You said in one of your posts that you cared for nothing or some such, so how can you have fun on a date if that's true?
I can afford to PAY to have both of my lawns LANDSCAPED, so your little push mower doesn't impress me in the least.
When you figure out just what that means, be sure to let me know (you could probably ask your teacher after she teaches you your ABC's).
You don't like fires? Que? "No offense" , but you come off as seriously stuck up,and decent guys are probably avoiding you like the plague, if this is the attitude you display there, in your day-to-day dealings. If you're profile pic is REALLY YOU, which is not a KNOWN FACT, by any means, you're OK looking. But when you mix that with your attitude, any guy worth is salt will not be interested. I thought you "hung around" with your brother's friends? Do i need to waste my time looking for that post, too?
I have more than one, on my property. Never know when I might have an uncontrollable need to grill my grandsons dig having camp fires,and camping out in the woods.
I'm sure that NO ONE HERE has ANY DOUBT of aren't exaclty in what most humans would call a cooperative, friendly mindset....
Yep. Psychiatrists are currently using LSD (yes,LSD) to treat alchoholism,and some other conditions, as well, to make your point....
Psylicibes are harder to grow than most know, you can't just plant 'em,and there they are, unless you have some healthy "stem 'shrooms" to start with...once again, "so I hear"....
I wouldn't. Giving them attention just encourages them, especially the ones who go through the trouble of detailing their life stories before telling you they don't care what people think about them.
Unfortunately, I've had too much experience with attention whores and the games they like to play. The most pathetic ones have issues that they love to talk about, but maintain they don't care what people think.
I don't see what's "attention whoring" about this thread. Her other "Randy Travis" thread is a real piece of work though.
I have a real estate agent bubba. I have to have someone here to keep the insurance up. That's the big deal.
So you know me huh? I couldn't care less what you think of me, whether you think the picture is me, and how many guys "worth their salt" aren't interested. I really don't need to tell you anymore than you already know, but my brother's friends (all but one) have headed back to defend your right to post your daily drivel here. I'm still waiting for that teenage millionaire post. Why don't you admit you just made it up? And BTW, no I don't like rednecks starting fires, but I'm guessing that's one of your pleasures.
Oh, never, ever worry that you will. I'll bet you're like that old blues song "My Pencil don't write no more". You don't seem to be anywhere close to being most humans so why should I listen to your BS?
So, what part of the title of this thread don't you understand? You may have hit the "Head" (or I will if you're brave enough) on that ballbuster thing. I've never tried, but I'm sure I could be a ballcutter if it comes to that. You game?
And still you don't know me. What are you doing here except putting the spotlight on yourself trying to slap me down, but you know I don't slap, I hide around the corner with a two by four. And trust me, for all I've told I couldn't give a rats ass what you think of me. I know I think a lot worse of 28 yr old wusses.