What 19th Amendment?

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Agent_286, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. Toefoot

    Toefoot Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Until July of this year anyone could purchase a gun without ID between 2 citizens in Colorado. Whats the problem?

  2. Snappo

    Snappo Banned

    Apr 25, 2013
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    In USA you sure as hell do.

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    Nope. If you make a fake ID saying you are John Doe, you still need to be on those voter ID sheets at the front door before you head to the booth. Every state I have ever lived in required you to be registered to vote; and then when the day comes you prove who you are and they check you off on that list they have.
  3. Snappo

    Snappo Banned

    Apr 25, 2013
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    Not true. And the seller had to reasonably believe the buyer could pass a background check.
  4. Snappo

    Snappo Banned

    Apr 25, 2013
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    Nobody is required to work seven days a week unless they are in the US Military. The rest of the folks can get an ID. In fact, you cannot even get a job without the ID (form I-9), so how did this make believe person get this make believe job that doesn't let him go to DMV or Town Hall to get an ID? I'm not buying this bull. If you want to vote, get an ID and register to vote. Period.
  5. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    This is not about preferential treatment, this is about what is reasonable. I don't expect you to follow my "to do list"
    no more than you expect anyone else to follow your "to do list." What we are also talking about is priorities and going to the DMV is not on the high list for most people no matter what their circumstances, political idealogy, religiion, income, etc. For the working poor, eating, working, going to work is on the high end of ther priortity. Doing something with their kdis is also on the high end of the priority. Everything else can wait as long as possible because changing names is not something that we need to tie up courts fors. If you want that, then I will expect you to have all your property taxes and sales taxes to be raised by 175% or more.
  6. Toefoot

    Toefoot Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Prove me wrong. Until Hickenlooper sign into law that went into effect in July I could go to the local gunshow and purchase from a private citizen. And have. Not saying it is smart but times was simple way back in the late 1990's.

    Whats the legal definition of reasonable? Bill of sale? Spot a fake ID? Feel good about a stranger?

    As of July of this year it now takes a FFL for the transaction of 2 private citizens.

  7. KevinVA

    KevinVA New Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    Fine, ignore all of the other evidence. Nothing new here...

    So you don't care if the Federal Government issues Federal IDs, but you have a problem when states do it? Drivers licenses prove whether you're a citizen or not... Unless you're from the People's Republic of Maryland, you need to be a citizen in order to obtain a state-issued drivers licence. Both a drivers license and a passport should be sufficient for voting.

    I think we should get rid of absentee voting altogether, with certain exceptions for troops overseas.
  8. KevinVA

    KevinVA New Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    Call me paranoid, but I think a national ID would lead to very bad things in an Orwellian state. We already have a SSN, birth certificate and optional passports. I think a national ID would just open the door for more tyrannical legislation to govern the serfs.
  9. KevinVA

    KevinVA New Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    Keep in mind that gun laws differ from state to state. NY is one of the most anti-gun states in the nation. It's not a surprise that your gun laws would be more strict. Colorado has certainly become highly unfriendly to guns, though, which is one of the reason's the North is trying to segregate from the South.
  10. SourD

    SourD New Member Past Donor

    Mar 27, 2012
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    It's going to be so damn funny when the left get's what they THINK they want, then hate it and try to blame everyone else but themselves. IT WILL HAPPEN!
  11. KevinVA

    KevinVA New Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    You don't think it should be a priority to get a drivers license or voter registration card/ID card so you can drive around and vote?

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    It always does... it's already starting with Obamacare. lol
  12. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Let me know when you provide any evidence.

    Seriously- you don't actually believe that do you?

    Virginia Drivers License Requirements::

    First Time Drivers
    You must be a resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia and at least 16 years and 3 months of age to obtain a Virginia driver's license. To obtain a learner's permit, you must be at least 15 years and 6 months of age. No exceptions will be made to these age requirements. If you are under age 18, you must provide written consent from one of your parents or your legal guardian unless you are married or emancipated.

    If you are under age 19, you must complete a state-approved driver education program.

    If you are age 19 or older, and you have never held a driver's license issued by Virginia, another state, a U.S. territory, or foreign country, or cannot show proof that you previously held such a license, you must show proof that:

    •you have passed an approved driver education course, or,
    •you have held a Virginia learner's permit at least 60 days before taking the DMV road skills test.
    At any age, as a first time driver, you will be required to provide documents to prove identity, legal presence, Virginia residency, and, if you have one, Social Security number. Use the interactive document guide to determine which documents you will need to bring to DMV when you apply, or refer to "Acceptable Documents for Obtaining a Driver's License or Photo ID

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    But of course it isn't paranoid when it comes to States governing their serfs.......lol
  13. zbr6

    zbr6 Banned

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Well lets hold that thought for a moment.


    -The survey asked only 987 out of the 313.9 million people living in the USA, with margins for error between 5-9% depending on question asked. If you have any mathematical skills you're already laughing.

    -The survey does not make the distinction between "current name" and "current address" in its polling, ie: both are asked in one question. This alone invalidates the claim but because we are talking about Democrats here they have no problem passing off one fact for another.

    -No line item data to show what sex answered what question and how. Only claims lacking in citation.

    -Claims 7% of US citizens do not have access to citizenship documents then footnotes the fact that 135 of the 987 do in fact have access to citizenship documents but the pollsters just chose to ignore those numbers because they didn't like how the people polled answered the question.

    -Furthermore the question of "do you have citizenship documents" is again non-distinctively modified with "in a place where you can quickly find it". Again, claim invalidated because the poll result infers not having your documents in a place you can quickly get at them to not having them at all.

    -Brennan Center for Justice polls have history of biased reporting, inaccurate results, lack of proper methodology, lack of citations. :(


    1. Oh my stars, are Democrats crying over nothing?

    Q: My name on my approved photo ID does not exactly match my name on my voter registration card. Can I still vote?

    A: Election officials will review the ID and if a name is “substantially similar” to the name on their list of registered voters, you will still be able to vote, but you will also have to submit an affidavit stating that you are the same person on the list of registered voters.

    2. Qualified voters in Texas without an approved photo ID may obtain a free Election Identification Card from DPS. So there goes all the whining about the legions of "disenfranchised" voters who cant posssssssibly afford a state issued ID .

    3. A drivers licence must by law be kept current, in most states you have between 30 and 60 days to update address and name information for your licence to be considered valid. So if you cant be bothered to get off of Facebook for a few hours and follow the law then why should anybody be concerned that you cant participate in it?
  14. KevinVA

    KevinVA New Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    You can't obtain a drivers license in VA, unless you're a citizen of the United States.

    There's a reason why there are states rights... Because not all of the citizens in every state agree with the governance in each other state. If the laws were the same in every state, there wouldn't be a reason to have states. You can leave a state for another that you feel is more welcoming of your principles/values. You can leave a country (usually, not always), but it certainly takes much more effort to do so. So if I'm to have a license, I'd rather it come from a state than the federal government.
  15. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Show me where it says that- I posted right from Virginia's web site:

    Virginia Drivers License Requirements::

    First Time Drivers
    You must be a resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia and at least 16 years and 3 months of age to obtain a Virginia driver's license. To obtain a learner's permit, you must be at least 15 years and 6 months of age. No exceptions will be made to these age requirements. If you are under age 18, you must provide written consent from one of your parents or your legal guardian unless you are married or emancipated.

    If you are under age 19, you must complete a state-approved driver education program.

    If you are age 19 or older, and you have never held a driver's license issued by Virginia, another state, a U.S. territory, or foreign country, or cannot show proof that you previously held such a license, you must show proof that:

    •you have passed an approved driver education course, or,
    •you have held a Virginia learner's permit at least 60 days before taking the DMV road skills test.
    At any age, as a first time driver, you will be required to provide documents to prove identity, legal presence, Virginia residency, and, if you have one, Social Security number. Use the interactive document guide to determine which documents you will need to bring to DMV when you apply, or refer to "Acceptable Documents for Obtaining a Driver's License or Photo ID

    Driver's licence in Virginia doesn't establish American citizenship at all.

    Maybe it does in some state, but none that I am aware of.
  16. Snappo

    Snappo Banned

    Apr 25, 2013
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    You were never allowed to go to a gun show and buy/sell without an ID. In fact, many gun shows even want a photo ID at the door. Every gun I buy and sell at gun shows gets a background check; but before that it was a photo ID and bill of sale and if the guy looked like he couldn't pass a background check you were not allowed to sell to him. Every year I get a book from BATFE showing the laws of each state. You have to read it as a requirement of keeping your FFL (no test, just the honor system). I buy and sell about 100 weapons a year, give or take (and keep a private collection of about 200 firearms that are never for sale at any price).
  17. Snappo

    Snappo Banned

    Apr 25, 2013
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    I would love to see a national CCW permit. I would also love to see where federal law trumps state law with regard to Class III on a form 3 or a form 4. I think it's bull(*)(*)(*)(*) that I have to keep my full-auto weapons and my sound suppressors at my house in GA and cannot bring them to my house in NY. I agree that a national ID is not a good idea. But I do believe it is actually the law that you have to be able to prove who you are while out in public. In almost every state it is actually a misdemeanor to not be able to prove who you are on public property. I don't want to show you 50 links for 50 states, but here is the first that showed up in Google. That hit was for Ohio.


    There is one exception to your right to silence: According to Ohio law since April 2006, if you are in a public place and under certain circumstances, you must give your name, address and date of birth to an officer. If you fail to provide this information under such circumstances, you will be committing a fourth-degree misdemeanor and may be arrested.
  18. Snappo

    Snappo Banned

    Apr 25, 2013
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    In all States you are required to have a valid proof of identification with you when in public. I agree - if you can't be bothered keeping your State ID or D/L current then you really have no basis to whine when the guy at the voting booth asks to see your ID so he can check off his voter registration list and show you to your booth.
  19. potter

    potter New Member

    Mar 27, 2012
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    It's discouraging to see the number of people who oppose equal access to the voting booth. The number of people who feel as you do; where only moneyed white men should be allowed to vote, in this land of many cultures, smacks of the kind of country envisioned by another supremist called Hitler.
  20. Toefoot

    Toefoot Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Sir, it was allowed... private citizens to walk the gun shows with 4 sale rods hanging out of the barrel.
    We would negotiate and the purchase was made. My grandmother acquired many firearms this way until
    mid to late 1990's. It was a private sale.....what are you not getting? I am pro 2A.

    Look, come to Colorado Springs....once in Manitou Springs ask for Toefoot, we can sit down and have a beer in my favorite local pub and discuss how my grandmother tasted freedom and a good Fat Tire.

    I have no need to lie unless we are fishing.

  21. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    1. Depends on where that soldier is. If the soldier is on a battlefield, he is working seven days a week. If he is on home base, is working sex days a week with one day off, generallly.

    2. You need to look at the i-9. There is list A, list B, and list C. If you don't have any documentation from list A, and on list B you have a student ID card and on list C a valid, original SS card, then you met the requirements. But a Student ID card is not valid for voter ID cards. The reason for this is bebecaue the I-9 is for work autheroization, not voitng. And that the people who are making these voter ID laws are specifically making sure that there is no mistake that a US citizen is the only one required to vote. This means that student ID cards and USCIS id cards are not valid for such law. Student ID cards do not name whether a person is a citizen or not, just a student.

    3. The problem with most people is that they procrastinate. Procrastination is not a crime, but simply a habit. It works for a lot of people, but not all. And what you are trying to do is to establish a lifestyle that fits you onto everybody else. Now, here is the $64 trillion, what would you do if someone establishees a habit different from yours?
  22. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    No you don't. You need an ID to buy a gun from an FFL dealer.

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    Yes, true. No ID is required in a private sale. Only transfers from an FFL dealer
  23. Toefoot

    Toefoot Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 26, 2013
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    I prefer the government to mind its own business. No ID required.

  24. Rapunzel

    Rapunzel New Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2010
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    That's not really what my comment was about, but do carry on.
  25. Grokmaster

    Grokmaster Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Have the ProFraud posters produced an actual, LIVE "Victim" from the "Legion of Imaginary Disenfranchised Female Voters" yet?

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