For those interested in number games: Trump was the 45th president and, if elected again, would be the 47th president of the United States. 4 + 5 = 9 and 4 + 7 = 11, making the Orange Man the 9/11 president. Expect the Justice Department and the State Department, the twin towers of the “Deep State,” to come tumbling down.
We are living in a computer simulation where our lives are controlled by the "divine" programmers. Meaningful coincidences (synchronicity) are clues that our lives are following a script.
Uhuh. Well thanks for all that. So the divine programmers only passed on the "knowledge" of numbers to a select few whose job it is, is to ward off catastrophe by their analysis and ongoing communication of it. Luckily, none of that will happen, Mr Orange is going to strike out. Phew.
Trump comments on the Twin Towers: "I happen to think that they had not only a plane but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously because I just can't imagine anything being able to go through that wall" From the 19th minute:
Mr. Orange and his knowledge of physics is a thing? Scrape that barrel. See a thread with his name, ignore the daft premise and dump up his ramblings as though anything he says should be taken as factual. Meh!
The above vid censored by youtube can be viewed here: