According to Reuters, Trump announced he was joining the platform on Saturday, hours before he took the stage for his first campaign-style rally event since leaving office. Trump's verified account was confirmed by Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski. "It is a great way to reach the American people in a time of unprecedented assault on free speech in our country by Big Tech tyrants," Trump spokeswoman Liz Harrington told Reuters in an email. The move came after Trump was banned from other mainstream social media platforms, including Google's YouTube, in the wake of the Jan. 6 Capitol incursion. At least on YouTube, he remains banned indefinitely. Harrington said the decision to join Rumble was made independently of the former president's announced plans to set up his own platform rather than as a replacement outlet. I’m glad that President Trump is joining Rumble. It’s great that there are alternatives to big tech social media propaganda and censorship. Rumble is growing rapidly and Parler is back!
I thought trump was creating his own platforms to play victim on? Let me guess, like so many of his other ventures were a failure… seems the only thing he can profit off of is grifting and inherited businesses. Didn’t you get the memo from your right wing friends that the only people that are still talking about trump have tds? I am sure they will be along shortly to update you.
I can’t wait for Trump to unveil his new alternative social media. We on the conservative and religious believers side need to have outlets where we can freely exchange our ideas and express what we believe and whim me believe in.
Rumble modified their terms of service when he joined to include the ambiguous 'hate speech'. With Canadian law in regards to hate speech coming around the corner, Rumble will be hurting. They will also face being banned by Google apps and Apple. It's a tough hill to climb. They obviously changed the terms of service in preparation of him joining and I expect Trump to be banned fairly quickly.
Also, I disagree with Trump supporting a Canadian App when better free speech American companies exist such as It does not bode well for his America First Platform.
Ambiguous indeed, and in this case 'hate speech' will be extremely ambiguous but ultimately rooted in a singular concept: anything that is critical of the left.
I missed the supposed memo. I post positive items about our great and awesome former President from time to time. They are what usually draws out the real TDS sufferers to vent their venom . I’m still hopeful that Trump will run again in 2024.
It's a mix of Twitter and YouTube. If he wanted a video only free speech app, he could use gabtv. Honestly however, he should have his office post everything to all these platforms so that he has a wider net and cannot be banned.