Yup..People are waking up all over the world. Hard to find any credibility in anything "official" these days. 9/11 was a complete fraud. Call your Congressman today, and let him know that 9/11 won't be like another JFK, where 40 years down the road (when it's too late to do anything), most people realize that too was a sham. Let's not wait 40 years on this one. Be American, for your children, if not for yourself. http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20110909085546680
It's kind of topical in the UK at the moment, and people are grumbling about the inordinate level of coverage of the tenth anniversary, but I have yet to encounter anyone who doubts that it happened, or the whys and hows of it.
Well, I must admit I sometimes ask myself who has benefited from it (and who has both trained agents provocateurs from Russian and Arabic speakers?), but the later detail seems clear enough.
oh its the united states but its not the people in america, we got our asses kicked with inflation. that and americans are bond slaves, that is when you are born into a debt, now over 40,000 per every man woman and child, when you are born into debt that is the legal definition of slavery. Just goes to show you how retarded americans really are.