Source (example): Ok ... all people with a bit of a mind and a sense of facts and realities on this planet know that Trump is a bastard and complete idiot who is also world champion in lying and spreading fake news. At the heart of the dispute are illegal subsidies for Airbus, especially by Spain, Germany, France and the UK, which have been found by the WTO and amount to approximately USD 8 billion. Nice ... but "so what"? The WTO has also found that the US does exactly the same thing at Boing at about the same height in USD ... but Trump does not mention this and neither he nor his fans want to do it or even know at all ... how they always ignore unpleasant facts or provide a shitstorm because of all lies and fake news etc. Equally ... funny that Donald Trump suddenly takes the opinion and view of the WTO as a reason ... because he had previously given the WTO a shitstorm like the WHO and doesn't believe in the WTO and wants to take the US out of it. Another strange thing... with this Dumbass... It is also interesting that Brexit does not change Trump's policies and actions ... If necessary in his eyes, the UK is just as much the target of threats and measures as everyone else ... but with Brexit UK is now alone to take on the USA ... or rather as a little defenseless David against Goliath USA to submit to the will of the USA like a slave. The EU has a measure against the USA ready in its drawer, which will then weigh just USD 11.3 billion ... only the UK has nothing of it because it is no longer a member of the EU and has to fight it alone...
"The U.S. Trade Representative wants to impose new tariffs on European exports like olives, beer, gin and trucks, while increasing duties on products including aircrafts, cheese and yogurt, according to a notice published late Tuesday evening. The statement lays out a month-long public comment period ending July 26." The swines. That is an end to the British olive oil business. If only we had stayed in the EU where our masters in the EU could have protected us.
Talking of Swines it also includes porkers and porky bits as well as Scotch....cardigans.....hoes and shovels....a real treasure trove of bits and bobs that the Americans can't make for themselves... and cheddar cheese...I think that can make cheese? The spray on stuff from Kraft.... Talking of food I think the best way to feed Trump is through a wood chipper but I guess the mad orange tw@t would come out smelling of roses....
....absolutely what....just more of the same and nothing really to fret about. It beats nattering on about COVID though.
If he can't rule the USA, he'll bring her down. At one point, the rest of the world will stop trading with the USA.
I have a suggestion for our brave American friends; hearing voices in your head is commonly known as a hallucination, hearing no voices but claiming to represent millions is primarily called ‘having a YouTube channel’ so, instead of giving him another term combine both anomalies and give him a YouTube channel! He can witter on and on about all those strange things that go on in his head till his hearts content but he won't actually do any further harm to America or its' people!
Don't dismiss this as a trifle ... Of course Donald Dumbass chose various goods for each country concerned what it exports to the USA. It is clear that you have no gigantic olive cultivation in the UK ... but with other things, eh? After the EU, most UK exports go into the USA... The whole thing is the fierce competition between Boing and Airbus. While Boing at home in the US practically survived or assimilated all other competitors of the past (apart from Lockheed Martin, but they nearly only do military) is one thing ... but Airbus from Europe is powerful like Boing and that annoys Boing really, especially if US Airlines buy Airbus instead of Boing aircraft. And now because of Corona, both Boing and Airbus are in bad shape with a drop in sales and with Boing is also the disaster with the 737 MAXX. So as Boing you let your deep relationship with Washington play and find a willing ally in Trump, the hater of EU and Europe in general. And if you take Airbus now, they are currently giving 13,500 British a job. Plus at least twice as many at Aisbus' suppliers in the UK ... and then we have Rolls Royce with the aircraft engine division, which is also on a black list because it competes with the American manufacturer Pratt & Whitney, for example, because not only all Airbus but even some Boings fly with RR engines ... e.g. the Boing 777 with Rolls-Royce Trent 800 engines. Just like I said ... the previous justification by trump due to bad subsidies for Airbus by the European countries mentioned is ridiculous because Boing is also same way subsidized by the US government ... both viewed by the WTO as evil ... and Trump has complained about the WTO as well as about the WHO, but here WTO is suddenly OK for him ... hypocritical and ridiculous the whole thing!
Tough ****. America raised it's tariffs against you and still has lower tariffs against you than you have against America. Zero sympathy for your selfish whining. You've been ripping off Americans all your lives, who cares if they give you back some of your own medicine? Not me. Drop your tariffs or stand by for America to raise even more of theirs.
But you got it that your holy Brexit UK is included by Trumps punitative tariffs, eh? And again a matter of that you show big lack of facts, because in sum when looking on all tariffs vice versa of EU and US against each other, EU economy has to pay more tariffs for ther exports to the US as the US to the EU. And very interesting that the biggest exporter of cars "made in the US by US citizens" is ... BMW! Also a fact that is ignored by the silly red MAGA cap people and by others like you. If Trump wants a merchant war, he will loose it against the EU and this is fact ... and if Trump chose to make EU to an enemy, what will provide the EU to search new partners like China and Russia or even India, eh?
...yeah....I think its a little difficult now to view the world and the economic situation in those terms as the ramifications of Trump and China and Far East and constrained liquidity and Far East and fraud (trades etc) etc etc. European Banks like CACIB, ABN, DB and Commerzbank for example are losing their appetite for RBLs and PXF and even project finance deals which up until 6 months ago they were all over. There is a real slowing down in the commercial banking and insurance sector which is not just a Europe/UK Brexit thing its unfortunately a little more complicated than that.
BMW's made in America pay tax in America and more importantly pay wages in America. Americans may also be the owners of BMW, it's share holders. UK is being tariffed by America. It also receives some exemptions. We may be able to make trade deals to alleviate this. But it is their right to protect their industries from ours and vice versa. We will lower our own tariffs in January. The EU can **** off. It has chosen to make everyone it's enemy. China, Russia and India hate the EU too. Trump stood up to you just like China and Russia and India do and now you are crying. Boo hoo hoo for you.
Lol ... have you any rest of normal thinking left in your head? Everyones enemy ... sure: it is your enemy out of lies, fake news and other BS which you believe as true or ignore if being proven to be nonsense. No one cries in the EU ... nor is anyone aside this Basatard and human rubbish with name Donald Trump + his fans hating the EU ... because being more poweful in economy as the uS ... and of course people like you are hating out of BS reasons as nemaed above. So ... Boo hoo hoo for you in the UK, because you are in comaprsion to the EU and US nothing ... only a dwarf in economy and you will learn this very hard soon when the EU will reject your impudent cherry picking BS in the negotiations which will cost millions of jobs in the UK and also in the negotiations with the USA, where you can only play the willing sub and slave of their will. But I know ... you will deny this of course as you will do your rediculous and funny attacks with all the lies against the EU further.
I assume that's more of a rhetorical response in kind to the other poster rather than your considered opinion? Trump hasn't stood up to anyone he's floundering around looking for an outlet to his vote base's illogical and crass views on the likes of China and the EU in fact on the world in general. Neither he nor they have the slightest idea of what they are doing or what the endgame is; he has started down a path without any iota of understanding of how it will end or the consequences. If by standing up you mean he's merely pursuing a hamfisted policy based on the desires of ill-educated, un-informed, irrational Americans who haven't the capacity to understand reality from a soundbite then I agree with you. Trump is merely an average rent collector with more money than brain cells and has neither the intelligence nor the business or educational capacity to comprehend what his actions are doing to the US in the long term. From day one of his presidency, he's put the US on a course that will make them irrelevant on the world stage; all he has achieved is to make himself and the US a laughing stock amongst the group of nations.
America has long had trade imbalances with the EU and China. In both cases they have hogher tariffs on America than America has on them and in both cases they use undervalued currencies to undercut US goods and services. Trump is the first President to actually address this and win concessions from both. Not that his detractors will ever admit that. He said he would do it in his election campaign, and he did it.
You hate Donald Trump. Boo hoo. He stood up to you. Awww. You think you are powerful. ROFL @ your meglomania. Here in the the UK we pick cherries. Yes. Your sour grapes, we leave on the vine.
Ehm ... have you anything serious to say and write or only such nonsense as now? Yes I hate Trump and if he dies tonight I will be everything, but for sure not sad! I hate Trump as person since decades and not only soince he tries to play US President!
Yes and No ... Rhetorical to this crap posted about by the person I answered with it... And sort of seriously in matter of pure facts in matter of playing with depending economic digits. Look ... the GDP, the eyports and whatever else all of numbers and statistics of the USA is in comparison to the UK many times bigger and higher. The same is for the EU, because the remaining 27 states are one big market and unit / alliance and so to be seen as one and not as 27. These ... sorry ... Brexit Clowns really think they can negotiate with the US ... means currently Trump ... on same eye level! This is actually laughable ... if these trolls didn't really believe it! The awakening will be evil if there is not peace joy pancakes with the US in these things ... For example, there are serious statements made by 2nd class politicians in the USA that Boing must be forced not to use Rolls Royce engines because it is not "Made in the USA" ... but then General Electric engines etc. Will be "intersting" when Trump picks it up and it gets serious, isn't it? Completly agreed with this
The US has always used it's own jet engines in UK designed aircraft. Nothing new there. Can we get a trade deal with the US? Probably. Will it be something moronic like TTIP or the EU, hopefully not. Most of the interesting ground is currently being made on a state level not a federal level. Our major export being financial services not goods. De-regulation from EU protectionism will also unlock cheaper prices for our consumers. There is much to play for and we don't have to be stupid about it and make counter productive package deals, hand over territory or join a new nation etc.
The U.S. has been sucking on our teet since the end of WW II. I say we cut them loose and let them learn how to fend for themselves. That's the only way their country will ever amount to anything.
Well yes it is actually laughable assuming one thinks in short time scales. The UK does not need to run around at the speed of light making deals with other nations; certainly not where deals are detrimental to our national interest but I'd be interested on your views on this. On the basis that there are not many nations that have a "deal" with the EU why do you think it necessary for the UK to rush in and sign up? Personally I don't think it makes any difference to the UK in the long term. In fact in light of this COVID thing I think that most nations are in a very difficult economic situation and looking at the nervousness of the banking and insurance industries, at the moment making deals is the last thing that the UK needs to be considering. Anyway ultimately its all guessing and speculation as we will only get the clear picture after about 10-15 years. I have the feeling that, despite your faith in the ultimate cohesion of all 27 members of the EU, I think that in the long game it will fail as there is just too much dissonance within the group of nations that ultimately do not share an actual natural cohesion. The only real reason that this grouping was established was to alleviate the financial burden of the US on countering a perceived German hegemony in Europe following WWII. A position ironically they have achieved in a economic capacity which is being projected throughout Europe under the auspices of soft power - much to the displeasure of the French who saw the European project as their baby underwritten by the US. Nowadays the rest of "Europe" merely rubber stamps what the Germans and French want in order to keep the money flowing and the French are more that happy to keep the Germans underwriting the whole project as they themselves are utterly and totally bankrupt. Agreed.