Outside of a few (very few) hecklers, Obama is left untouched by Occupy Wall St. Considering Obama has taken and continues to take more Wall St big money, OWS should be camped out in front of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave not in Zucotti Park. Yet, few seem to ask the obvious question....WHY? Looks to me like OWS is simply a propaganda false flag. If they truly believed in what they were doing they'd be all over Obama like one of Michelle's cheap pants suits. After all, there can be NO money corruption in Government if the intended recipient just says NO! OWS is barking up the wrong tree, the question is WHY? So next time you see the protesters on TV, ask yourself why they aren't protesting the politicians instead. The answer is obvious to me, Government Unions of all flavors and Agenda backed "progressive" organizations. The best thing to do is simply ignore them.