The version I am familiar with is I will not covet my neighbor’s wife which makes sense in ancient society for mitigating threats to social cohesion from the violence that would result from someone Fing someone’s wife. As for cheating, when you do you double your problems.
That's not a different version. Those are just two entirely separate commandments. On is not to cover your neighbor's wife and the other is to not commit adultery . . . which was punishable by death at the time.
He does do a really good job of diplomatic outreach to Christians and Messianic Jews... that is for certain. [I quoted you into that discussion in post number six, page one].... ..... "Could a court case taking place in Israel lead to the paying off of the national debt of USA and ..." ... and Israel..... and Canada... and on and on and on and on...... As you can tell from my 2006 and 2004 campaign writings I have believed for years that there is something terribly wrong with the Canadian banking and taxation system. www. BankingSystemFlaws.blogspot .com/ My 2008 campaign writing goes into how the Al Gore Carbon Tax theory is exaggerated by BigMedia in order to keep three hundred and fifty million Americans and forty one million Canadians confused... and DIVIDED. www. BankingSystemsFlaws.blogspot .ca/ I do hope that the following quotation from my Theology Professor Dr. Kevin Zadai does not get him into trouble but....... the situation right now is so serious that options all across the spectrum must be considered? Dr. Kevin Zadai, Prayer Secrets Level 1, Warrior Notes School of Ministry, lesson 4 : ... "Jesus said that this unbelieving world is not going to accept you, but He said, “Do not fear, for I have overcome the world.” What is it that is bothering you today? You might not think that you have access to the Father, but it has been provided to you. You might think that you cannot just go to the Father and ask Him for something. The first thing you should ask the Father is to open your eyes. Your relationship with God is going to drive out fear. You have to grasp that God is not limiting you. He has never limited you. The Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost and took the ceiling off. You can go as high and as far as you want. If you would believe, God would give you the ability to completely pay off our national debt. God has a way of paying off our debt in our country. There is a way to do it. God knows that secret. But instead of focusing on our country, what about focusing on your bills? What does the Holy Spirit want to tell you by pulling back a veil that will cause you to be debt-free within the year? That will happen if you believe. The Holy Spirit has so much more for you, but you have limited Him. Because you have limited Him, He can’t speak to you. Because of that, people that are prophetic can’t come to you and confirm what God has said because you won’t hear it. You can trust God. Relationships that you are having trouble with can be resolved tomorrow morning. If you accept what God is saying, the Spirit of God will enforce a blessing in your life to the point where you will see your family members and friends start to respond. " (Dr. Kevin Zadai, Prayer Secrets Level 1, Warrior Notes School of Ministry, lesson 4 )
Trump jokes by telling the truth. His tactic is to be brutally honest most of the time (Chris Christy is a fat pig!), then he throws in the BIG LIE when you least suspect it..."STOP THE STEAL!" Wendy Williams asked Trump what are the "favorite things he has in common" with his daughter? His reply was honest AND a joke. He replied: "Well...I was going to say SEX, but I can't because I can't blah, blah, blah." That suggests his favorite thing he had in common with his daughter was molesting her, but he can't say it (he DID say it) because it is too DISGUSTING! He has a history of sexual assault. Remember he said "When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do ANYTHING!" to Billy Bush, as a challenge to him to be a privileged "star" like he is. Trump ADVOCATES: hatred, greed, sexual assault, etc. and he is PROUD of it.
Come on man, think outside the box. All the religious prophet swear in his name. Kim Clement, the guy who predicted Trumps win in 2016, etc. May be he is the Antichrist but that's God's plan, you know.
How many of Clement's predictions have come true? Allan Lichtman is 90% accurate. He correctly predicted Trump's victory in 2016. He was correct 9 of the last 10 elections. I hope he is accurate this time that Trump will lose. It would be "God's Plan" only IF we now choose to go down that path, and 42 months after Trump/Musk take power the world ends. IF we don't choose that, the end of the world may have to wait for another Antichrist. Trump is only the latest in a long series of Antichrists.
Then you've got yourselves a civil war. Great! It is exactly God's plan because no man can alter it. Jesus said 'Heaven and Earth will pass but my words won't pass'. What do you care, you are 70 years old, soon you'll be gone anyway. We want the end of the world, we long the end of the world, we are looking forward to the end of the world.
Does anyone notice how crazy it sounds, that God would save only one of 200+ nations? Isn't that blasphemy?
you're right, Christians can do bad things too, there are good and bad Christians, just because one is a Christian, doesn't mean they are a good person
I am guessing that my statement over here in this other discussion may not surprise you all that much? The Ezekiel Temple Complex vs The Gihon Spring Third Jewish Temple? Theoretically a "Donald J. Trump Volunteerism Hour" and / or a "Donald J. Trump Volunteerism Dollar" and / or a "Donald J. Trump Volunteerism Shekel" could be used to pay off the national debts of both the USA as well as Israel. Last Saturday my wife had me listening to Prophet Robin Bullock and he predicted NEW MONEY because the old money had "cobwebs on it!" Dr. Cindy Jacobs predicted that the time was coming when the USA dollar and the Canadian dollar would go to par value. Dr. Kevin Zadai, Prayer Secrets Level 1, Warrior Notes School of Ministry, lesson 4 :
That means you want OTHER people's world to end. You are among those Christians that are praying to God that the world will end. You want MY world, and everybody else's world, to end. If you could launch nukes, you would! Thank God you are not in a position of power.
We know Trump from 10 years of his strange, unfiltered behavior. He likes to speak in BROAD, ambiguous generalizations and exaggeration, which means he wants us to interpret his wild claims in EVERY way. You, however, want to believe he only means a specific meaning that is comfortable for you. He projects all the time! Obviously when he spoke recently of Arnold Palmer's impressive penis, he is actually projecting on himself, that HE (Trump) has a big penis. Also, he projects the other way. Nancy Pelosi is "sick" and "evil" projecting his sickness and evil on somebody else.
I don't want your world to end, I want my world to end. I want my world nuked and you can do whatever you want with yours. And so do you. So, who's right? So, do you think that demonizing the devil is wrong? It's all political propaganda those qualifications. Me and you doing the same - seeing what we wanna see.
The Bible tells a story of Jesus being angry and flipping tables seeing the house of God being used for purposes other than worshiping God. It's a sad sight to see the house of worship in US being used for divisive political rally.
Adultery? There are dozens: "For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander". Look at the "works of the flesh" and seehow Trump checks majority of the boxes Works of the flesh: "Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: sexual immorality, impurity, indecent behavior, idolatry, witchcraft, hostilities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing" And none of the "fruits of the Spirit" "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."
"Pride has been labeled the worst of all sins and has been deemed the devil's most essential trait. C. S. Lewis writes in Mere Christianity that pride is the "anti-God" state [Antichrist], the position in which the ego and the self are directly opposed to God: it was through Pride that Lucifer became wicked: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind. Pride is understood to sever the spirit from God, as well as His life-and-grace-giving Presence." Seven deadly sins - Wikipedia
Did you miss the part in the video we're he said we need a savior and we have one. "it's not me. It's someone much higher up." The title of this thread is meant to say, "Trump says, Jesus Christ is the savior of America. But I understand the format is confusing.
Sorry, no that wasn't in the video but I see you got a nice image text with no context to prove it... Regardless being chosen by God to do important things isn't the same as claiming you are God. A lot of people are chosen.
Even the title makes sense to me because once the twelve tribes of Israel...... insisted that they be given a king........... they got their wish so now we are waiting for an "anointed king" who will attempt to turn Israel toward their Creaator... and in spite of his flaws..... Donald J. Trump has attempted to do that both in the United Stattes... but also in Israel by attempting to cooperate with some of what the Bible predicts for Israel. I would not be the slightest bit surprised that if President Trump is elected on November 5 that he will probably attempt to assist nine point four million Israelis to fulfill the Ezekiel chapters forty to forty eight temple complex..... and the fulfillment of Ezekiel chapter forty seven both literally as well as allegorically is the key to Shalom coming to the Middle East............. and for all the other prophecies for Israel in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and in the minor prophets and in the Law and in the Psalms to come to pass! The Ezekiel Temple Complex vs The Gihon Spring Third Jewish Temple? I believe that this article that appeared in 2016 was prophetic..... BIN EXCLUSIVE: Sanhedrin Asks Putin and Trump to Build Third Temple in Jerusalem ADAM ELIYAHU BERKOWITZ BIBLICAL NEWS NOVEMBER 10, 2016 3 MIN READ