Willy's changing tale: "Declared a hero for saving numerous lives at Ground Zero, he was the janitor on duty the morning of 9/11 who heard and felt explosions rock the basement sub-levels of the north tower just seconds before the jetliner struck the top floors." OR "We heard a loud rumble, then all of a sudden we heard another rumble like someone moving a whole lot of furniture," Rodriguez said." Read more at: http://911myths.com/html/william_rodriguez.html
I understand you're trying really hard to feign stupidity but since you asked: Exhibit 17: https://www.lawyerscommitteefor9-11inquiry.org/lc-doj-grand-jury-petition/exhibit-17-petition-1/ Exhibit 22: https://www.lawyerscommitteefor9-11inquiry.org/lc-doj-grand-jury-petition/exhibit-22-petition-1/ I'm sure I can expect more nonsense from you.
Why wasn't the one from CNN included Bobby? The one where he describes "rumbling", but not "massive explosions"?
What about this one Bobby? http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0209/11/se.48.html A fireball CAME DOWN THE DUCT OF THE ELEVATOR ITSELF? I thought the explosion came from below?
Just as predicted more nonsense from you. I didn’t file the petition nor was I in any way involved. So why the **** would you ask me such a ridiculous question?
The bottom line is that William Rodriguez embellished his story as time went on. That is a fact. In the beginning it was "rumbles" and "vibrating floors". Then it evolved into "massive explosions that lifted him off the floor, cracked walls, and brought down ceilings". He never mentioned any of that in his first two interviews I posted and even contradicts what he later said about the "a massive explosion coming from below" with his "fireball came down the duct of the elevator" previously. You can't change the facts Bobby. William came into the limelight of truther fanaticism as time went on and embellished to keep the masses enthralled and engaged. He was rubbing elbows with a few celebrities and was getting speaking engagements. You even have people like Eleuthera who makes idiotic statements like "William's story never changed".
That’s the bottom line for you. The real bottom line though as already made very clear is that he’s a 9/11 eyewitness and his claims are part of the evidence filed with the grand jury petition. OTOH you’re nobody who means anything and your opinion is not part of any evidence. I agree 100% I can’t change the facts and neither can you. So the facts remain as posted above.
Correct. Eyewitness to "rumblings" and a "fireball that came DOWN the elevator shaft", not eyewitness to "a massive explosion from below" as he later tacked on to embellish his story.
Yes and you’re not. He’s an eyewitness and has made claims that have been officially ignored/suppressed and that are inconsistent with the official 9/11 narrative. His testimony is critical, your opinion is not and is irrelevant. It’s up to a grand jury to make decisions about his claims. They will not be consulting you or be interested in your opinion(s), that’s a fact.
Yup. He made claims about rumblings (no explosions) and a fireball that came down the elevator shaft which burned David Felipe. His later claims were embellishment. That's a fact.
They left out his initial claims of "rumblings" (no explosions) and the fireball that came down the elevator shaft. I wonder why?
You can speculate all you want, It has no bearing in terms of the grand jury investigation. If they have an issue with his claims they have the option of interviewing him in person.
Why? They don't need to. We have all his claims in black and white. We can all see how he embellished his story as time went on. That's a fact you can't deny.
Actually, making false claims before a grand jury is called perjury. The consistency of Willy testimony would definitely be relevant.
The problem is "we" are not the grand jury and the grand jury only has what was filed with the petition. So "we" (whoever you think that might be) are still irrelevant in the case of the grand jury investigation. So despite that you believe "we" have all his claims in black and white, the matter is still in the domain of the grand jury and Willie Rodriguez, not "we" or you or anyone else. Is this a really difficult concept for you? You seem to be really confused about it. I did explain how you can get involved though in another thread (Google Amicus Curiae brief) if you really want "justice" for the OCT. You're welcome.
Dude, Rodriguez claims he has a list of eyewitnesses who can corroborate his testimony. It's up to the grand jury to determine if he and all the eyewitnesses are lying, not you and not anyone else. Agree 100%. And? Are you worried about this?
Why? As has been already amply pointing out, Willy's story keeps changing. That is a fact. Either he's not a reliable witness or he's lying. And as for his claims of eyewitnesses to collaborate his tale, welp, it's been 17+ years. If they existed, we would have heard from them by now. It's time to accept you've become so emotionally invested in the "Tale of Twoof" you are no longer able to think clearly and critically on the subject.
"We" already did, it's on video. YOU didn't hear about it because YOU are so deeply buried in the OCT manure you love so much that YOU hear nothing that contradicts or even questions it. Yet you're responding to someone you believe isn't thinking clearly and critically on the subject. Someone who posted several threads intricately detailing and critiquing how and why the OCT is a fraud and supporting it with OVERWHELMING INCONTROVERTIBLE EVIDENCE. So that says quite a bit about you. You need to look in the mirror before you accuse anyone of not being able to think clearly and critically on the subject. The only thing YOU know how to do is parrot the OCT (YOUR indoctrinated version of the "TWOOF") and insulting everyone and anyone who is not as devoted to it as you. Any fool can do that, especially one who isn't able to think clearly and critically on the subject.
It is? His 17 corroborating witnesses came forth on video to support his claims? Can you provide the link that show the witnesses he is speaking of? How come these corroborating witnesses weren't in the lawsuit against the government he was part of years ago? The one where he claimed controlled demolitions brought the towers down?
Because you say Willy's testimony changed does not make it so. I've watched maybe 5 or 6 different times in which he told his story. He is consistent with the story. You are forced to say he changes it because you are here to keep regurgitating OCT talking points. You are on the defense, and losing.
9/11/2001 http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0109/11/bn.24.html 9/11/2002 http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0209/11/se.48.html No explosions from below. No being "lifted off the floor". "Rumblings" and a fireball that came DOWN the elevator shaft. Yeah, he didn't change his story one bit did he?
You can quit your phony ad hominens, I know it's your job to post whatever garbage you think works to contradict anything that doesn't support the OCT but resorting to ad hominems is just way too obvious. I never made any such (bolded) claims of yours. Try something a bit more subtle if you must.
The Laws of Physics do not give a damn about eyewitness accounts. So why doesn't everybody want good models based on accurate data about the buildings?