Another outburst of climate propaganda slapped down: Forbes is Wrong, Agriculture is Doing Well Amid Modest Warming JULY 23, 2024
Nope. I am saying many of the poster children used to hype climate activism are not actually in danger. Kiribati being one example. We are talking about AGW. Do you know what the G stands for? Globally, coastal land mass has been increasing. Just like GLOBALLY, food production increases from AGW. If the climate stopped changing tomorrow there would be places with flooding and tide problems. The point is sea level rise is not the global problem it’s made out to be. Places with the most problems are suffering from local subsidence, not absolute sea level rise related to AGW.
Not sure how you define risk. Places like the Netherlands, your Fens, and New Orleans that set themselves up to have problems with subsidence. Parts of Bangladesh that intentionally stopped accretion, exacerbated subsidence, and silted natural drainage will have problems as well. People did the equivalent of buying 20 kilos of blow from a cartel on credit, giving it all away to their buddies, and then complaining when a hitter slits their wife’s throat. These places will blame CO2 like the buy blow on credit dude will blame the cartel. Many countries are still draining coastal land or building it up for development. It’s hard to have sympathy for people who build at or below sea level and then moan about it.
And that is exactly the problem so often. A lot of places like New Orleans are literally built on silt. And the amazing thing about silt, is that over time it compacts. This is literally what the "subsidence" is. Now in nature that is resolved by flooding and new silt being deposited. But as those are now cities, they have put an end to the flooding so no new silt arrives to layer on top of what has become compressed. That is why over a decade ago when a lot of NO was wiped out by Katrina, that would have been the perfect time to condemn much of the city and relocate it. Either that or do like Seattle did at the end of the 19th century and build it up. A lot of people do not realize that the streets of Seattle now are not the original ones. After decades of flooding and a fire that wiped out most of the city in 1899, they had enough. And excavated all of the glacial till that used to cover much of the city and built it up. So the street level today is between 3 and 9 meters higher than it once was. NO needs the same damned thing done, or that flooding is just going to repeat over and over again. And I shook my head when they simply rebuilt in the same place, and did nothing at all to alleviate the issue of it still being below sea level. And in California, they see it in other ways. Some of the worst earthquake damage in the past century has been on fill. But it was not until the late 20th century that they realized how bad that was for construction. To me, that is all akin to somebody buying a house near an airport, then complaining about the noise.
And the thing is, NO after Katrina was in much the exact same shape that Seattle was in after the fire in 1899. Most of the city was destroyed, and they ordered that before anything could be rebuilt they were going to fill in the old footprint of the city with fill and raise it up. And even though the city regularly flooded since it was founded, that has not been much of a problem for over 100 years now.' And the funny thing is, the original "street level" is still there. It's just underground. And while some criminal enterprises used it (especially during Prohibition), it had largely been forgotten by the 1930s. Then in the 1960s it was rediscovered, and they started to offer tours of the "Underground City". I took the tour in the early 1970s, when it was still a new novelty. They should have done the same damned thing in New Orleans before it was rebuilt. Bring in tons of fill and raise the ground level to at least 1-2 meters above sea level. But no, they rebuilt it on the original grade. That only guarantees that eventually the disaster of Katrina will be repeated. Multiple times more than likely, unless somebody realizes that the problem can at least me minimalized.
YES..... WARMING SAVES LIVES......... AND WARMING OF THE CLIMATE WILL FOR MANY REASONS...... sooner or later........ will probably drive humanity toward the formula that will likely lead to economic cooperation between the nation of Israel with her Islamic neighbouring nations...... ..... This actually corresponds with predictions in Jewish scriptures... Christian scriptures... and even in ancient Islamic predictions....... Will world peace begin with immigrants from many nations who go to Canada and find out ways to address the root causes of the conflicts that were going on in the nations that they left? I am hopeful that this will be the case, for example, immigrants to Canada from the Middle East may be able to turn the world away from the Al Gore Carbon Tax Theory and the Bill Gates, "Innovation to zero" emissions theory, and instead adopt the more down to earth approach to Climate Change advocated in the Jewish, Islamic and Christian scriptures as well as by a New Mexico biologist and coach. Here is an ancient Islamic prediction that sounds like a brilliant response to both the threat of rising ocean levels... as well as to the Economic Crisis that it appears some influential people seem to want to occur. Assisting nine point four million Israelis and a billion Muslims to divert investment away from warfare and instead into large scale desalination of ocean water for agriculture, reforestation projects and to make life better for everybody who lives in the Middle East will lead to the fulfillment of Isaiah chapter thirty five. This fits with the Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam. ... "The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joyand singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the LORD, and the excellency of our God. .... Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongueof the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert. And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water: in the habitation of dragons,where each lay, shall be grass with reeds and rushes." (Isaiah 35 : 1, 2, 6, 7 ). A New Mexico biologist and coach wrote up an alternative theory on stabilization of the climate that fits well with these ancient Islamic and Jewish predictions for the last decades and centuries of human history before our Creator gives us a utopian world where the Holy Spirit is poured out on all flesh. New Mexico biologist and coach Carl Cantrell..... Immigration levels to Canada hit record high in 2022 ..
CO2 and warmth are good for vanilla. NY Times Claims Vanilla Is ‘Disappearing’ Due to Climate Change – As Production Doubles
Yes..... the images from NASA and other organizations of how the increase in atmospheric CO2 has increased the volume of foliage in forests all over the world is profoundly encouraging. Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds
The research result is conclusive. Rising Global Temperatures Saving Millions Of Lives, Study Finds. Cold Kills 30 Times More! By P Gosselin on 1. September 2024 By Dr. Peter F. Mayer – Hat-tip: Linke Zeitung here. Over the past 11,000 years of the current interglacial period, phases of prosperity and cultural flourishing are clearly linked to warmer temperatures. A reduction in deaths with rising temperatures can also be observed for the last two decades. Fact: Cold kills nearly 30 times more people than extreme heat, 4.6 million vs. 0.155 million. Rising temperatures drive up the number of heat deaths, but not in extreme heat, but in moderate heat, as TKP recently reported and broke down. However, rising temperatures also reduce the number of deaths from cold. Bjorn Lomborg used this data to illustrate the ratios graphically: Chart: Björn Lomborg Overall, this has meant saving 166,000 lives per year over the last two decades. This is according to the Lancet study by Qi Zhao (2021), which TKP has already reported on. “Globally, 5,083,173 deaths per year were associated with sub-optimal temperatures, accounting for 9.43% of all deaths. 8.52% were cold-related and 0.91% were heat-related. There were 74 temperature-related excess deaths per 100,000 population. The mortality burden varied geographically.” Eastern Europe had the highest heat-related excess mortality rate and sub-Saharan Africa had the highest cold-related excess mortality rate. So we see that global warming saves lives, exactly the opposite of what politicians like Health Minister Karl Lauterbach or EU-Leyen claim and of course the mainstream media. Full article here:
Of course it does, it happens in every Interglacial. This is what I find particularly fascinating, is that the alarmists do not want to admit this is not the first time this has happened. It is not even the first time that humans or Homo Sapiens have lived through it. In every Interglacial, the Polar Ice cap vanishes or mostly vanishes. The green belts on the planet expand dramatically, and there is increased moisture. And it happens every single time. But they want to push a false narrative of drought and increasing deserts. The complete opposite of reality. That is why most geologists I know laugh at them. We know that during such eras, we will ultimately see palm trees way up in Alaska. Which wants to be a tropical rainforest, the geological record proves that. That region does not want to be an arctic tundra and permafrost area, that is far to cold for our planet. And our planet keeps trying to return to those kinds of conditions. But because of continental placement disrupting the ocean currents, is stuck in a cycle not unlike a sick person going through alternating fevers and chills.
You are absolutely correct..... and I have read a rather scary theory as to why those ALARMISTS WILL NOT talk about the numbers that make it fairly obvious that mega- scale desalination of sea water is rather obviously the vastly better way to approach stabilization of the climate in a way that is win, win, win, win, win, win, win for everybody in the Middle East.... [because there are ancient Islamic, Jewish and Christian predictions about deserts being turned green that in theory could lead to economic and educational cooperation between the nation of Israel with all of her Islamic neighbouring nations]! I am from Nova Scotia, Canada and all people who live along the Bay of Fundy are in an especially powerful position to grab hold of media that they are free to express their opinions on...... and they can break the minds of millions of people out of the PROFOUNDLY STUPID, HAIRBALL, AL GORE CARBON TAX THEORY..... THAT IS SO POPULAR BECAUSE IT SETS UP BILL GATES FOR HIS "INNOVATION TO ZERO" THEORY........ that a tiny segment of the population of billionaires BELIEVE IN RELIGIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The word "religiously" is subject do definition and.... a case can be presented that many believers in Neo-Malthusian Economic Philosophy are LUCIFERIAN..... and are like former Stanist and repentant Christian Evangelist John Ramirez who used to drink blood... do rituals..... astral project and mess up churches and entire neighbourhoods........... but now he is on the side of Messiah Yeshua - Jesus and his personal testimony has given us insight on how the people at the top of the top.... are messed up and corrupt at a level that is almost beyond comprehension!? This puts a whole different angle on WHY Bill Gates read the script to "Innovating to zero" because his religious belief that the population of the world must be reduced from six point eight billion people in 2010 down to two or three billion people sure fits with a Luciferian world view!? Mushroom... I get the impression that you and your geologist friends know that you know that you know that the following rather shocking statistcs could well be true..... it could be true that such a colossal amount of H2O is being ADDED TO ANTARCTICA that the world's ocean levels have remained relatively stable for decades... and even centuries!? Mushroom.... I am seeing in my mind you...... and some of your geologist friends.... forming a film production cooperative or kibbutz........ or company.... and you travel to the real estate along the Bay of Fundy where the world's highest tides occur... and you make a video that contradicts certain particularly damaging and dangerous ideas in the film "An Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore. Al Gore left millions of people with the impression that the answer to global warming... and the cracking and sliding of ice of the LAND BASED GREENLAND ICE SHEET.... and the possible cracking and sliding of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, [that is especially vulnerable to COLLAPSE due to the fact that it is BELOW SEA LEVEL and could be rapidly destroyed by a Tsunami Wave or volcano or certain other phenomena]?! Mushroom... you and your geologist friends know that you know that you know that the following statistic is no joke is it? So to my thinking this means that all that H2O that has been melting off Greenland and off the world's glaciers..... has been prevented from causing major sea level rise... due to the massive amount of H2O that is ADDED TO ANTARCTICA EACH YEAR! IT SEEMS TO ME THAT MR. AL GORE AND BILL GATES AND THEIR SUPPORTERS DO NOT WANT ORDINARY PEOPLE TO UNDERSTAND THESE STATISTICS!???!!! And now to tie all this in with a specific location in New Brunswick, Canada : Hampton - Fundy - St. Martins, New Brunswick,... is this riding vulnerable to rising ocean levels?
Because the geography of the BAy of Fundy between Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Canada and the State of Maine produce the most extreme tides on earth.... logic would indicate that the real estate along the Bay of Fundy will probably be hit before any other region on earth. Here is an image and a question that has important implications for all real estate on this earth that is at low sea level because the real estate along the Bay of Fundy should act as something of a "canary in the coal mine" and should be hit first.... and thus..... all other vulnerable real estate get a warning in advance. "Physics question related to the geography of the Bay of Fundy?" "If average ocean levels were to rise by ten centimeters.... .would the multiplier effect of the geography of the Bay of Fundy continue? The fact that the Bay of Fundy funnels tidal waters plus...... it is over 170 miles long, (274 kms), it produces high tide level that are tenX to fifteenX over the difference in tidal waters where I live. So... could high tide levels near TRuro, N. S. to Moncton, N. B. be up by a meter or more if average ocean levels were to rise by ten centimeters?" [Dennis Tate, March 7, 2021] Here is a specific discussion on this topic: Hampton - Fundy - St. Martins, New Brunswick,... is this riding vulnerable to rising ocean levels?
That should not really be needed at all if anybody with functioning brain cells actually watches the movie, and sees exactly how much of what was claimed has actually come true. Here is a brief rundown of the things he predicted in 2006. That the Polar Ice Cap would largely be gone by 2016. Wrong. That the conditions our planet is under now are the hottest ever. Wrong. That the amount of CO2 we were releasing was the equivalent to 600,000 Hiroshima sized bombs every day, and it was boiling away the oceans. Wrong. That climate refugees would increase to 100 million within decades, and half a billion by the end of the century. Wrong. That the global warming would continue to desiccate the planet, resulting in widespread drought. Wrong. That the famines and drought would cause even major governments to collapse. Wrong. Oh, that sea levels would soon be increasing 20 feet in the near future. Wrong. That huge ice sheets would slide off of Greenland and Antarctica and plunge into the ocean. Wrong. That the influx of fresh water melting from said ice sheets would cause the ocean currents to stop. Wrong. That global temperatures would increase by more than 1c between 2006 and 2020. Wrong. That storms would grow larger, and occur more often. Regularly devastating much of the East Coasts of Asia and North America. Wrong. Almost every one of his predictions was so wrong, it is almost laughable. And the guy won an Oscar and Nobel Prize no less for that! And I know quite a bit about large tidal bores and tidal differentials. While I have not been to the Bay of Fundy, I have seen very similar things at the Turnagain Arm in Alaska. And for those interested in history, that arm was discovered during the Cook Expedition. Where part of their duty was to map out all inlets and navigable rivers, in the hopes they could find a "Northwest Passage". And the person who gave it that interesting name was none other than navigator extraordinaire William Bligh. The fact that it was so large and had such large tides, they thought they had surely found what they were looking for. But after days of sailing it ended, and Bligh in disgust noted on the logs that they had to "Turn again", and in whimsy named the inlet "Turnagain".
That is actually a non-answerable question. Because on most of the planet, the crust is moving up or down in relationship to the oceans. The fact is, more of the planet is in danger of subsidence due to geological or riverine forces than from sea level rise itself. That is why New Orleans is now below sea level. No, the oceans have not risen that much, the ground has sunk that much. And recently, large chunks of Japan and Indonesia have sunk below the ocean. Once again not due to sea level rise, but relief along tectonic plate boundaries that released the pressure that was causing the ground to rise up. And the same thing is happening right now along the Oregon-Washington cost because of the Juan de Fuca plate pressing against the North American plate as it subducts against it. And geologically speaking, the next major Cascadia quake is "due", that means any time between tomorrow and 200 years from now. But when it hits, expect much of the coastal areas of those states to drop by 2-4 feet. But in short, almost none of the planet is at risk from "sea level rise". However, huge areas are at risk to subsidence and tectonic changes in the coastal areas of the planet. And next time, we will discuss the possibility that the Great Lakes may sometime in the future tip over, and start dumping their water down the Mississippi instead of through the St. Lawrence Seaway.