An alternative wall..... to The Donald's Mexico - USA wall would include...... a massive ocean water desalination facility plus....... a huge fish farm.... that extends along much of the alternative wall......... infinite financing for the project will be made possible once we humans line up our valuation of human life..... and all life..... more so along the line of how the being of light of NDE fame views life.......... (Did you know that ONE nation has experienced COOLING IN ITS CLIMATE SINCE 1950)? That same nation led the world, on a per capita basis in planting trees and in desalination of ocean water for agriculture, reforestation projects and for towns experiencing drought. You got it.....ISRAEL! You can find this out by Googling Global Dimming.....
I suppose it could work in conjunction with mermaid soldiers swimming around after a NDE created by electro induction based fission powered spacecraft thruster exhaust.....but only on Saturdays or Jewish holidays.
My apologies for being too lethargic to write this up in time to get Dr. Jill Stein and Mr. Bernie Sanders hooked up through it! Florida residents should consider Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party.
Oh my G-d!!!! That is brilliant........ Those NDE's created by electrical stimulation of the right temporal lobe...... are the best in some ways....... and..... you are obviously correct that only Hillaries UFO's have the tech to save us now..... and yes... I do suspect that they favor doing unusual things on the annual and weekly Sabbaths of Judaism..... Hillary was onto a subject that was beginning to get my attention .... which forced me to admit that there was a five percent probability that I might.... vote for her.... if I was American?! She backed away from it though as the campaign went on....... John Podesta: I’ve Convinced Hillary Clinton To Declassify UFO Files
That's unfair to the thread - it's already in the bi-partisan immigration reform bill passed by the Senate and blocked by Boehner. And, there is no sci-fi component.
Where are you going to get all the water to do that? The Rio Grande becomes a mere trickledown there. You would be doing terraforming on a grand scale. Would a desalination plant be sufficient? That said, the idea is ecologically brilliant, especially if you add alligators or crocodiles. I love the thought of creating an ecologically balanced system which replaces soldiers. Maybe we could also fencei t on both sides and throw in a few lions, tigers, elephants, and whatever else is nearing extinction and kill two birds with one stone. It could become a massive and profitable tourist attraction on both sides...let Trump is the sort of thing he could actually pull off!
For the eastern half of the wall.... the water is pumped from the Gulf of Mexico and for the western half it is pumped from the Pacific Ocean. If you decide on electing Mr. Donald Trump as President I am pretty sure that he will convince Americans that they can compete with Japan and Norway. Sahara Solar Breeder (SSB) Plan directed toward global clean energy superhighway Theoretically, it is possible for American solar desalination technology to become so good that you LOWER average ocean levels by thirty centimeters / one foot, which would be a nice buffer zone to have..... just in case the West Antarctic Ice Sheet began to crack and slide more rapidly. The "Unstable" West Antarctic Ice Sheet: A Primer Just as soon as The Donald is actually elected President.... he will probably change his tune on ideas that can be a win - win - win - win venture for the majority of Americans........ and all nations with cities and towns vulnerable to rising ocean levels. (Hint.... .the Norwegian technology was donated by America's ally Israel because they knew that no Islamic nation would directly accept their assistance to do this. Would Norway and/or Israel share that same technology with the USA?). If you decide to elect Hillary.... she is a bright woman..... she will know that this idea can be sold to Americans more easily than a carbon tax or cap and trade system. I quoted Bjorn Lomborg Ph. D. in my 2008 campaign writing:
Americans are about to undergo a massive shift in consciousness..... no matter who you elect! A massive reevaluation of national wealth must occur in order to finance.... ..... the shift over to a truly green and sustainable economy!
Would this man-made waterway be capable of supporting sharks and barracuda? I'm thinking about invaders who attempt to swim across or paddle over on pool floats.
Actually.... what I am talking about is not one wall.... but a minimum of two.... and I suspect that there will be at least three, four or more walls in most areas along the border to pull this off. I put this idea in front of many members of the USA Green Party over the past week or so by copying and pasting this into many Donald Trump and Dr. Jill Stein Facebook groups........ no spectacular responses yet... .but I guess that is normal during the last stages of an election campaign. Florida residents should consider Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party. ........
Sure... .shark cartilage is highly marketable.... and it will be necessary to do all of this in sections anyway..... I was thinking that the concrete trenches should be deep enough so that the water is cold near the bottom..... for the species that prefer colder water....... OK..... some people like their shark in fillets.
They should stock it with game fish too. I hear they've created genetically altered marlin that can pull a 35 ft. fishing boat like it was toy.
Thank you for sticking up for the basic concept. I was quite impressed by the results of the related poll that I began back in 2013. The Sahara Forest Project...and saving New Orleans and Florida from rising oceans! Is turning deserts green a good response to climate change?Voters 25. You have already voted on this poll No, only a carbon tax of some form will stop climate change! 1........4.00% Yes, plants are both a carbon as well as a water sink! 9...........36.00% No, we should never engage in geo-engineering of any form or shape, EVER!!! 6.........24.00% Yes, with one billion hungry, how can we go wrong by producing more food? 14......56.00% Multiple Choice Poll.
True........ game fishing is a big part of what I have in mind! My two somewhat humorous submissions for $25 million Virgin Earth Challenge. Back in 2007 Sir Richard Branson and Mr. Al Gore announced the Virgin Earth Challenge! I had watched "An Inconvenient Truth" several times already and I was thinking about another angle on the subject that would fit better with Isaiah chapter 35. ......... Canadian economist John Hotson worded this much better than I ever could: How can we now reform our unsustainable financial system? Is John Hotson Ph. D. correct in the following assertion?
Exactly! Some experts have written articles on some greening in astonishingly dry areas of the Sahara Desert and Australia that has been happening and one of the best theories they have on why plants are shooting up in areas where no other factor seems to have changed....... is that higher atmospheric carbon dioxide may be causing those plants to flourish. Carbon Dioxide Greening Deserts
A lot of famous people have stated that they will move up to Canada.... if Mr. Trump is elected President....... One town in Canada that deserves consideration even by President Obama and his family is Canso, Nova Scotia. Sometimes a name... a word.... can be worth billions... maybe even trilllions?! CanSo Dollars... could finance a Unified Theory of Modern World Problems?!
I propose that rather than a wall we begin planting large amounts of engineered poisonous thorn bushes with interspersed toxic ivy areas that spread slowly into Mexico. On the U.S. side of this deadly jungle we monitor for corpses and then catapult them into Mexican territory as a warning for little chillens and banditos.
If you elect Hillary tomorrow..... she might just be tempted by an idea like this..... but if you elect Mr. Trump.... I suspect that he would not want to embark on a policy that would tend to unnecessarily annoy President Putin. Russia Says No to GMO Seeds
Wow! I do love this idea of combining this with a plan to preserve some endangered species and increase tourism to the Mexico - USA border area! That should create jobs on both sides of the border..... and decrease the desperation that so many residents of Mexico and South America have to make it to the USA.
But........ if only one or two major leaders do have the will for something like that........ the majority of Americans to one degree or another will play...... "follow the leader." President Obama, remember the Antigonish Movement?