weeks I will be publishing the final anayses from this more than 3 year long project and as already stated, I will then ask Falena to officially close this thread, for it will have served its purpose.


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  25. gnoib

    gnoib Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    You better watch out brother.

    My bio-brother and his wife caught Covid, just 3 days before they had an appointment for the booster shot.
    They were sick as dogs for 2 weeks.

    Brother brought it home, he helped loading a truck with donated medical equipment for the Ukraine. One of the guys was positive and donated the virus to the whole crew.
    Statistikhengst and Sallyally like this.
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