So a lot is said about suicide among young transgender folks, and most who speak about it blame those outside of that group who do not approve of and celebrate their “brave” decision. What if the truth is actually that they are committing suicide because this community of people is telling them they are not who they genetically actually are, and have convinced them they must become someone they can’t become? the truth is no biological male will ever be a woman! He can put on the costume right down to surgically altering his body, but his dna will always be male dna no matter what he does and his brain will always know this! Serious question.
This whole transgender recruitment thing is getting way out of hand and it's become just another tired absurdity that this old man simply can't comprehend. A couple months back my granddaughter through marriage (not blood but parent remarried to one of my kids) was down for a visit. She is currently identifying as a boy- new name, etc. but currently no medical stuff to try to alter her 14-year old body. Yet anyways. So the whole deal is this huge group participation fantasy that everyone works around. OK, I get it, it's complicated and I'll do what I can to keep the peace. So I call her by her adopted boy's name and try desperately, but occasionally futilely, to use the right pronouns. Invariably after every gathering I get to listen to an extended list of how many times my sad 60+ year old wholly male brain wandered off the reservation, but I try. So a couple months ago there was a wedding and she/he/it was there and everything was going fine. Until at some point this girl took a fit and removed herself from participation, sobbing, hysterical and desperately trying to be dealt with by the step parents. The crime? She got her monthly visitor. How could that happen?! She's changed her name. Everyone agrees she's now a boy. This is a crime! What can I say? No s**t Sherlock. You seriously expected different? And somehow being self described "transgender" will make anything better? Seriously. How the hell does any sane person deal with this nonsense?
I have a story about this too. Someone who is dating one of my family members has a son who just started college. Well one day this father got a telephone call from his son, asking him for money for a sex change transition. It came totally out of nowhere. The son didn't end up getting a sex change transition, and the last time the father met him he was with his new girlfriend, first girlfriend the guy has had in his life. He always had kind of a chunky body build growing up. How serious was this desire for a sex change transition? Was it just rooted in a passing whim? From this story it seems so. A backstory on the child, he was raised almost entirely by his mother. The mother was apparently crazy. The father left the mother because of her emotional craziness. She resented that he had left her, so she used her son as a bargaining chip, often refusing to allow the father to even visit his son. So the son grew up without getting to see much of his father. If the mother had not stood in the way, he would have had his son flown out to visit him more often.
I wouldn’t cave and call her by a preferred pronoun. I wonder if she knows that if she follows through with a transition she will never have kids, nor will body ever be considered whole again. I often wonder WTF the parents are thinking by enabling this BS
I'm sure in the distant future, wealthy transgender folk will be wanting genetic therapy to change their chromosomes. Not that that will really do anything, but just to try to prevent people from claiming they're not really the gender they transitioned to.
Biological woman who cut off breasts to become a trans "male" now regrets "huge mistake" Trans Male Becomes Female, Then Becomes Male Again, Now Going Female for 2nd Time
They are given the impression that they can stop the “ transition” at any time, but that is not true. I heard a woman recently telling her story where she started taking testosterone, removed her breasts and then immediately woke up and started asking herself “ what am I doing?”. The doctor asked her when she wanted to have her hysterectomy and she said she didn’t want to. He told her you have to, or you will get cancer! The testosterone treatments she previously took would cause her to have cancer if she kept her female reproductive organs. I think there is a malpractice case here. Informed consent protocols were not followed in her case.
Suicide is used as a threat. They're literally holding themselves hostage to try and get you to lie for them. The medical and psychology side of transgenderism is a scam to get money. Or to drum up business for hospitals.
She needs to Sue that doctor for malpractice and there needs to be a bunch of people that will donate to her so she can sue that piece of ****. once people start having to pay financially for this they'll stop doing it.